
Summer Come

Summer usually has temperatures that are not as common as other seasons. Temperature elevations are usually unnatural and can be up to 37 degrees celsius. But on the other hand, summer vacation is what I'm waiting for! we finally went on vacation to a recreation park and stayed at a hotel, but in our ignorance about this hotel, it turned out that we stayed at a hotel that had magic in it, we were trapped inside, couldn't get out, even got out of the room and my parents… ah I wanted to cry. There is no summer vacation this year I have to be able to save my parents, must be able, I can't get out of this hotel alone, this year's summer vacation has been the most troublesome, fortunately, I met a man, he is my classmate, but the sense of pleasure disappeared instantly remembering his behavior at school. We ended up struggling to get the keys to getting our parents out and out of this strange hotel.

Randomline · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Chapter 19

I and the maid rushed over, I also quickly helped Ansel to stand up. Ansel immediately cleaned his body from the attached soil. I looked at the waiter.

"Quick!" he insisted.

The waiter and I rushed to the swing carousel game and went upstairs to go to the entrance, while the waiter headed for the machine from the game. Without waiting for a long time the waiter stuck his card into the machine, immediately the machine turned on, then the waiter pressed the active button.

Without waiting for a few seconds, the swing carousel engine was activated instantly, the decorative lights on the walls of the machine, spread rapidly up as high as 92 meters, and instantly the recreation arena was brightly lit. Ansel covered his face with his hands, he was dazed.

Ansel was surprised to see the game lit up at night, his mouth agape, his hands also flying, which had previously closed his eyes. I immediately got into the swing carousel, this chair has straps between the two sides of the chair, and hooked up, the chair floats, like a swing. I chose the closest chair, sat down, and raised the lock for safety. I looked at the waiter, the waiter nodded, and I followed him in the direction. The waiter presses the button.

The engine started to move, the engine screeching sound began to be heard, and the floating chairs began to move in a clockwise direction. My seat also started to move, the longer the spin the faster it went. At first, I really enjoyed it, but after a while, my stomach started to hurt, I tried to distract myself while looking at the scenery. The scenery is not as beautiful as yesterday's game.

The swing carousel is getting tighter and tighter, my seat is getting tilted, 30 degrees, I fly crashing into the earth's gravity. Not long after the rotation slowed down, I was gripping the rope tightly, holding back nausea, the sight didn't distract anything, what made my stomach nauseous and my head was getting dizzy.

The rotation slowed down, I closed my eyes to be calmer and also felt my chair slowly stop turning. I've been enjoying the night breeze since yesterday, it's not good, I'm sure, back to the hotel I have to take medicine.

Of the many dark windows upstairs, one was lit. We cried out anxiously. I unlocked the seat not waiting for the engine to shut down completely. As the chair turned at the exit I immediately got off and exited the game area. From outside the maids and Ansel were already shouting to get out of the game.

The maid quickly removed the key from the machine, instantly the swing carousel turned off instantly, and the bright light now disappeared instantly. The swings came in very slowly. I ended up running to a nearby building, not far away, I just hid without them.

The maid shot a flashlight in various areas, I was hiding as well as holding my breath so as not to make a sound. Footsteps sounded, and I held back nausea. I've been feeling dizzy ever since, I really can't help but feel nauseous.

My stomach was spinning, my hands were also trying to press the stomach to divert nausea but it was no use. I want to throw up, the remaining food has started to go up to my throat, my hand spontaneously holds my mouth so it doesn't come out, the feeling of a fairy in the throat area begins, mixed feelings of anxiety and fear.

Footsteps really sounded very clear, the air of someone beside me was getting closer. I tried to swallow the rest of the food back, but couldn't, forced to hold it in my throat.

In only a few seconds the maid left my surroundings. Instantly the flashlight outside had disappeared, and the recreation area was quiet and dark again. I immediately opened my hands, and automatically all my vomit came out, the rest of last night's dinner turned into water and melted like green porridge.

I massaged my head, slowly squatting down, hoping to calm down. Before long, the maid and Ansel came to see me, and we looked at each other, worried.


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