
Suffering in the dark.

Title: "Echoes of Torment" In the darkest corners of a tormented soul, pain reigns supreme, an insidious entity that entwines itself around every thought and heartbeat. It is a relentless tempest, a relentless force, tearing through the fragile fabric of existence with the precision of a surgeon's scalpel, carving scars that run deeper than flesh, deeper than bone. Its malevolent secrets whisper in the stillness of sleepless nights, offering no respite, no salvation, only an eternity of suffering. The story follows an individual who awakens in an enigmatic and harrowing world, cloaked in darkness and devoid of memory. With every step they take, they uncover cryptic messages that torment their mind, driving them to the brink of agony. As they strive to navigate the mysterious and pain-ridden landscape, they must confront not only the physical torment but also the enigma of their own existence. With each revelation, they uncover a system that bestows pain points upon them, promising a sinister reward for endurance. But what is the ultimate purpose of this painful journey?

Bagelly · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


I surveyed the crowded area around me, players bustling about as they went about their in-game activities. My most immediate concern was the glaring absence of a weapon. However, that was only the first challenge I faced. The second was my complete lack of knowledge about how to wield one effectively. In my previous life, I had been a mage, relying minimally on physical weapons. Moreover, it seemed that players in this game world were handed everything they needed. They didn't have to delve into the intricacies of swordplay or magic; their focus lay on mastering skills and maximizing their usage. Though there was an element of skill involved, it ultimately boiled down to the power and efficiency of their skills.

I sighed, feeling the weight of my predicament. While I might be able to function without levels due to my unique system, I still required a means of self-defense. My gaze fell upon a man seated on a nearby bench, a modest iron sword resting on his back. I approached him with a sly grin and inquired, "How would you like a quest?"

The man, adorned with white hair and blue eyes, appeared quite young. He regarded me with interest, whispering to himself, "An NPC quest?" Then, he swiftly responded, "I accept!" Eager not to miss this opportunity, he seized the chance I had presented to him.

[conditions met]


[would you like to give him a quest?]

some new messages appeared in my head once he said that he accepted. my eyes widened with shock. i can give people quests? i smiled and looked at him with a newfound curiosity. "if you give me your sword then i will tell you some information that may be important to your class" I said shamelessly. of course thats all i could really give him, but its valuable information nonetheless.

[Quest [F]

Conditions: give the strange man your sword


reward: ???]

His confusion lingered as he cautiously removed the sword from his back and handed it to me. A smile graced my lips as I fastened the blade onto my own back. He regarded me with anticipation, waiting for further instructions.

"Go to the snow area near Frostholme," I instructed. "Find the cabin in the woods. The man inside may have something to say to you." Little did I know, a new screen materialized before the man, unveiling a world of possibilities and quests that awaited him.

[Quest dificulty upgraded!]

[Quest [B]

Conditions: find the strange man in the cabin near frostholme and ask him about your class


Reward: Class upgrade]

His gaze fixed on the new quest in astonishment, and he offered a grateful bow. "Thank you, sir, for your generosity," he voiced his appreciation. My hand came to rest on his shoulder, and I inquired, "May I know your name?" He hesitated before responding, "Whitesilver," a hint of suspicion tinging his words, clearly curious why an NPC would require such information.

My eyes widened in surprise. Whitesilver? Wasn't he one of the renowned top ten players from my previous life? I quickly dismissed the thought. He hadn't reached that level yet, but this quest would undoubtedly aid his progress. And, naturally, it would prove advantageous to me now that I possessed a usable sword. 

With determination in my steps, I made my way to the training area of the city, a place that had once been the starting point for new players. The field held countless memories, and despite the passing years, a profound sense of happiness and nostalgia washed over me. Upon arrival, I sought out the training instructor, a prestigious swordsman known throughout the game world.

"Good day, sir. I'm aware of your reputation as a swordsman, and I wanted to introduce myself and ask a favor," I began. His initial response was rather cold, a question lacing his words, "A favor? What could someone like you possibly need from me?" Without hesitation, I knelt before him and earnestly stated, "I would like you to teach me swordsmanship. in return... i can tell you about how to get through your bottleneck."

A hearty, bellowing laugh echoed from above me as he considered my request. "Interesting," he remarked. "I haven't had anyone approach me like this in years. You know what, come with me, young man." My heart swelled with a sense of accomplishment as I followed him to a cabin hidden behind the training area.

As we approached the cabin, he inquired, "Do you have a place to stay?" I quickly fabricated a story, "No, I don't have lodgings at the moment. I've traveled here from a distant land." His response took me by surprise. "Excellent. If you wish to be my disciple, you'll live here. This is your last chance to back out. My training methods are known for their intensity."

Despite the fear his words invoked, I was inwardly thrilled. If I could gain pain points during training, it would be a valuable opportunity. Looking outside, I realized that night was falling. I had spent a significant amount of time exploring the city. "Rest for now. Tomorrow, your training begins," he declared. His unexpected generosity left me with questions, but I welcomed the opportunity. Gazing out of the window, I slowly drifted into a peaceful slumber.