

Gia joined Zoe and they fought the nine drunkard men, they beat all of them and they ran away.Zoe knew how to fight but Gia was better than her.

Zoe....Not bad.

Gia....Is that how you say thank you?

Zoe....Yikes! Thanks.

Gia....Save it because i want you to repay me with something else ASAP.

Zoe....Oh please! Not again.

Gia....Well yes again, we are at it.

Zoe....My brother will never love you, he doesnt do girlfriends.

Gia....Its because he hasn't yet found the right one.

Zoe....Your not even close to his type.

Gia....I dont care, one thing is for sure, your going to help me make him mine.

Zoe....No, good night.Byeeee....!

Gia....Do you know that my driver here recorded you fighting, i will upload the video to the whole school of you fighting with drunkards at night on this shabby street.

Zoe.....What?? If Brian finds out about this, he is going to kill me for sure.

Gia....Now you know what to do.

Zoe....I really fuckin hate you!

Gia....I also dont like you but we both need something from eachother, that makes us partners.

Zoe....Am not your partner.

Gia....You have no choice.

Zoe....Fine! What do you want me to do?

Gia....Introduce me to Brian as your friend.

Zoe....But he knows that i dont have friends.

Gia....Tell him that you made one over night.

Zoe....I wish i could kill you right now!

Gia....I have an idea, lets fight and the loser grants the winners wishes.

Zoe....Hahaaa....your not my league, not even close.

Gia....Lets find out about that.

Zoe....Okay, your going down bitch!

Gia.....Cant wait.

Zoe....Am going to smash your pretty face into something shitty!


They decided to fight on the street.They fought and fought but Gia was more skilled than Zoe and she won.

Gia....Aheem! My first wish is, make sure that your brother falls for me.


Gia.....Enough for tonight, my mum is waiting for me so see ya.

She went in the car and left.The driver stopped at a phamarcy and bought for her painkillers and bandages for her wounds since she had fought.She went home.

Gia....Hy mum.

Gigi....Welcome back honey, didnt know that you will be back late.

Gia....Sorry for not telling you.

Gigi....Its okay.Wait...what happened to you?

Gia....Just body rushes.

Gigi....You dont even know how to lie.


Gigi....So you fought?

Gia.....I didnt because i dont even know how to.

Gigi....But its obvious that you fought.

Gia....Mum, can i please eat first because am so hungry right now.

Gigi....Fine but you have to tell me what happened.

Gia....Yeah, yeah, yeah...i know.

She ate food and went to her room.In the morning, she went to school happily because she knew that Zoe is going to help her to have Brian.

Lily....What happened to your pretty face?

Anold...Gia, can we please talk after lessons?

Gia....About what?

Anold....You will know.

Gia....Am really sorry Anold but i have plans after lessons.

Anold....What about at night?

Gia....Same thing, am really sorry.

Lily....What?? Are you already together with Brian?

Gia....Not yet, still trying.

Anold....What do you mean?

Lily....Gia likes Brian and she wants to make him hers.

Anold....Seriously?? I should go now.

Gia....Where are you going?

Anold....Somewhere far from you.

Anold left jelously because he also loved Gia just like every guy at school.After lessons, Gia met up with Zoe.

Gia....So? Whats the plan?

Zoe....We are going to go home together with you but i will secretly leave you alone.


Zoe....After that, we are even.

Gia....Hey! One shot wont work because your brother is a freak!

Zoe....Whatelse do you want me to do?

Gia....I dont know but make sure that his mine soon.


Gia....His coming.

They kept quiet.

Brian....Lets go.

Zoe....This is Gia my friend.

Brian....I dont buy it.You dont like having girlfriends, so how come?

Gia....Hy Brian, we talked last time, remember?

Brian....I dont! Zoe, your driving.Zoe?

Zoe had already left.

Gia....So you have a car?


Gia....Can you please give me a ride home?!

Brian....I dont like this! Fine but dont talk to me through the whole journey.

Gia....I will try to keep my mouth shut.

Brian....You wont try but you will have to.

Gia....Got it!

They entered his car and he started driving, on their way back home, the car stopped and it failed to move.

Gia....(So she planned all this? How wise!) What happened Brian?

Brian....Dont ask, just go and push the car.

Gia....What?? I cant, am a girl.


Gia....So am weak to push the car.

Brian....Now get out!


Brian....Do you think that if we sit here, the car will move itself? We are going to walk because their is no reception here.

Gia....As long as we walk together, i wont mind.

Brian....Whatever! Suit yourself.

They started walking but Gia got tired easily since she had asthma.

Brian....Hey! Whats with your breathing?

Gia....I cant...breathe ....properly.

Brian....What do you mean?

Gia....I forgot my....inhaler at...home.

As she was still talking, she fell down and fainted.

Brian....Hey! Shit! This cant be happening when we are in the middle of the road.

Zoe....What the fuck happened to her?

Zoe was tailing them with her car and she found Gia fainted laying on the floor.

Brian....Help me get her in your car.

Zoe....Yes, yes.

Brian....She has asthma, lets take her to mum.

Zoe....Good idea.

Brian....But you have to some explaining to do.

They carried Gia and put her in the car, they drove straight to the hospital.She was taken inside.