
Summer Cohabitation Love Song

This is a romantic story of an age-gap relationship. Ethan, coming from a wealthy background, finds himself drawn to Bella, the older sister of his good friend. How will they navigate their relationship and connect despite their differences?

DaoistiTRtkJ · Urban
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11 Chs

Chapter 9

Bella sat on the steps in the yard, silently gazing up at the summer night sky. Keeping her company were Cotton, Snowflake, and Coal, this little tyrant. 

As soon as Coal moved into the White household, with his overwhelming presence, he quickly became the leader of the three dogs, having no difficulties in adapting at all.


And Cotton and Snowflake also did not reject the new member of the family. They approached and sniffed Coal a few times, wagging their tails to welcome Coal's joining. After all, they were all "dogs" that had fallen from the same sky!

"Here's your milk," Ethan's magnetic deep voice sounded beside Bella, interrupting her thoughts.

"Oh!" Bella reached out her right hand to take the warm milk. "Thank you."

Ethan managed to clear a space on the crowded steps filled with big dogs and lazily sat down.

"What are you thinking about?"

He could tell that Bella had something on her mind, patiently waiting for her to say it herself. But one evening was almost over and she still hadn't shared her worries with him, indicating the seriousness of the situation. So he had to personally ask her.

"Ethan, I wanted to ask you, will Jake's hospitalization cost a lot of money?" Bella gently sipped the warm milk, suddenly feeling that her favorite creamy milk had become a bit tasteless.

Even if she didn't understand the hardships of life, she knew that staying in a double room would cost extra money. Adding the fact that Ethan hired a male nurse, it seemed like it wouldn't be cheap. She had to come up with a solution quickly.

Moreover, they had just taken in another big dog. They couldn't rely solely on Ethan to support them! Sigh!

"It probably won't be less than tens of thousands of dollars!" Ethan reached out his big hand to stroke her soft and shiny hair, already understanding what was bothering her. "Bella, you don't have to worry about Jake's medical expenses. The prize money he won from the race is even more than you imagine."


Bella's bright eyes revealed a hint of doubt. "Huh? Isn't Jake very poor? Otherwise, why does he always cry poverty to me?" It made her feel embarrassed to borrow money from him. 

"No, not at all. He just loves to complain about being poor." Jake was the most peculiar man she had ever met, he could be very generous to his friends, but would be stingy with himself. 

"Oh!" Bella glanced at him skeptically and reluctantly believed him. "Alright then! Jake's medical expenses are settled."

"Now that it's settled, why are you still frowning?" Ethan's lips, with their graceful lines, curved into a faint smile. It was rare to see Bella looking so troubled, which felt quite refreshing. 

Bella decisively put down her cup and half-knelt in front of Ethan, earnestly holding his hands. "Ethan, I think we should plan for the future." 

Ethan stared at his hands, which were surrounded by her small hands, in astonishment. He cautiously asked, "Plan for what?" 

How could someone as carefree and absent-minded as a wandering hermit say something constructive like this? Was it because he underestimated her, or had something happened to her? 

Bella glanced back at the three spirited big dogs and clearly felt a heavy pressure. "Ethan, we now have three dogs and a cat. It's a great responsibility; we must ensure they live healthy and happy lives."


"I know this." Ethan raised his handsome eyebrows and started to look forward to what she was going to say next.

Bella stared at his handsome face firmly and continued seriously, "So we have to work hard to earn money to feed Cotton and never let them go hungry."

"Bella, are you worried about money?" Ethan gently pulled her closer, sitting her on his lap and hugging her tightly from behind.

Seeing her solemn and serious expression earlier, he thought something serious had happened, but it turned out to be this little thing!

"Yes!" Bella leaned against him, her brows furrowed with worry. "The cost of food for Cotton is getting more and more expensive."

In the past, she was the only one worried about money, but now there was one more person sharing her worries. It felt good to have someone to go through difficulties together.

"Fool! Why do you worry about money?" Ethan held her, gently rubbing his chin against her soft black hair. "Don't worry, I don't care about this little money."

"No! You're already so poor, how can I keep using your money? I think I'd better start working tomorrow." Bella made a painful decision.

"Poor?" Ethan asked with a smile. "Who told you I'm very poor?"

"Jake! He said you've been having a hard time lately and asked me to take care of you for a while, so I figured it out!" Bella didn't want to be too blunt, fearing it would hurt his male pride.


Ethan exhausted all his self-control and managed not to burst out laughing. "Bella, I'm so poor, why would you dare to be my girlfriend?"

Aside from feeling a little moved, he also admired her courage. Nowadays, don't girls want to find a wealthy husband and rise to the top like a phoenix? Yet, in the mistaken belief that he was a pauper, Bella was still willing to be his girlfriend. Had she gone "daft"?

"Because you're so kind to Cotton and them! Besides, what's the point of earning so much money? It's such a waste of time. As long as it's enough," Bella said, playing with his fingers, "Ethan, having money or not doesn't matter. What matters is living fast, not living happily."

That's her philosophy of life. A person's life is so short, just a few decades. If it's all spent in a frenzy, wouldn't that be a pity? By the time money is finally earned, one is already old. Even if one wants to enjoy life, it's too late. What fun is there anymore?

After listening to her "philosophy," Ethan couldn't help but awkwardly clear his throat. "Um... Bella, I have to tell you something."

"Okay, go ahead!" Bella leaned against him, feeling so comfortable she almost fell asleep. Hmm... It's about time to go to bed.

"Actually, my family background is pretty good! I have a high salary, I'm not the pauper you thought I was." Ethan didn't want her to misunderstand for so long.

Bella was stunned for a moment, then turned from his embrace in astonishment. "Then why did you 'wander' to my house?"

"It's because I wanted to pursue you," Ethan said to Bella with sincere intent.

"Pursue me?!" A trace of skepticism slowly climbed onto Bella's serene and elegant face. Someone pursues in this way?

"Your mind is so carefree. If I don't spend my days and nights with you, gradually integrating into your life, so that you can't be without me by your side, how could I possibly pursue you?" Ethan proudly stroked her head.

Bella stared in astonishment at his annoying smile, her small mouth wide open. "Wow! You're so cunning!"

"If I weren't cunning, how could I pursue you?" Ethan hugged her and kissed her forcefully.

Bella used her index finger to scrape his face, which was covered in green stubble. "Cheeky face."

"Aren't you angry?" Ethan chuckled lightly, affectionately taking her cute finger into his mouth and gently nibbling on it.

Bella's cheeks were flushed, she could only stare blankly as he bit and nibbled on her finger, completely lacking the ability to respond.

Summer nights are long and tender...


Just after three days in the hospital, Jake couldn't stand this idle and boring life anymore, and shouted to be discharged.

"Jake, how about this, why don't you move back home for now? When you're more mobile, you can move back to your apartment." Bella couldn't resist him and had to bring him back home to take care of him for a while.

There was no other way, since she loved her little brother the most.

Without giving Ethan a chance to intervene, Jake readily agreed. "Alright! Then I'll temporarily move back home."

How could he refuse? He was just worried that he wouldn't have a chance to observe the ambiguous relationship between Ethan and his sister Bella. Now, heaven had given him an opportunity. If he didn't know how to seize it, how could he face the heavens?

Ethan frowned, casting an unhappy glance at Jake. "I'll help Jake with his discharge."

This guy clearly saw through his relationship with Bella, and yet still wanted to move back and cause trouble. What on earth was he up to?

"Mr. E-Thornton, I'll go with you." Bella, as she ran towards Ethan, didn't forget to put on an act.

"Don't run." Ethan stood waiting for her at the door of the ward. When did she become so fond of "keeping up with the pace"?


Bella smiled sweetly at him, took his arm, and they walked along the corridor together.

"Ethan, after Jake comes home, can we temporarily go back to being landlord and tenant?" she asked him in a consultative tone.

"What do you mean?" Ethan abruptly stopped and turned to face her, annoyed.

"Um... It means we can't act too intimate, can't sleep together, can't kiss, can't cuddle, can't..." 

Bella didn't see his ugly expression and listed a series of rules in a sweet voice.

"I don't want to." Ethan narrowed his gloomy and dangerous eyes. How dare this woman deprive him, a man, of all his "benefits"?

It's really going too far,

"Be good! Just be patient," Bella coaxed him like a child, patting his handsome cheek. "Once Jake moves back to his apartment, I can continue being your girlfriend."

"Hmph! Why should I sacrifice so much for Jake?" Ethan coldly snorted, unmoved.

Who knows how long Jake will stay? If that stinky brat deliberately refuses to leave for a year or longer, then his "happiness" will be ruined.


"Ethan, we must keep it a secret from Jake, we absolutely cannot let him know about our relationship!" Bella's persuasive tone suddenly turned serious.

"Why?" Ethan frowned, displeased, with his two handsome black eyebrows furrowed. Does this woman really think that Jake can't see through us?

As long as someone isn't blind, they should be able to see some clues, especially someone as sharp as Jake.

Bella blinked her bright eyes and said, "Ethan, don't you think it would be a little embarrassing if Jake found out?"

"I don't think so," Ethan said with a sultry and beautiful face, not believing that the reason could be so simple. "What else?"

Bella's clear eyes were filled with distress as she spoke. "Because Jake can't keep a secret, if he finds out about us, he will immediately inform my parents."

"And what does that matter?" Ethan became more confused as he listened.

Bella glanced at him with a sigh. "Then we'll be forced to get married in the church." Ah! Ethan just didn't understand her plight at all!

Although she was only twenty-six years old, her parents had always worried that she wouldn't get married. So, she absolutely couldn't let slip a word, otherwise both her and Ethan would be in trouble.

Ethan furrowed his brows, pressing his hands against the wall, trapping Bella fiercely. "Don't you want to marry me?!" A sense of crisis welled up in his heart.


"Huh? Do you want to get married?" Bella widened her eyes in surprise and asked him in return, completely unaffected by his aura.

However, everyone, young and old, who passed by them, looked at their intimate posture with strange eyes.

"Nonsense!" Ethan snorted dismissively. "If we're in a relationship, the next step, of course, is marriage!"

"Wow! Ethan, you have such traditional thinking!" Bella exclaimed. It's not easy to find such a young person nowadays!

Ethan's handsome face darkened as he stared intensely into Bella's eyes. "Damn it! Don't tell me you don't want to get married."

Under his threatening gaze, Bella mustered up the courage to speak timidly, "Well...I really don't want to get married."

Strange! How did they end up discussing such a serious matter in the corridor of a hospital?

"Why don't you want to get married?" Ethan asked with a sour face. Damn it! He had finally succeeded in chasing after her, and now she had the audacity to say she didn't want to get married! Did the heavens think they're giving him too few tests?

"Marriage means losing freedom! And it's so troublesome!" Bella casually glanced at him as if he had asked a foolish question.

Marriage is not just a matter between two people, but a major event involving two families. Not to mention all the rules and ceremonies, just thinking about dealing with so many people in the future made her head ache.


Upon hearing this, Ethan immediately decided to hint to Jake to inform his parents. 

"Let's go! We're going to check out of the hospital," Ethan lightly tapped her snow forehead before taking her small hand and walking forward. It's not the time for discussion now, he'll come back another day to brainwash her.

"Oh!" Bella, while being led along, anxiously asked, "Ethan, do you really want to get married? Shouldn't you think about it some more? You're still so young, don't be too hasty!"

"Shut up!"

Ethan's painful low growl echoed through the hallway for a long time...


"You, come here." A strong arm stopped Bella, who was carrying a laundry basket and humming a song, and pulled her towards the backyard.

"What's the matter?" Bella was dragged along in a daze. "Ethan, walk slower, my clothes are about to fall."

"Stop worrying about those dirty clothes." Ethan let go of the plastic basket in her hand and impatiently pressed her delicate body against the wall of the yard. "I'm asking you, when is that annoying guy going to leave?"

"What annoying guy?" Bella squirmed uncomfortably under his firm body and couldn't help but wriggle. "Ethan, step back a bit, don't press on me."


"It's Jake, right? When are you going to get rid of him?" Ethan showed no sign of backing down and instead used his advantage as a man to restrain her.

In front of Jake, this woman insisted on her highest principle of "no contact, no talking," completely ignoring him for three whole days, even kicking him out when he sneaked into her room at midnight. What a woman!

In any case, she had to give him an explanation today.

"Jake is my younger brother, and also your buddy from the military. How can you say he's annoying?" Bella patted his shoulder gently, slightly annoyed. "What did Jake do to upset you?"

Although it was a bit painful being pressed against the wall by Ethan, she decided to tolerate it, considering his sulky face.

"He didn't upset me, you did." Ethan grasped her chin in discontent, kissed her forcefully, full of aggression. "Now do you understand?" His scorching black eyes gleamed with desire.

Bella extended her slender jade finger and pitifully caressed her swollen lips. "Um...can you give me some more hints?"

He only kissed himself, how could she possibly know what she did to upset him?

Ethan complained unhappily. "That guy has been staying here, and I can't even have any intimacy with you." He busily kissed her forehead, cute nose, and both cheeks...he was extremely busy.


"Didn't we agree on this, Ethan? Can you hold on for a few more days, please?" Bella struggled to suppress the laughter that kept rising from within her chest.

Only today did she realize that Ethan also had an immature side to him.

Ethan gave her a fierce glare. "Who said I agreed? I never promised anything." His face was menacing, but his excited body kept pressing against her soft form, hoping to alleviate the burning desire that was driving him to the brink of deathly pain.

"Ethan, what... what are you doing?" Bella stammered as she pushed against his chest. "Please... let me go. I need to go... do the laundry."

Ethan lifted her petite buttocks and buried his face in her perky and round breasts, murmuring incomprehensibly, "I'll help you with the laundry later." He pulled up her skirt and pressed his fully erect member heatedly against the crevice of her legs, teasing her with a painful touch.

Afraid of falling, Bella quickly clung to his neck and tried to reason with him. "Ethan, please... calm down. We're in the yard, and people might... see us."

Heaven forbid! Could Ethan be thinking of doing that outside?

Finally, Ethan lifted his burning gaze and furrowed his brow as he surveyed their surroundings. However, when he saw the walls and the large trees nearby, his brow immediately relaxed. "It's fine! The yard has walls, and no one outside can see us."


He didn't want to risk missing this opportunity, who knew how long that bastard Jake would stay?

"What if Jake... catches us?" Bella's flushed face turned pale at the thought of this possibility.

"He's taking a nap." Ethan's large hand eagerly slipped inside her skirt, trying to remove her underwear.

Bella hesitated for a moment, quickly freeing one hand to hold onto her panties, compromising under his "sexual dominance" with a discolored face. "Fine! Fine, at most he won't rush you out at night, just stay with you, Ethan, let go of me quickly."

"No!" Ethan's blood was already boiling, his patience had run out, he had to have her right now, or he would explode.

"Ethan, stop it, okay?" Bella angrily pounded Ethan's hard muscles with her small fist.

"I'm getting angry!" 

Why do men become so unreasonable when it comes to desire?

"You can be angry!" Ethan hoarsely groaned, giving up on tugging at her panties and directly using his long and powerful fingers to stimulate her core, with the skills accumulated over the past month. 

A solid and pleasurable pressure rudely penetrated Bella's thin panties, reaching her desire center, causing an uncontrollable tremor and making her gasp. "Ethan..."

"I miss you so much, Bella," Ethan whispered huskily, his tense body trembling with a strong desire.

He didn't give her a chance to refuse as he lowered his head and covered her delicate and smooth lips, then probed his tongue into her mouth, greedily exploring the sweet taste of her.

"Mmm..." Bella protested angrily, frustrated not only with herself for reacting to him in an inappropriate place but also with this damn man for not respecting her.

"Alright! Calm down..." Ethan muttered as he unfastened his belt buckle and unzipped his pants, releasing his swollen manhood.

"Mmm..." Bella's protest was swallowed by Ethan, but it could vaguely be guessed from her muffled voice that she was saying something like, 'Who's in a hurry?! Stop it right now!'

Roughly tearing off her hindering panties, Ethan adjusted their position and couldn't wait to enter her hot and tight entrance.

In this suffocating penetration process, Bella clung to his body with a helpless grip, afraid to move.

Even though they had been intimate many times before, she still couldn't adapt to Ethan's immense size and each time she felt like he was even bigger than the last.

"Oh god! I shouldn't have taught you swimming..." Ethan let out a deep groan, his warm breath caressing her ear.

He took a difficult breath and his massive symbol of masculinity continued to slowly squeeze into her, pressing on her passage.

"Ethan..." Bella gasped brokenly, like a small fish caught in mid-air, feeling frustrated and vexed.

Once they reached the deepest point, Ethan began thrusting forcefully and vigorously, the smooth friction quickly igniting their passion...

"Ah..." Bella trembled and moaned softly, her nails unconsciously digging into his shoulders and back. In just a few rounds, she reached climax.

The spasms inside her came wave after wave, seemingly endless, a mixture of ecstasy and pain, exacerbated by Ethan persistently buried deep inside her passage, thrusting faster and faster, rendering her unable to move.

Ethan, drenched in sweat, lifted her hips higher, spreading her legs wider, allowing him to penetrate deeper into her.

"Ethan... please stop for a moment..." Amidst Bella's tender moans, the relentless contractions showed no mercy. Transparent love juices flowed down her thighs, wetting the point where they joined. "Ethan..."

"Almost there... almost there..." Ethan's grip on her hips tightened, his rock-hard muscles ravishing her body ferociously.

"Ah..." Despite her growing anger, Bella wished she could bash his stubborn head like an ass, but she was already exhausted from the overwhelming pleasure, resigned to leaning weakly against him, whimpering in resignation...

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