
Sugar! Honey! Ice Tea!

A original based off a girl named Jovie whose 26 and lives in a apartment. She gets by with her small job at a coffeehouse owned by her best friend Tina. What happens when Jovie gets to meet her old college crush? And why is her new partner in her job so weird. What is he hiding under that ridecules cap and mask? “Hey! What are you hiding under that Winter? Your ugly face?” “Mind your own buisness, pipsqueak..” *Do not copy my work or post it else where. Please feel free to join the Emerald Library Discord for more fan art I draw myself and sneak peaks at future chapters.*

TruckieChan · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

Chapter 5

"Woah, it's getting pretty late already? What time do you get off?" Sin called out as Jovie came by to pick up his 3rd glass of sugar free tea. She smiled as she couldn't find a reason why Sin wouldn't be interested in her.. if anything he's the only guy who hasn't stood her up, betrayed her, or ghosted on her.

"I'm getting off in a few minutes, if you can go home if you like.."

Sin gave her a serious stare as he shook his head in a 'No' manner.

"Not a chance, I told you that you shouldn't walk home alone so I'll drive us home tonight." Flustered, Jovie looked down with a heavy blush. She nodded her head in agreement as she quickly went to wash the dirty dishes left from today.

"You can go ahead, I'll close up.." A bit guilty about earlier today, Winter blocked Jovie's way to the sink in the back as he avoided her gaze by looking to the side.

"Eh? Why? Are you going to get back at me for this later??"

"No, I'll do the dishes as a apology for what I said earlier today… so go ahead and get out of here before you miss your ride.." Jovie was a bit taken back, as she decided to not think about it too much.

"Oh… thank you then.. bye.."

Winter waved back as he saw her disappear into the locker lounge now. He sighed as he pulled his sleeves to finish up the rest of the chores.


In a few minutes, Jovie was ready to go as she saw Sun outside waiting infront of his black car.

She walked towards him as she saw how very handsome he looked. With serious eyes staring at the ground she was sure he was thinking about something deliberately.

His hair almost appeared as shiny as the moonlight's radiance. A puff of breath escaped his lips as he heard Jovie approaching. The crystal blue eyes he possessed looked up at her as she slowed her pace. She felt chills as if he was staring at her like a predator.

"You closed up already? that was fast.."

"Ah, no.. my partner inside offered to close for me. He said it was alright" Jovie explained as Sin got around to the passenger side door as he opened it for her. She thanked him as she got in and watched him walk to the other side to get in as well.

"Oh, that's nice of them. You should invite them for dinner or something sometime.." Sin waiting for a response, questionaly looked at Jovie as to why she was still silent. To his surprise she was giving him the most scrunched expression he's seen in his life.

He boasted laughing as he wiped a tear away from his eye.

"Or not, hahaha.."

"As if, why would I be nice to that jerk.."

Sin hinting some beef between her and this guy. He thought it would be respectful to ask her about it.

"Oh? What did he do, step on your shoes or spit in your coffee?"

"Sighs no he didn't do any of those… he's actually a pretty good worker, I hate to admit it but he's made my job easier now that he's been working here. But he said something that pushed my buttons today and I ended up hurting him back.."


Stopping at a red light, Sin replied back to Jovie's story.

"Ouch, did he at least apologize after? Or you?"

"Yeah he did, he said he whisas sorry for earlier today that I can leave early. I haven't apologized.."

With a green light, Sin continued driving as they finally arrived at their apartment building. Parking, Sin turned towards Jovie as he decided to say what he wanted to say about their short conversation.

".. Listen Jovie, I think it's best to apologize even if he was the one who was wrong.. maybe both of you are getting on the wrong foot and just need to take a step back to get comfortable again. That's what I do when I make a mistake at work sometimes.. just try being more patient Jovie."

Sin patted her head as he smiled softly at her. She felt like there was a connection between them at that moment. On pure body reflex, she reached out to Sin as she hugged him by neck.

A bit taken aback, he decided to stay still as he felt jovie embrace him tighter. Not knowing what else to do, he began to pat her back as he gave a her a minute to recuperate.

'People like you Jovie make me want to work harder to protect this city.'

Sin thought to himself as Jovie let go and sat quietly back in her passenger seat.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to hug you…"

"Oh, no it's all good." Sin replied as he watched Jovie look at him in the eyes with a faint blush. He smiled a bit as he decided it was time to let her go home now. He still needed to walk his patrol later.


After making sure Jovie entered her apartment safely. Sin sighed as he walked the streets at night going through each dark alley. He wanted to catch this guy even if he needed to be attacked, he swore he would catch him.

But to Sin luck, nothing appeared infront of him as he waisted his night on just wondering around. With a headache he began thinking maybe the criminal had moved locations again..


With a high pitched scream. Sin turned in the direction of it as he raced down the alley to follow where it came from.

But arriving at the scene. He was too late..

Seeing he lifeless body of a woman in her 30's on a empty street proved to him once again that the killer was still in the city. In a sick sense, he was glad the bastard finally dropped a clue or something that let him know he was nearby.

With a heavy sigh. He grabbed at his phone to call authorities. He felt someone grab his ankle as he looked down to see it was the woman he has assumed dead.

With a shaky hand, she made effort to cover her sliced throat with her hand as she spoke her last word.


The woman collapsed as she lost her last breath by his feet. Sin with a sympathetic look in his dull eyes made the call to the authorities as the killing was reported. He had made a quick patrol around the area that night to see if he could see a individual. But frustrating, he did not find a single speck of the killer. It was as if he had vanished like a ghost.

"Damn it!"