
Summer, Idol and Love

"I remember his eyes!!" * * "I can't let this happen!!" * * "Will you put the ring on my finger?" * * "What do you think of my back after checking it out with your donut eyes??" * * Kaya Rai....a girl studing in university and NJ aka Han Eun Woo is a lead rapper of worldwide famous K-pop boy band Blue. Both of them living in their own different worlds. But... " " " But.....Kaya and Eun Woo met each other and they found their lives get entangled like a rope. So let's dive into the book. There is a lot more to discover in the book about the two. A plenty of things that running around Kaya Rai and Han Eun Woo are yet to know!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I will try my best for all of my lovely readers ♥️ Support my book!! Vote my book!! This is my first time writing a novel. I wrote a few poems and much more stuff before but nobody has ever read them except me so I don't know at all what others think of my writings and what are my limitations? where do i lack? where do i have to improve? So, tell me about anything that you think of my writing and novel. Let me know of your thoughts about my writing and my story making in comments and reviews.

Ivie · Fantasy
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Then Kaya came into her room and Su Yeon asked Kaya,"You got your mobile phone..." Kaya said,"Yup!!"

At that time, both Su Yeon and Kaya's phone poped up with an instagram notification and they checked it.

Noah had uploaded a photo of their wall painting; both of them looked at each other with serious expressions and then they started laughing, Kaya said, "They are really bad at painting charachters!!"

Su Yeon said,"I...I have no words Kaya, I just can't stop laughing!!!!". They kept laughing for sometime.

Dhruv called Kaya and she picked up; Dhruv said,"Let's go to terrace.." Kaya and Su Yeon went to terrace where Dhruv and Noah were already standing.

As soon as they saw Dhruv and Noah, they burst into laughter again; Noah asked them, "Hey!! What?? Why are you laughing??"

Su Yeon said while laughing, "Your painting was awesome!!!!" Dhruv said, "Ok! Ok! Keep laughing. Its good we both are spreading happiness." He said sarcastically.

Kaya and Su Yeon laughed more loudly for little more time. Then all of them spend sometime on terrace and went down; had dinner and finally went to their rooms to sleep.

Next day, they went to art class and then museum trip. Later, Kaya, Su Yeon and Dhruv helped Noah to pack his stuff that evening and after having dinner they went to their rooms.

And the last day of the camp was there. Everyone is little bit sad that camp is going to end. They had a little farewell party, all of them bought a gift for this party as they were told by their conuselor. Their teacher said, "Finally this is the last day....It was a great time that we spent together...we make new friends, new connections....and most important we learnt something and remember, always keep learning. My blessings are with you all!!" Everyone was listening to her.

She continued,"Now the gifts you have brought put them in that black box and close that box." All the students did the same as their teacher said, then party was on.

After sometime, teacher randomly distributed those gifts and everyone got one gift. Then Su Yeon said to Noah, "Dude!!Party is soooo boring. Let's get out of here." Noah said, "Ok! Let me call Dhruv and Kaya."

Noah called Dhruv and asked,"Are you with Kaya??" Dhruv said,"Ya!! We are outside." Noah said, "Ok ! Me and Su Yeon also coming. Wait for us." Then Noah and Su Yeon went outside where Kaya and Dhruv were standing.

Kaya said,"Party is so boring guys. Let's go somewhere else." Su Yeon said,"Let's go to Han river!!! We will rent bikes there. It will be fun." Kaya and Noah nodded while Dhruv said, "Ok!!"

Then they went to Han river; rent bikes and ride them. They started a bike race and made condition that whoever would be last have to buy pizza and coke for everyone.

Kaya was last in the bike race and Dhruv was first. Then Kaya bought a pizza and coke for everyone; they sat under a tree beside Han river, Dhruv said, "I'm the winner!!! Kaya is a loser...Kaya is a loser"

Kaya said,"So what!! I'm not good at riding a bike and the pizza you are eating; i have bought it. So stay quiet if you want to eat it."

Everyone laughed and Dhruv said, "Ah!! I always become a joke!!" They stay there till evening when Kaya got a call from Eun Woo, she picked up and said,"Hello!!!!"

Noah twisted his face in disgust, when he saw Eun Woo's name on Kaya's mobile screen and smile on Kaya's lips.

Eun Woo said,"What's up?? What's going on??" Kaya said,"Sitting beside Han river." Eun Woo said, "Wooo!!! Great..!! Uhm..mm..Let's have dinner together. Call Su Yeon, Noah and Dhruv also." Kaya said, "Let me ask others."

She said in a low voice,"Say No!!" before putting phone on speaker and said, "Eun Woo has invited us on dinner. What do you say??" Su Yeon replied suddenly, "Done!! We all are coming." and Su Yeon grabbed Kaya's phone ; cutted the call.

Dhruv punched his fist in the air,"Yeah!!! Dinner with Blue.." Noah said," What's so great about it? Speak more loudly Dhruv so that anyone in Seoul can hear you."

Meanwhile, Dhruv thought, 'It is a great thing. You are so jealous and scared that you can't see it. Have some courage man."

Then Kaya said, "I don't want to go... Last time it was too embarassing they way i met them.....Ahh!! I can't go there."

Su Yeon said,"Its fine...please for me. Please!!!! Kayuuuu!!! Please!!!!" Kaya said,"Ok! Ok! fine. Count me in."

Su Yeon said,"Let's go now!! They must be waiting." Kaya said,"Its too early. Let's go to dormitory first."

Su Yeon said,"No,I can't wait to go. I'm going. You all can come later. Bye!!" Su Yeon got up and started walking.

Kaya said, "It seems like we also have to go." They also got up and Kaya said,"Su Yeon, wait for us!! We are coming." Su Yeon said,"I knew it. You will not leave me alone " Then they went to Eun Woo's house.

Kaya knew where the house was as she has visited their two times and security also let them in because Eun Woo has already told the security about them.

On reaching there, Su Yeon rang the bell and Kaya said,"How will i face them??" Dhruv said, "Relax..." and the door was opened by Ji Wook.

Su Yeon got more excited,"Oppa!!" Ji Wook laughed and said,"Come inside." Kaya hitted Su Yeon from back and whispered in her ear"Control Su Yeon!!" They went inside and Eun Woo, Dong Hwa and Ha Won were sitting there.

They also sat down and everyone said hello to each other. They sat for a while and Su Yeon said,"Me and Dhruv are your biggest fan!!! I have listened to all of your songs. You guys are best. I told you last time also..but!!"

Ha Won said,"Thank you!!" Dong Hwa said,"Hey Kaya!! Why are you silent? You seem little tired." Kaya said, "Nothing!! I'm fine. Actually it was a long day."

Dhruv said while laughing,"We went to Han and we did a lot of bike riding and Kaya lost the race." Kaya said,"Don't you dare to laugh with that mouth of yours with which you eat the stuff that I bought. I will ofcourse win next time." Eun Woo said, "That's the spirit!!!" Then Kaya said shyly,"Thanks!!"

Eun Woo knew that she is feeling uncomfortable so he started talking to her.

Eun Woo said,"Woo!! You all have gifts." Kaya said,"We had a little farewell party. We bought a gift and randomly exchanged them"

Eun Woo said,"Open it. Let's see what's inside." Dhruv said,"Okk!!" They opened their gifts and Noah said,"Kaya, i get the key chain that you bought." Kaya said,"Wow!! I get a panda doll!!! Its soo cute!!" Dhruv said,"I get a desk clock." Su Yeon said,"I get a coffee mug."

Ji Wook said, "I love this idea of exchanging gifts." Whe Eun Woo's whole attention was as at Kaya who was smiling and giggling which was making Eun Woo somewhat happy.

Then Kaya asked,"Where is Hitachi?" Eun Woo said,"He has gone out with our maid. He will be back soon." Kaya said,"Ohh!!"

Then they just talked a little and after sometime, Hitachi came and Kaya ran to him and said,"My little puppy!! I was just asking about you a little while ago."

She sat down on the floor and started playing with Hitachi. While Su Yeon said,"Can you sing a song for us?" Dong Hwa said,"Why not?? Come to our studio room." Then they all went to their home studio with Hitachi and they just got lost in music.

After one hour, Dong Hwa eneded their personal live show and placed his guitar aside and said,"Its time to dinner guys...!!" Dhruv said, " I'm feeling too hungry..Let's go!!"

Then they were going to dining room and Eun Woo came near to Kaya and murmured in her left ear while bending his neck,"Are you ok?" Kaya said, "Yup!!!"

Eun Woo nodded and said,"Hitachi must be hungry. Give him to me. I will come after feeding him." Kaya said, "Can i come with you?" Eun Woo said,"Ok!!"

Eun Woo took Hitachi into a room while Kaya said,"Woo!!Hitachi has his own room" Eun Woo said,"Ya!! This room was empty and also very small, so we gave it to Hitachi."

Then they gave food to Hitachi and went to the dinning room. Eun Woo sat on the dinning chair and Kaya sat on the left side of Eun Woo. All of them started eating dinner.

Then Su Yeon started speaking out of the blue, "Kaya, thank you!!" Kaya placed hus spoon down and asked"For what??"

Su Yeon said,"If that Sam has not called that day then you had not gone outside and you won't be able to meet Hitachi and Eun Woo. And if all that wouldn't have happened then we must not be sitting here with Blue. It's all thank to you and Sam also. He always calls at right time."

Everyone, ".....!?"

When she said the word, Dhruv let out a sigh and Noah thought," Is she going mad??" while Eun Woo just looked at Kaya.

Dhruv made a fake laugh and said,"Su Yeon was joking." Ji Wook asked,"Who is Sam by the way?" Noah angrily said,"Nobody!!"

While everyone was talking Kaya didn't said anything and then she spoke, "Sam is my ex-boyfriend!!! He still calls me to remind me that i should not date any more."

Ji Wook said, "Oh sorry!! I didn't mean that." Kaya smiled and said,"Ahhh!! You don't have to be sorry. Its completely fine. It's all in the past now."

Then Eun Woo changed the topic; said,"This Sunday we are going to a trip on a private island." and Dong Hwa said suddenly,"And you all are coming with us!!"

Dhruv said, "Its great. We are in. Our college is starting after one week, so we have just one week to enjoy." Ha Won said,"Perfect!! Our trip is also for one week."

Then Kaya said,"Sorry but we can't come.Noah has his flight on Sunday and we all have to go airport. Then we have to look for a house also."

Ha Won said,"Our manager will find a house for you all. Why don't you live in our building." Su Yeon said,"We can't afford it." Eun Woo said,"I will pay for it."

Kaya turned towards him and looked at him with big furious firey eyes,"Not at all and don't dare to say this again."

When she looked at Eun Woo like this, Dong Hwa, Ha Won and Ji Wook thought the same thing, 'She dares to give this look to him. She really has got some guts.'

Meanwhile, Su Yeon was in deep thought and she said while getting up from her chair,"I have an idea. See!! Noah has his flight in morning, after that we can go to trip and we can look for the house tomorrow."

Dhruv said,"Perfect!!!!" Noah also said, "We can go tomorrow. I will find a perfect house for you." He said while looking at Kaya.

Kaya said,"Ok!!" Then Eun Woo said,"I will also come with you tomorrow." Noah quickly denied, "No thanks!!" His harsh reply attracted all the orbs around him to look at him, so he continued, "I mean..that..we can't bother you."

While Dong Hwa thought, 'Why this man is testing Eun Woo's patience." Then he hurriedly said,"Eun Woo, we have to meet our producer tomorrow." Eun Woo said,"Ya!!"

Then after having dinner, Eun Woo drop them at dormitory. Everyone got out of the car while Kaya said,"Bye!! Go safely." Eun Woo said,"Ok bbye!!" and then he went to his home.

While,they were going into their rooms Su Yeon said,"Let's do packing now. Then tomorrow at sharp 9a.m. we will go to find a perfect house. Ahh!! I'm so excited." Dhruv said,"Ya!!" Then they did packing and fell asleep.

Meanwhile, Eun Woo reached his home and he saw that Kaya's gift- Panda doll was lying there at the couch. He took that Panda in his hands and looked at it; said,"You are also like Kaya..... so cute."

Then he went to his room and placed that Panda on his bedside table and fell asleep.