
Summer Come

Summer usually has temperatures that are not as common as other seasons. Temperature elevations are usually unnatural and can be up to 37 degrees celsius. But on the other hand, summer vacation is what I'm waiting for! we finally went on vacation to a recreation park and stayed at a hotel, but in our ignorance about this hotel, it turned out that we stayed at a hotel that had magic in it, we were trapped inside, couldn't get out, even got out of the room and my parents… ah I wanted to cry. There is no summer vacation this year I have to be able to save my parents, must be able, I can't get out of this hotel alone, this year's summer vacation has been the most troublesome, fortunately, I met a man, he is my classmate, but the sense of pleasure disappeared instantly remembering his behavior at school. We ended up struggling to get the keys to getting our parents out and out of this strange hotel.

Randomline · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Chapter 16

Before long, there was another knock on the door, this time softer and a little more polite. I rushed to grab hold of the doorknob, I guarded the man who had just cursed, I had to get ready.


The founder of this hotel stood in front of the door, because of his large body he covered the access door, behind him there were two maids ready to help. I was actually really scared, but I had to be strong in front of the founder.

"Excuse me, have you seen a man?" asked the founder in a loud voice. Oh no, I'm holding back laughter, I really just heard his voice, he deserves not to give a chance to people who nag, his voice makes people laugh apparently.

I shook my head quickly.

"You're not lying?" he asked reassuringly.

I nodded quickly, I just wanted to laugh now. But it's impossible to laugh in front of him, I will be made more than just a statue that will be displayed in the hotel lobby.

Without giving any statement the founder and his two bodyguards just walked away from me. Thankfully I stepped back and quickly closed the bedroom door, so relieved I wanted to laugh.

But, I remember something, my laughter disappeared instantly, I walked a step closer to the main window and shouted in annoyance.

"ANSEL!!!" I shouted looking around the room.

Not long after he came out of hiding, he hid in a fairly large drawer. He stood up while cleaning his clothes. The game seems like he doesn't have any burden.

"It's so cramped in there," he grumbled, pointing at the drawer he had previously been hiding in.

"Yes indeed, it's not a place to hide" I snapped and folded my arms across my chest.

"Yeah, I'm sorry," said Ansel, reaching out for a handshake.

I sighed, looking down at his hands. What did he do?

"it means?" I asked not understanding.

"Yeah.. sorry? Yes, I'm sorry I went into your room," said Ansel smiling while moving his hand.

I nodded in understanding, and we shook hands. But I didn't just let go, I tightened my grip.

"Ow!" he cried out in pain.

"Oh, God! Ansel, why do you always bother me?" I asked resigned to the situation. At the same time let go of his hand. By the way yeah, Ansel was that boy who always bothered me at school, which I told you about. Now that we're meeting on summer vacation, even sharing a room, it irritates me even more.

Ansel smiled, massaging his hands. His face was completely devoid of fear, ahhh so annoyed.

"Esha, I didn't even know that your summer vacation came here, anyway, I happened to see you when I was being chased, huh… an opportunity for me to enter and hide here," Ansel explained.

"Oh yes, you were chased by the founder of this hotel?" I asked curiously, lowering my voice at the same time.

Ansel nodded, his face serious. "Your parents were made into statues?" asked Ansel.

"Hmm..." I slowly lowered my head, looking to the right and left, "yes... I'm alone in this room" I said slowly again.

"Yeah, same… I ran here to avoid the founder, they brought my family who has become a statue, I don't know what to do. I had intended to take revenge but that was impossible," he explained.

"Since when did your parents become statues too?" I asked.

"here. Actually, I was about to nag but I was late, seeing my parents and brother who had become statues, I immediately moved back and went back into the room, I don't know I don't know what to do at that time, "Ansel replied.

"Your choice is correct, you shouldn't be nagging, my parents are the same as your parents, at the time of the incident, I just sat and watched from a distance but after approaching they have become statues" I also told.

"Now what can we do?" asked Ansel, his face worried.


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