
Suicide Society

World War 3 started in the year 2020 and ended in 2030 by all of the governments coming together and creating a society where if your between the ages of 1 and 13, you have 3 strikes before you have to die; if your 14 and/or 15, you have 2 strikes and the strikes keep resetting on your 14th and 16th birthdays. If your 16 and older, if you make a mistake, then you have to commit suicide within a time limit. If you don't succeed, then you and everyone around you will die. Ace, being a hacker and is known for trouble finding her, soon has to die. Although, she does find a dangerous way out of committing suicide..... She has to play in the Games. The Games are just regular, everyday games played around the world with a deadly efficient twist. Everyone has 5 rounds to win before the finally. The first round they get 6 games to choose from, 2nd round 5, 3rd round 4, and so on and so forth. The final round is chosen by the Games Referee, who is usually a survivor of the Games. One thing that no one knows until the end is that if you have allies, you won't have to defeat them. The winner/winners of the games get a clean slate, a new life, and won't ever have to do what everyone else does unless they go and murder or rape someone. After winning the tough battle, she now has to figure out a way to destroy this Suicide Society after it being in place for more than a century and not cause chaos to everyone else. Read this grotesque roller coaster ride to find out if Ace Base actually succeeds.

Rose_Bane · Sci-fi
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Chapter 1: The Week I Finally Get Caught (Part 1)

5:55 AM

I've always had a knack for doing what I'm not suppose to. Generally, my talents lie in technology, gymnastics, adapting to my situation(IE. being resourceful), and getting into trouble when I initially didn't want to. It seems to me that ever since I first got a hold of a device, trouble has taken an interest in me and has fallowed me everywhere. My favorite bits of technology that I've built are the self- hiding land mines, my super- smart phone, and my personal laptop, all of which I keep to myself but sometimes I sell the mines on the barely existing black market.

I own my own Jack-of-All-Trades company called Ciel's Phantom Ghost. It's the 16th largest and richest company in the world. It owns 14 shops and other things. (I own all of the fallowing, just in case your confused.) The gadget and technology store Phantom Gadgets. The All-Around-the-World restaurant is Phantom Rikua (Ree-koo-a). The club is Person's (On the right side of the name, the music notes spell face; on the left, the music notes spell dead. Therefore, the real name is Dead Person's Face). Fantom Toys is a non-profit charity for those in need. Fantom Twins is a discount retail store like Walmart, where you can get food and everyday things like cloths or hygiene products. My 5-star hotel is Ethereal Chateau. First Fantom is my number 1 rated sporting goods store 5-years running. Scarlet Life Aqua is my water park that has been rated #1 4-years running. The most wanted private school is Cache(Cash) Palace. Phantom Blossoms is an expensive boutique. My amusement park is Shanandoe's Phantom. Phantom Musica(Moo-see-ca) is my music store. Society's Rebels is delinquent reform school with a 98.9% success rate (My mom once sent me there for 1st to 3rd grade). I also own the radio station Lived Evil on 66.6 F.M.. The last one is Getsom Phantom Firearms which is a store that sells military-grade weapons and other destructive forces. This year, my company will have been up for 7 years, although people believe that it'll be celebrating it's 50th anniversary. considering that I'm 16 years old, I own the company under a pseudonym and I do what I have to semi-anonymously or in someway that they don't find out the truth. Atlanta Constellation XI(11th) is the name I use. In in order to make that name 9 years ago, I had to use up one of my strikes. It took me a year to complete my project and have all of the information done right so she seems like a real person.

My real name is Ace A.(Artemis) Base. I have angel eyes, long-thick black hair, and a lithe figure. My IQ is 165. Although, most people that know me don't think of me as really smart considering I can be really psychotic or childish. How I know that I have a knack for trouble is because I've maxed out my strikes in the Little Stage (Ages 0 to 13, has 3 strikes) and the Preparatory Stage (Ages 14 to 15, 2 strikes) and if it weren't for circumstances, I wouldn't be here. The last stage that I haven't maxed out yet is the Responsible stage. That stage is for ages 16 and up and if a rule is broken, then you have to die. For all stages, if the strikes are maxed out and another rule is broken, a letter is sent to you and everyone who knows you saying how much time you have to die before they destroy you and everyone around you. How much time you have depends on the severity of your crime, the shorter, the more severe the crime is. The least amount of time you can have is three days and the max is 6 months.

You know, I hate this society so much that I wish I could destroy it. My problem is that it's so complex that I can't figure out how to destroy it. Once, at the risk of my own life, I hacked into the top secret files of the world and found out the only way that I could destroy it. The whole structure of this society is built on one single self-learning super computer. If that is destroyed, then the whole society is gone and crumbled to bits. Problem is that it can look, act, and become anyone including an infant. It can even create a person it wants to be. Plus, most of the security is built to keep this computer alive. It's annoying and unless I want to die, I can't make my wish come true.

Sorry all who wish to read this. I am suffering from major writer's block so this is on hold until I can get the inspiration again.

Contact me with ideas if you want me to continue.

Rose_Banecreators' thoughts