
Sukuna in Marvel

Descended into this world of superheroes and villains with absolutely nothing except power and a creeping urge.. ..For pure hedonistic destruction of all

Honoured_Writer · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Military Timing

Hidden by secrecy and clouded in a bar-like ambiance lay a table of cold faced militaristic men each guided by their own ambition and 'righteous' patriotism

Their uniforms each decorated with gold and silver, testaments to their victories and bravery

Taking a puff from a prominent looking cigar, one of the generals - a white beared defined old man in his late sixties - hummed in silence

His impatient gaze surveying the room and its inhabitants each with equal status and power as him, "Well. How long to he gets here? I don't have all day to be seated here dwindling my thumbs with you four"

His finger began rhythmically tapping against the surface of the maple oak table.

The others stayed silent, clearly no stranger to the mans rather frank hot tempered attitude however another still piped up

"Patience is a virtue y'know," A shaggy black haired General answered , younger when compared to other but still old in his own right, "You should know that Tom"

With a scoff in displeasure, the now formerly named Dungan corrected scornfully , "General Colsier. I doubt you would understand, General Kysel, seeing as you and Stryker have been doing shit for all when dealing with our rising mutant problem"

The General frowned at Colsiers remarks. His attempted retort just freely interrupted by the entrance of another

Imposing. Assertive. With a strict and trained gait, ironed military wear obviously adorned with badges of American honour few could even dream of holding let alone earning

He was tall. Well defined in the muscular department and possessed Snow White hair and a trimmed stache. His presence simply commanded the room

This was General Thaddeus Ross

"Welcome Soldiers, shall we get down to business," He took his seat at the helm of the table with slow yet paced movements and with a wave of his hand holographic images of a pink haired boy, a ruined city and fact files each pertaining to the former child

"Sharp shooting and straight to the point," Colsier smirked

"Damion Saint. Age: 16. Height: 5'9. Parents: Adam and Kaori Saint. Siblings: None. X-Gene: None to speak of." Ross read out the details to the confusion of the five Generals

"Relevance General?" A portentuas man spoke up with a cock of the eyebrow accompanying

"He's the cause of the 200 metres of pure destruction that occurred during the extraterrestrial invasion," Ross explained to the shock of the others

A single serpentine smile slithered its way across Colsiers rugosely worn face

"We've managed to track down his location before any of our other 'competitors' were able to," Thaddeus began again displaying more photographs of the clinic and alleyways of New York, "If we're able to capture him, I can promise you that we can mould this boy into a weapon by harnessing his power for the good of this country"

Silence loomed once more before the ecstatic chortle of Colsier brought sound to world once again, "Haha So you want us to send out forces right away?..I'll make some cal-"

"Youre misunderstanding General, the troops are already on route to apprehend him" Ross responded with a devilish glint now playing about to the eyes of the two men

"General Ross.." Kysel spoke up and all eyes turned to him, "Don't take this the wrong way ..but how can you be sure this doesn't turn into another..Harlem Incident situation"

The calm facade that shrouded Ross demeanour cracked ever slightly as his gaze twitched in fury

"Frankly this seems to be impossible from what you've shown," Kysels sweat soaked leer motioned towards to the bare land of the once thriving lively city, "If he's able to pull off whatever god forbidden what ever he did two days ago then this battle looks..unwinnable"

"…Son, the only thing unwinnable in this world is the steel and fire of The United States of Americ-," His words faded to black as the earpiece in his ear rang loud.

And finally after a long minute that seemed a decade the General presented a malignant smile that broke the mould of his face, "Seems like your worries were for naught after all the boy is being transported to a secure location as we speak…"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The blades of the helicopters' wings sliced easily through the iced wind bringing the vehicles to even further heights as they raced across the city

"So..this the little shit that destroyed New York," a special forces soldier dressed head to toe in military gear indifferently spoke from the mask veiling his face, "He don't look special"

The red glare from the sockets in his mask peered down on the bloodied boy that sat opposite of him

His neck, ankles abs arms bound by technological marvels that would've restricted any type of supernatural power whether it be born out of the X Gene or something different

Four guns trained on him with heavily trained precision and accuracy, guaranteeing death if any hostility or resistance was shown

"You think it's one of those damn muties," another spat venomously

"I hope not, I'd hate to be in the same copter as one of those filthy things," He spoke to the amusement of a few others

Reaching over to grab the face the unconscious child he melded his features in the palm of his gloved features, "You're a damn monster. You see the destruction you caused. I can bet you don't even feel guilt at al-"

"B2. Let go," A commanding officer ordered from the front of the transport vehicle

"C'mon chief just having a little fu -"

A cold sweat broke out on the neck of the soldiers' necks

Their limbs and minds grew heavy with the trepidation of panick

As something primal.. something that transcended language, thought, culture and the eras was born in the hearts of every soldier present..


Hear us

Accept us

Embrace us

Take your throne once again

Black ink scorched onto the body of the body to form markings across his face, arms, legs and torso

An entity had incarnated once again to bring about pure hedonistic destruction
