

"Do you think my classmates will like me?" I ask Kian as I check the school's review over again. He glances at me and takes me hand in his.

"Yes, I'm sure they will," he says as he makes a turn into the entrance of a parking lot. "I just don't want any of the guys liking you too much," he says coolly as he drives into a dark parking area and parks his car in a spot next to another car like his. I can't make out much of which other cars are here because it's kinda dark.

"What's this?" I ask as I unbuckle and get my bag.

"It's the elite parking lot. Tight security, not that it's needed but all the same," he winks as he closes his door and I follow him through double glass doors and see light again. Not only that, but I also see stairs and learners and lockers and school bags and all high school things.

Back in England, we didn't have school bags; all our books were in our self-customised lockers. We also had uniform though. It was pretty classy and sassy at the same time. The juniors wore different from the seniors.

"Which subjects do I have?" I ask him as we walk down some stairs. I thought we were on the ground floor. Where did the stairs come from? I wonder as I look around. Most of the students are standing minding their business, some are smoking vapes and others are scribbling what I can only assume is homework.

"Math, Chemistry, English Literature, Ancient History, Biogeography and ICT. You can choose between French, Arabic, Italian or Spanish as your second language."

"How are the people in those classes?"

"They are fair, mostly nice. Cara is in your Eng Literature slot and the whole squad has Chemistry and Biogeography together."

I now realise we entered through the back doors because I see two large entrance doors straight ahead. A few girls turn in our direction roll their eyes. I shrug it off and look away. He knocks on a 'Receptionist' door and enters. A blonde lady smiles at us from her desk computer.

"Good morning, how can I help?"

"Good morning. I'm a new learner," I tell her and she types on her computer. "Kira Gonzales," I add and she nods enthusiastically before rolling on her wheeled chair to the printer. She presses a button and the printer pukes two papers.

"Here you go. make a turn here whenever you're free to take a student card picture," she informs me as she hands me the schedule.

"Great, thank you. Have a good day," I nod politely as we turn to leave and she waves.

"Let's see," Kian says as we head to I don't know where. "Your locker is next to Cara's."

I nod as I look around and my eyes stop at a dirty blonde-brunette that's standing with Cara. She stares at me and I stare back. Something's off with Cara because she turned and narrowed her eyes at me but didn't return my wave. She probably just doesn't recognise me yet.

"Earth to Kira," Kian nudges me and I refocus. "I said we're in the same home room."

"Thank goodness," I release a breath and follow him.

Once we enter the class, a few heads turn to look at us, or at me specifically. A few girls smile and others look me up and down. A few guys catcall and some wriggle their eyebrows at me.

"You want to sit at the back?" Kian asks.

"No, I think I'll sit in the front instead," I say as I tuck a loose strand from my messy bun behind my ear. Truth is, Cara gave me a bad vibe when she walked past us to the back with Ryan and some other guy. I do not want to draw attention to myself by walking past these students anyway.

"Please settle down," the teacher says over the noise in class. The same brunette I saw with Cara earlier walks over to the window and takes a seat. I walk over to her because the chair next to her is vacant.

"Hey," I whisper as more kids come into class. She looks up from her phone and removes her earphones before forcing a smile. "Is this chair owned?" She rolls her eyes and puts her phone away before dropping her foot from it.

"You can have it," she gives me a strained smile. I have the urge to clean her footprint, but decide to go against it. I sit down and look around. I see a pretty black-haired girl looking at me and laughing silently. She has a black leather jacket on and some black boots that are definitely worth giving your life insurance to get.

I look down at my hands and smile to myself. At least someone finds this amusing. I look up at her and she waves me to come over. Before I can decline her offer, she holds up an A4 paper that's written on in black choki pen:

I'm nicer than her :-p

I chuckle silently before taking my bag and getting up, keeping my head down and walking across the class. When I come over, she pats the place beside her clean and I chuckle quietly. She grins and hands me a slab of chocolate before eating one herself.

"I'm Laura," she whispers while the teacher makes some announcements.

"I'm Kira. Nice to meet you."

"Likewise," she leans against the wall. Is it just at my school where we were not allowed to lean against the walls in the classes? "You're really pretty," she says as she taps her pen on the table and throws her hair back, revealing a tattoo on her neck and black ear piercings.

"So are you," I reply honestly and she waves if off.

"You're actually not shy for someone that's new."

"Does it show that I'm new?"

"Well, you spoke to one of the devils herself," she directs me with her eyes to the girl I sat next to earlier, "so yeah, you're new."

"I believe we have a new learner here with us today," the teacher says. Yeah, add salt to the wound, why won't you? "Do you mind standing up and introducing yourself?" I nod and stand up, not bothering to look at the back of the class. I already feel eyes burning holes into me.

"Hi," I wave and unwillingly start giggling. A few girls giggle and some guys smirk. Before I realise it, I am laughing aloud. I cover my face with my hands and inhale deeply. "I'm sorry, I'm just nervous." A few heads nod knowingly.

"I'm Kira Gonzales, 17 years of age. I came from England not too long ago and yeah, I'm here." I look at the teacher and she gestures to the class. I notice that a few have their hands up. I point to a curly blonde girl.

"Which school did you attend in England?"

"Sir William Robertson Academy." I point to a guy with gold locks.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" I shake my head no and he high-fives his friends. Boys.

"What are you and Kian then?" The girl I sat next to previously asks. I give her a scowl and put my hand on my hip.

"What's it to you?" She didn't raise her hand, nor did I give her the chance to speak. The disrespect she has. I can already see how today will end up if I continue snapping at people.

"It's everything to me," she snaps back.

"Why? Because you're one of his little followers?" She clenches her jaw and slams her phone on the desk and sniggers.

"You're so added on Paige's list, sweetheart."

"Paige? That's the queen bee's name? The one I should be shaking in my boots when I see?" I ask sadistically.

"Yes," she flicks her tongue, "and you better watch out."

"I would but I'm too busy talking to an unrecycled piece-"

"There there, girls. Do we want to get detention already?" the teacher intervenes. "Thank you Kira," she says as she motions for me to take a seat.

I stride to my desk and I recline into the chair. I look at Laura and she's biting her lip. She squeezes my hand and I nod gratefully at her. I turn my head slightly and see Cara already looking at me. I raise an eyebrow in question and she just shrugs and rolls her eyes before putting her arm on Kian's shoulder.

There's a guy next to Kian on his left and Ryan next to that guy. Even Ryan is avoiding eye contact. Wow! Why am I not surprised? Maybe they really do not associate themselves with people like me. But if that's the case, why is Laura talking to me? It might also be a façade. How the heck am I supposed to find a friend now?