
Chapter 11: Lan Lan condition

Zheng mo. Zheng mo [Liu shuyin cries for him].

It's his voice.

[Both Zheng mo and Chucks goes towards him and sees that Liu shuyin is half covering her but Lan Lan gets hits].

Help me to get away from this.

[Both tries to remove that. There was only sound of the people cry and lots of blood was on the floor. Both taken out them and panting].

We have to take them from here. Zheng mo take Xing'er with you and Chucks help Lan Lan.

[Chucks helps Liu shuyin to get up and he taken Lan Lan and Zheng mo takes Xing'er and Liu shuyin is panting and he injured also.They tries to runs towards the gate but Chucks was crying by seeing the condition of Lan Lan].

Hey! It's not a time for such a shit! we have to take them hospital in time.

[All of them runs and the ambulance, fire brigade, and the media comes there. They took them to the ambulance and relaxed for a bit and Liu shuyin put his hands to Chucks shoulder and trying to give some confidence to him].


[In hospital].

[Mr Han watching TV].

What the hell is going on this earth?

Maybe it is some terrorist attack.

Terrorist attack in this reason? [Thinking] Maybe someone want to make fear of his on people's minds. I hope everyone will be okay.


[In Xing'er house]

What the hell is happens there?

[The driver scared by hearing this news and suddenly runs towards the He shen].

[In his scared voice] Master!... master.

Why are you so scared? Speak without any fear.

Master mylady says that she was going for shopping so I didn't pick up her on her way.

I think... I think.

[Raises and gets angry] Don't tell me she is on that place where the incident had happened?

I'm sorry master [crying].


Master it's not the time for things like this. Driver take out the car. [Driver runs towards the door and take out a car both He shen and his Butler go to that place for looking to the Xing'er.


[Liu shuyin and the others went to the hospital Lan Lan and Xing'er both were admitted to the ICU ward and Liu shuyin injuries was also treated by a nurse. Chucks is sitting in floor and keep his head down then Zheng mo comes to him to incourage him].

Don't worry everything thing will be okay?

Why this thing is happens with her she has nothing to do with this. I am the one who brings trouble to others and doing dirty job she has... she has... [crying].

[Zheng mo thinks in his mind]..

What should I say to him at a time like this?

[Then Liu shuyin comes and pointing to Zheng mo what happens to him put Zheng mo also can't give him a proper explanation and make his eyes away from them. Then Liu shuyin understand that he is sad for the Lan Lan and Zheng mo sad for the Chucks and he also couldn't said anything. Then the doctor came out from the ICU ward].

Don't worry the the young lady is fine she is fainted because of lots of smoke enters at her which affects her respiratory tract make her faint. But the little one.

[Chucks raises up] What happened to her?

She lost a lots of blood and there is some fatal injuries also we have to operate her.

Then do. Why are you standing here and telling this to us. [Chucks shouted at him].

Sir, we have our own rules firstly you have to sign on a agreement and deposit a money than we can do anything for her. Sister give them a agreement. [Goes away].

Sir, here is your agreement.

[Chucks snatches it and looks at the agreement].

Pen?.. give me pen..

Here it is.

[Chucks sign on the agreement both Liu shuyin and Zheng mo looking towards him].

Chucks control yourself.

I can't don't you see what happens to her.

It's not your fault.

It's mine [weeping swiftly] if I make it in time then this thing not gonna will happens.

It's not only your fault I am near her if I did something back then then this will not....

[Zheng mo shouted towards them] You both stop talking about yourselfs. This is not anyones fault.


If you are thinking that it's your fault then I tell you something we are many meters away from her and you Liu shuyin you also get injured during that time if you don't even get closer to them and cover them then both will end up there so stop thinking about that.

[Then suddenly doctor shows up] So you sign on the agreement now deposit the money.

How much?

Not much only 100 thousand RMB.


Is there any problem? If you can't deposit that much money than we can do nothing.

Okay! I will gonna deposit it soon. Firstly, start operating her.

Deposit it in two days otherwise we can do nothing. [Getting away from them].

[By hearing this Chucks got shocked and hold his head].

100 thousand. It is not a big deal to making me this amount of money but in such a short period of time. I don't think that I could make it.

Don't say that? We will together gonna do something?[Thinking]

I will talk to dad maybe he can give me some amount of money.

[Liu shuyin gets an Idea] I will get money there is money.

How you will gonna do that? You are just a highschool boy.

Don't worry about it I have a very awesome idea. [Looking towards them by smiling face].

[Getting away from them].


[He shen enters at hospital with his Butler and and go to receptionist].

[Shouting] Hey! tell me where is my daughter?

[Got scared] Sir!... sir! [checking her computer] she is on room no. 100 on 7th floor.

[Goes towards lift but He shen bumps with Liu shuyin who is coming there by running].

I'm sorry.. I am in very hurry.

It's okay kid.

[Liu shuyin again starts running and He shen Butler looks carefully at him].

What happened to you?

This kid looks familiar.

It must be your imagination.


[He shen and his Butler enters the lift and Liu shuyin is also moving of getting his special help].