
Suggestion Ability: Lustful Young Master

This is a story about a reincarnator who is born as a young master of a large family, without a system, without a golden finger, where he only follows the arrangement of his parents, to become the right successor, turns into a different person when he gets the ability of suggestion, where all the darkness in his heart come out completely, become a morally degenerate person. additional tags: incest For those who don't like it, please stay away!

Hunter_BEAR · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Have A Goal

Entering the school gate, on the left side of the road, you can see a fairly large security guard post, with the entire front made of two-way glass, with two guards visible, one guard is outside the post near the gate, and the other guard is inside the guard.

When the guard outside the post looked at me, and focused on the gold badge on my shoulder, the guard nodded politely, to which I responded with a light nod.

Deciding to continue walking forward, the scenery began to change, as if I had entered a different world, because, as far as the eye could see, there were cherry blossoms by the side of the road, which were starting to bloom, showing their beauty to the world, which made my heart mesmerized for a moment, which was notlook on my face.

"Fairyland…" was the first word that came out of my mouth, when I saw the scenery around me, even though it only sounded like a whisper if someone was near me.

'To be honest, it took me a bit by surprise. like, I'm overestimating myself...' I thought to myself, because it seems, there are still many beautiful and interesting things in this world, which can fascinate me.

With a more sincere smile plastered on my face, I walked back at a lighter pace than before, while enjoying the scenery around me.

Unknowingly, I had walked for quite a while, until I saw a very large cherry blossom tree, whose branches extend and almost cover the entire garden, making the atmosphere more comfortable as a place to relax.

Approaching the empty bench, I decided to sit down first and enjoy the surroundings.

Leaning my head on the back of a park bench. Breathing fresh air slowly, my whole body becomes more relaxed, which makes me feel good.

My mind became clearer, the surrounding sounds became quieter, where I only heard a gentle breeze, which reminded me of my first life, when I was ten years old.

In my first life, I still remember it clearly, the view of the clear sky, in the vast green meadow, under the shade of the lush trees, and the strong breeze that sometimes hit my face, I lay on the grass, with my friends, playing and laughing together,no worries, just play around, have fun, avoiding the troubled world....

"Meow...." hearing the sound of a cat near me, and feeling something touch my feet, I regained my senses from my strange statestate.

Looking down, I saw a fat orange cat with a few brown pattern stripes on its thick fur, which made me pause for a moment, before taking a deep breath, and adjusting my emotions again.

When shifting my paw, the Cat doesn't seem to stick too much and leaves after a while.

After calming down, I started to think about my goal when I was reborn in this world, because, after entering that strange state earlier, I started to know that something was lacking in me, it was a goal, ambition, or maybe a dream.

From the moment of being reborn in this world, I have always tried to maintain the image of my family, by becoming a dignified young master in the eyes of others.

all my decisions were always determined by my father, who I always obeyed because I thought it would make my life easier when I became the leader of the Ryunosuke Clan in the future.

At first, I thought so because in my first life, I knew how hard and tiring it was to work when you didn't have the talent, luck, and good family connections.

Some might say, wouldn't if you work hard and have an innovative idea, it would be easy to earn money? But the reality says otherwise, because there are many people out there who work hard and earn little wages...

As for innovation ideas, only a few people have creative thoughts, and fewer people apply these creative ideas as opportunities to grow their businesses.


But, a while ago, after my mind entered into a strange state earlier, I just realized that being the leader of the Ryunosuke Clan is not a good choice, because, I saw an example of myself firsthand, namely my Father, a Clan leader, who always works day and night. , and nothaving free time to relax, always spending time at work, and some long trips that take a long time, which leaves me speechless.

Actually, although I was quite diligent in my daily life, I wasn't quite as crazy as my Father, who was obsessed with the Clan, and spent all his time trying to make the Ryunosuke Clan richer and more influential.

Even though my current father is not the best father out there, in fact, I still don't recognize him as my father in my heart, but, I respect him enough for his strong desire to make the Ryunosuke Clan more influential. But, I also think of him as a fool, for ignoring his beautiful wife, without the caress of pleasure for more than a decade.

Remembering my mother's lascivious face a few years ago, made me shake my head slightly, before remembering Aiko's lascivious face this morning, where I had some satisfaction from being able to make a beautiful woman orgasm with just a kiss and caress.

That's when the desire in my eyes began to burn brightly. And I have some ideas, about my life goals, my desires, and my dreams in this new world...

I decided to stand up from the park bench, and walk with steady steps, towards the school building, with my eyes full of determination, vowing to enjoy my life to the fullest. even if it has to violate both the rules and the morals, for I have laid it down.


Moments after Shinra entered the 'fairy tale land', in front of the Rose Academy gate, there was a white limousine car, with a black (S) symbol on the front of the car, and Latin writing (Shinomiya) on the center door of the car, indicating a special vehicle for the Shinomiya Clan. What is different from the Ryunosuke Clan car, where every Ryunosuke Clan property, only has the symbol R, because of the Clan's simplicity, which is quite difficult to notice.

Seen a female driver in a black coat and black pants, who came out to open the center door, where was seen a cute 12 year old girl, with pink hair tied into a double ponytail, her twintails tied by two black bow bows withThe beautiful red embroidery, combined with her red eyes filled with curiosity, made her even cuter.

Wrapped in a navy blue skirt and white shirt with a wide blue and white collar, which is accompanied by a butterfly ribbon right on the collar button, with a gold Rose Academy badge in the middle of the ribbon, making someone want to hug her.

Behind her, there was a fat orange cat jumping out of the car, which ran ahead of her towards the school gate.

"Ahhh, komachi wait for me!" The girl calls out her cat's name, and tries to chase after her before being warned by her female driver to be careful, to which she responds with a serious nod before running back after her beloved cat.

Passing through the Rose Academy gates, the guard who had greeted Shinra earlier, bowed respectfully at the running girl, without noticing the girl's badge, having seen a special car bearing the Shinomiya Clan's crest clearly.

The little girl is the youngest daughter of the Matriarch of the Shinomiya Clan, named Shinomiya Sakura.

In the middle of 'Fairyland', Sakura was seen looking for her cat, behind some cherry trees, where she couldn't find it, and decided to walk down the path to the school building.

After running fast enough, Sakura had arrived at the park where she saw her cat, Komachi, near a boy who was sitting on a park bench.

Sakura watched the boy close his eyes, before deciding to approach Komachi slowly from a distance.

On the other hand, Shinra, when he enters a strange state, where he looks at his past memories, does not realize that his surroundings are starting to have an intoxicating aura, which makes animals and humans want to be close to him.

At that moment, Sakura who was about to approach, paused for a moment, before looking at Shinra with blurry eyes, and wanted to approach him.

But, before Sakura approached, komachi, Sakura's cat, attached herself to Shinra's feet, which made Shinra wake up, and looked down at his feet, where Shinra saw an orange cat.

Sakura, with clear eyes returning, looked at Shinra with some confusion, before deciding to approach her cat.

Komachi, who regained consciousness, sensed Sakura approaching, decided to run away quickly.

At that moment, Shinra who was sitting on a park bench, decided to stand up, with strong determination around him and his eyes burning with his dream(a lustful life;v). Where Sakura, who was in the distance, saw the strong determination surrounding Shinra, and the fire of passion that blazed in Shinra's black eyes, making Sakura have stars in her red eyes, like a fangirl.

From now on, Sakura Shinomiya, the youngest daughter of the Matriarch of the Shinomiya Clan, will make Shinra her idol and role model.

If only Sakura knew what made Shinra's determination flare up...

Perhaps, she could only blush in embarrassment...

for preference pictures, I'll post tomorrow, because I've been sleepy staying up 2 days in a row.

Hunter_BEARcreators' thoughts