
Sugar Bliss

In the bustling heart of the capital, 22-year-old Mia Rosamund grapples with the harsh aftermath of her father's tragic demise in a car accident. With the weight of her family's financial woes pressing down on her shoulders, Mia's world is rocked once more when she collides with a luxury car driven by none other than Julian Alexander, a charismatic young executive and heir to an industrial empire. But fate isn't finished with Mia yet. As she struggles to make amends for the accident, Julian presents her with an outrageous demand: marriage. Caught in a whirlwind of unexpected twists and turns, Mia must navigate a precarious path between financial ruin and an unlikely proposal from a man whose very presence embodies power and privilege. With stakes higher than ever, Mia faces a daunting choice: surrender to the allure of Julian's proposal and secure her financial future, or forge her own path against the odds. As their worlds collide in an unexpected union, the stage is set for a captivating tale of love, ambition, and the unpredictable journey of two souls destined to intertwine.

Asaolu_Ebenezer · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs


An hour ago, a maid named Joana arrived at Julian ' residence with several bags of groceries. The thirty-year-old woman seemed to have bought some household supplies, especially kitchen utensils.

It turned out that Julian had deliberately asked Joana to go to the market first, before being asked to come to his house.

Seeing so many groceries that Joana brought, Mia na was immediately enthusiastic to check the available raw food ingredients. Without waiting for orders, she immediately intended to process some of the raw materials for the breakfast menu.

Now, Mia na is busy in the kitchen, cooking some menus. Joana repeatedly wanted to take over the cooking task, but Mia na persisted. What's more, Julian was sick and needed immediate food.

Even though she is currently only a contract wife, it is still her duty to take care of her husband. So, it was only natural for her to pay attention to Julian ' health condition. After all, Julian had helped her family. She felt this was the right time to return the favor.

Meanwhile, Joana is doing other work. In fact, Mia na didn't even ask her to help with the cooking. Apparently, Mia na was already good at it.

Mia na had spent an hour on her new activity. She immediately served a bowl of chicken soup and a plate of rice on a tray. Don't forget a glass of water too. She then carried the tray into the living room, where Julian was.

"Mr, does your head still hurt?" Mia na's low voice managed to make Julian squint, although it looked a little heavy because the pain in her head had not subsided.

Julian snorted in annoyance, before he finally responded to Mia na.

"How many times do I have to say, don't call me that!" Julian ' voice sounded a little hoarse. He then put his arm over his forehead and closed his eyes again.

To be honest, Mia na still felt awkward if she had to call Julian by name. After all, Julian had been her boss. Of course it was not easy for her to adapt to Julian ' new status in her life now.

Julian opened his eyes again, staring up at the ceiling. While his arm is still resting on the forehead.

"In front of other people I'm still your husband, even though you never think of it. They'll still wonder if they hear you call me that." Julian ' words were flat and calm. He seemed to be advising his wife earnestly.

Julian himself was confused as to why he didn't like hearing Mia na call him that. They were strangers, but Julian didn't seem to want them to look strangers in front of other people. He shouldn't care about that. Wasn't Mia na just a contract wife to him? However, in this case, he seemed to treat Mia na like a real wife.

"Sorry," Mia na said quietly, then she took the plate of rice from the tray, which she had previously placed on the table.

"You'd better have breakfast first." Mia na handed Julian the plate of rice. However, Julian only looked away for a moment, before he finally looked back at the ceiling of his house.

"Could you please get my cellphone in the room?" Julian glanced at Mia na.

"Well." Mia na put the plate back in its place, then she got up from her seat.

Mia na walked towards Julian ' room which was only about three meters from the room. After a while, she came back with Julian ' cell phone. She gave the phone to Julian .

Julian raised his hand that rested on his forehead, then immediately grabbed the phone. Not a smile or even a thank you came out of his mouth. He rubbed the screen of his phone, just to check there might be an important call or message that he hadn't had time to open.

"You should have breakfast first, so your pain will get better soon." Mia na's voice caught Julian ' attention.

However, Julian was so annoying, it still made Mia na feel uncomfortable seeing his sick condition.

"Just keep it on the table, I'll eat it later!" Julian asked.

"No! You must eat now!" Elena insisted.

"You can eat while playing with your cellphone," said Mia na while thrusting a spoonful of rice into Julian ' mouth.

It managed to make Julian stunned for a moment. He had even stopped checking the cell phone that was still in his hand. Apart from being surprised, he also felt doubtful. Should he accept a mouthful of rice from Mia na's hand? He really couldn't believe what he was witnessing.

'Why does she care so much about me? Isn't this marriage just a charade? But, why does she treat me like her own husband. Is she really like that? Always care about other people? Even if that person has done something bad to her? Well, evil. I'm really bad for getting her into my troubles.' Julian thought at the time.

They are legally and religiously married. However, whatever they lived after, it was just a charade.

'Ah, what was I thinking?' Julian muttered then, trying to get all the thoughts out of his head.

"Let's eat!" Julian jumped for a moment when Mia na snapped him out of his thoughts.

Julian reflexively opened his mouth when he realized the spoon was very close to his lips. However, his gaze focused on Mia na's face. In fact, he was so focused that he forgot to really enjoy the food that had entered his mouth. Either delicious or not. It really didn't really matter to him.

Julian caught a glimpse of Selena's reflection on Mia na's face. He stared intently at that face, then smiled happily because the woman he loved so much was now in front of his eyes.

All the portraits of happiness with Selena again bothered him. How he really missed the figure of the old Selena, who always cared and loved him with all his heart.

After a while, Julian ' smile suddenly shrunk back, as he realized the harsh reality he was facing. The truth about Selena who is no longer his girlfriend. He was furious when he realized that it was Mia na who was now accompanying him, and even becoming his wife.

He wanted to protest against God. Why isn't Selena the one with him? Why doesn't Selena have a much better character than what he knows so far? In fact, everything is the opposite. Selena is evil, traitorous and has no feelings. How could he still love a woman who had clearly hurt his heart?

Julian continued to curse his fate. Not just this time. However, he had been thinking about the same thing for a long time. In fact, last night he couldn't sleep well, because he was thinking the same thing. Until in the end, he suddenly had a headache like that. Maybe because the problem was too heavy for him, so he became a little stressed.

Henceforth, Mia na fed Julian back. And that she did repeatedly gradually. Silence. There is no conversation between them. Mia na was too busy with her activities. Meanwhile, Julian was too busy with his thoughts.