
Suffering Through Eternity

Facing certain death, most would pray for mercy. Some would bargain for their life. Zack Andersson begs for his own death. After 19 years of suffering, Zack is reincarnated in a world different from his own, a world where the strong rules, a world where commoners and nobodies can earn high status through proving themselves. A world where no one knows about his past. And he’ll do anything to make sure that it stays this way.

Rage_Writer · Fantasy
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Suffering Through Eternity

Chapter 1: Prologue

"S-stay still and be quiet!"

The sound of rain hitting the barrel, the strong and familiar scent of low-meintanance metal. This is without a doubt a real gun. Am I about to die?

"Stop spacing out and stop panicking! Just hand me your wallet and phone quickly and I'll let you live!"

"You'll let me live..?"

"I'll only let you live if you hand over your valuables right now! And hurry up with it!"

"Can you do me a favor?"

"Yes I won't hurt you as long as you do what I demand!"

"Can you just… Can you just please shoot me?"

"I don't have time for your jokes, dipshit! I'm about to kill you, don't you understand?!"


Why am I crying? Isn't this everything I ever wanted? This is my way out, the way out I've been looking forward to for so many years. So what are my emotions overflowing with? Is it sadness? Despair? No, it's nothing of the sort. This is… Happiness. I can barely remember the last time I felt this happy.

It must have been when I finally managed to kill her. Yes, that's it. The two happiest moments in my short lived life; The moment I killed and the moment I was killed. I'm utterly disgusted with myself, although not on the same level as everyone else. I can have my peace now, this is how it should be.

It's funny, all the stories talk about seeing the light at the end of the tunnel during near death experiences, however, all I see is darkness. It must be because I actually died, right? Am I in heaven or hell? I don't feel anything, yet I can think. I'm pretty lucky, I thought that I'd end up in hell for sure. But this couldn't possibly be hell, my mind has never been so at ease. I wish I can stay like this forever.

*Reincarnation being processed*

Reincarnation? Are you telling me that this is neither heaven nor hell? This has got to be some kind of sick joke.

*Analyzing data*

"Is my life just data to you?!"

*Futile resistance denied*

"Let me out of this darkness and show yourself"

*Reincarnation processed, prepare for your reincarnation*

"Let me stay dead! I never asked for any of this!"

*Your new life shall begin in a place of comfort, though you have suffered you shall soon find your inner peace. Goodbye for now*

This light... It's blinding, yet, I can see more clearly than ever before. It's comforting, is this the light at the end of the tunnel? Am I really being reincarnated? Shit... my conscience is slipping away...

*wake up*

*wake up*



Another nightmare. Even after 14 years I still have nightmares of that very day. And on top of that I dreamt of my own death. If only it was reality... Where am I anyways?

The sound of a crackling campfire, the fragrance of flowers just waiting to be picked, a sky so clear that it would be impossible to miss a single star.

I don't remember going out. How did I even end up here? I'm not complaining though. The nightsky sure is beautiful tonight.

*Now that you've called down, you weren't dreaming about being reincarnated.*

"Who are you?!"

*I'm afaid I can't answer that question*

"Then what the hell do you want from me?! Tell me why you brought me here against my will!"

*I'm afraid I can only answer your first question*

"Then just go ahead and answer it!"

*The world you have been placed in is a world vastly different from your own.*

"What the hell are you talking about?"

*In your world, magic was nothing more than stories. However, in this world it is nothing less than ordinary.*

"You can't be serious, how am I supposed to believe that?

*you don't have to believe anything, what you choose to believe is up to you. It would just be easier for you to believe me since I'm the reason you're here.*

"Alright, let's say I believe you. Why did you bring me to a world where using magic is possible?"

I'm afraid I can't answer that question*

"Then just tell me what your reason for talking to me right now is! How are you talking to me anyways?! I can't locate your voice and I can't see you!"

*I don't posses a physical form, and I'm talking directly to your mind. And as per your request, I'll cut right to the chase. I shall grant you 3 skills, or magic as you know it.*

"You'll grant me magic?"

*Correct. In this world, magic comes in the form of skills. Skills can either be physical, magical or passive skills. You'll be granted with one of each.*

"And how the hell would I know what to choose from?"

*I shall present an example from each category.*

*E-Rank physical skill, "Fist of embers".

Skill description: Upon usage, one of your hands will be engulfed in flames for 3 seconds, the only way to put the fire out is through making contact with your target.

*E-Rank magical skill, "A shot of ember".

Skill description: Upon usage, a small blazing fire will be shot in the direction you want, however, it's range is limited to 10 meters.

*E-Rank passive skill, "The ember's embrace".

Skill description: Upon losing half of your life force, your body will be engulfed in flames for 2 seconds. Limited to once per battle.

"So basically you're giving me the shittiest skills you could think of?"

*I'm afraid I can only give you E-rank skills. You may choose the skills I mentioned, or you can simply allow me to create 3 skills for you according to what you wish.*

It seems as though I can only obtain weak skills, so I must think about this very carefully. If I make a bad choice here it'll probably be very hard for me to live in this world.

"I know what 3 skills I want, and it's neither of the ones you told me about."

*Tell me what skills you want, and I'll see if I can make it happen.*

"Sounds good to me!"