
Suffering in the dark.

Title: "Echoes of Torment" In the darkest corners of a tormented soul, pain reigns supreme, an insidious entity that entwines itself around every thought and heartbeat. It is a relentless tempest, a relentless force, tearing through the fragile fabric of existence with the precision of a surgeon's scalpel, carving scars that run deeper than flesh, deeper than bone. Its malevolent secrets whisper in the stillness of sleepless nights, offering no respite, no salvation, only an eternity of suffering. The story follows an individual who awakens in an enigmatic and harrowing world, cloaked in darkness and devoid of memory. With every step they take, they uncover cryptic messages that torment their mind, driving them to the brink of agony. As they strive to navigate the mysterious and pain-ridden landscape, they must confront not only the physical torment but also the enigma of their own existence. With each revelation, they uncover a system that bestows pain points upon them, promising a sinister reward for endurance. But what is the ultimate purpose of this painful journey?

Bagelly · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Training [2]

The following month passed by in a blur, marked by repetitive and grueling training sessions that gradually escalated in intensity. In this period, I amassed a substantial 263 pain points, the result of both daily rewards and the enduring discomfort that accompanied my training. My body had transformed significantly, thanks to my unnatural regeneration. The muscle soreness I experienced was not only short-lived but also spurred my growth at a pace ten to twenty times faster than that of a normal individual. Physically, I had become much stronger, sporting well-defined muscles and a sculpted set of abs. The contrast between the me from a month prior and the present version was stark, and even my instructor was genuinely impressed.

One day, as I examined my reflection in a nearby lake, My appearance had undergone significant changes as well. My hair was a very dark shade of black with subtle purplish strands scattered throughout. My eyes had transformed into a deep shade of purple, reminiscent of a galaxy's hues. It was almost as if my looks had been blessed by the gods of this world. I couldn't help but sigh. A voice broke my reverie, and I turned to find my instructor emerging from the trees. He walked over and handed me my iron sword, his demeanor hinting at the forthcoming shift in my training.

"This training will be quite different from the usual instruction one might receive when learning the sword," he began. As soon as I held the sword, a chilling sensation emanated from him, making it feel as though invisible knives were pressing against my neck. He moved swiftly, slashing his sword toward me. With limited time to react, I managed to interpose my blade to parry his attack. Struggling to regain my footing, blood trickled from my mouth as I inquired, "What... What are you doing?"

"Try to survive," he replied with a devilish grin. I sprang to my feet and rushed toward him, swinging my sword. The weapon now felt remarkably different from the first time I had held it, moving with newfound ease and a subtle connection that guided my strikes. While i was still wielding my sword without proper technique, it was an enlightening experience for me. this went on until i was gasping for breath on one knee. it seemed like my instructor was still holding back a lot. though i still felt like i had improved. i decided to open up my shop and buy both the Low level Sword talent as well as the low level regeneration. they both got replaced the moment i bought them.



1. Mid level sword talent [500 PP]

"at this level you can start to truly make a name for yourself and make unique arts. if you meet a mid level sword talent it will truly be a good fight" - Mid level swordsman


1. Mid level regeneration [1000 PP]

Effect: minor wounds [>1 Minute] non life threatening wounds [1 hour] life threatening wounds [1 week]..]

Instantly, my sword felt more familiar in my hand, and the newfound energy from my regeneration skill allowed me to rise with determination. Calmly, I retrieved my sword and stood ready. As I rushed toward him, swinging my blade, he deftly blocked my attack and countered with a swing of his own. This time, I observed his movements more keenly and made swift adjustments with my sword to parry his strike. In response, I swung back beneath his own attack.

He suddenly accelerated, driving me into a corner with the blade held at my neck. "Impressive, you managed to make me stop holding back for a moment. From this day forward, you'll venture into the forest daily to hunt the monsters that dwell there. What becomes of you is entirely in your hands," he declared, his cold smile never waning. I bowed deeply, showing my gratitude. "Thank you, Master!".

[congragulations! you have given out pain for the first time]

[0.01 pain points earned]

so it worked like this. it seemed like i could gain pain points both from dealing out pain to other people and myself. i thanked my master and slowly went into the forest a little deeper. i felt the need to fight a monster right away. about an hour into it, a wolf jumped into the open. i quickly snuck up to it and swung my sword towards it. the wolf tried to run but before it could the sword cleanly killed it. 

[13 pain points earned]

i looked at the points in shock. was it really this easy to be able to get points? a wide smile was plastered on my face. it seems like its time for a slaughter.