

All good things come to those who wait. With a crazy controlling mother breathing down his neck Alex Maxfield might have to marry her mother's best friend's daughter who he remembers as a slightly obsessed, a little on the heavier side, a tall shy introvert teenage girl. What he doesn't know is that maybe just maybe that chubby teenage girl who he doesn't consider more than a friend, could possibly turn his world upside down. For as long as Kara can remember Alex has always been there to help her, whether it be her homework, to fend off her bullies, or as a partner to her prom. Alex was a constant in her life, her prince charming. Until he had to leave for college and they lost all contact. Now he's back and probably with a marriage proposal. The only problem is his crazy ex and an unknown Em. A chubby female and a cocky man who probably stepped right off the front cover of a magazine, joined together to plan a wedding. Join Alex and Kara in a contemporary romance thrown together to create an imperfect, perfect whirlwind of romance and all things spicy.

tanzeel_zafar · Urban
Not enough ratings
171 Chs

Slow burning...

"You look nice,"

"Thank you,"

"The dress is nice too,"

"Thank you,"

"And your hair..."

"Look nice too, I know. Thank you,"

Alex and I have been going on like this, standing on my floor waiting for the elevator. I still can't make direct eye contact with him but I've seen him stealing discreet glances every few seconds.

Why is that now that we're alone we are acting all shy and awkward again. Not only a minute ago he kissed me as if his life depended on it, well he's still subtly brushing his fingers over my arm and hand.

"You're wearing a tie," It was more of a statement than a question. He went the extra mile for today. Sharply dressed in a black suit, white shirt, and a black-tie. And a green pocket square, so he wasn't joking when he said we'll match.

His dark hair was trimmed and combed back, a few locks falling over his forehead, his shaven face showing off the stark planes of his angular face. He looked so perfect it hurt to stare at him.

"Chloé did a great job on your dress,"

"Yes, Chris and Cholé did a really nice job," Can this conversation get any awkward, might as well discuss the weather while we're at it.

"You know something's a miss,"

"Ugh?" instead of giving me an answer, Alex walked around and circled me in inspection. He kept circling me like a hawk, building up the tension, the anticipation, telling the prey that he is ready to pounce.

But never once making a move.

"What?" my patience was running thin, is he going to tell me that I don't look good after all those compliments he showered on me.

"I think this would complete the look," he pulled back and lifted a long, jeweler's box he'd been holding and opened it for me.

My voice got stuck in my throat but my brain was running a thousand miles per hour.

"Do you like it?" he lifted the short diamond chain, encrusted with alternating emerald and clear round diamonds in slightly varying sizes.

"It's lovely," I croaked out through the emotions stuck in my throat as Alex smiled and moved behind me to secure the necklace around my neck.

"You shouldn't have though,"

"Yes, I should have," he said softly as he turned me gently to him, his fingers cupping my chin, he gently brushed his lips against my cheek.

"You're my future bride,"

His hands slightly brushed against the swell of my breasts, the warmth of his touch seeped through the thin fabric of my dress and gave me a dizzying rush but I shook my head.

Determined not to let his fleeting intimacies succeed in disarming me.

"Thank you," I said smiling. I touched the necklace slightly as Alex took my other hand and guided me towards the open elevator.

"We have tried to keep the whole thing lowkey, but some outsiders got the whiff of it, so except some cameras flashing and reporters,"

My hand stopped midway, and I felt all my confidence shattered. Reports, camera flashing? People, judgment, and gossip. Oh god.

"Don't worry I'll be with you," Turning my head towards him I passed him a weak smile but my anxiety has started kicking in. I rubbed my sweaty hands on the side of my dress and crossed my fingers.

"Come Jack will be waiting at the entrance," taking hold of my hand he guided me towards the waiting car.

"Hey Jack," he tipped his hat at me and passed a smile.

"Congratulations Sir, ma'am,"

"Thank you, " we said simultaneously and smiled at each other.

I don't know what's in the air today but everything seems nice and nothing I repeat nothing will be able to darken my mood. What're some reporters, they won't even notice me and I'd go unscathed.

I sagged against the seat, hands resting on the seat between us.

"You look tired?" taking my hand in between his he started rubbing slow circles.

"I just had a busy week,"

"Come here," the next second his hand was on my waist and he dragged me closer to him. His hand moved over my back to my shoulders and he massaged them slowly.


"Mhmm," closing my eyes I leaned against him, fully aware of his hands roaming.

One minute he was being a gentleman and the very next he gathered me onto his lap and tightened his arms around me. The moment was so hypnotic that my eyes simply fluttered close when Alex's lips brushed mine.

He didn't let me respond before he moved on to me.

His tongue teased my lower lip, coaxing my lips for entrance and gaining it without any resistance from me. My hands found their way to the nape of his neck, my fingers raking through his hair as our tongues fought for dominance.

His hands took a different route and so did his mouth, shared gasps and moans echoed in the car and I was fully aware of Jake's presence but my mind was too busy with Alex's new onslaught on my neck that I forget why I was thinking about another man in his presence.

"Kara," he pulled away for a fraction of a second to drag in more air, I shivered as his hot, demanding mouth reclaimed my mouth again, his hands continuing their torture not stopping for a second.

Every nerve in my body was highlighted, aching all over. This was all so new for me, never was I wanted the way he is treating me. I could feel his thumb circling my breasts, gently and then intensely at my hardened nipples.

With one hand he lifted my dress and leisurely moved his fingers from my lower leg to my thigh where his hand was busy exploring the new territory.

I gasped out his name and let my head roll back, arching to his touch as he leaned close and latched his mouth on my neck once more.

The car screeched to a halt and I barely managed to stay upright.

"We're here," Jake announced.

Alex and I looked at each other, the statement cut through the thick fog of lust and snapped us back to reality. Quickly pushing past him I made my way to my seat again. Trying to bring my bearings to work again.

What did I just do? Made out with him in the presence of someone. When was I bold enough to pull a move like this?

Engagement, guests, cameras, focus here.

"This is not the venue," Alex said beside me and I looked outside to notice a street filled with beautiful homes and cute little children playing around.

"Yes, the place is around the block, I stopped here to give you children some time to right yourselves,"

"Oh thanks," Alex patted him on the shoulder before he exited the car.

I was red all over, first from his impromptu makeout session and now from the embarrassment.

Taking my face in his hands Alex forced me to make eye contact with him, "Don't worry he won't tell anyone," the amusement was clear in his voice and sparkling eyes.

I was turned on and he still had time to joke about it. Men, so typical of them.

His hands again found my face and before he could lean in for another kiss I put my hands over his chest, I was torn between wanting to pull him back and let him finish what he started and pushing him away and take my head from the gutter and rinse it thoroughly with warm water.

And after a lot of debating, I took hold of the lapels of his jacket and pulled him for one last kiss. I deserve this for having to tolerate a lot of people tonight, out of which I only know 2%, and for starving myself the last few days.

"Cheeseburger and fries after the party?"

"Deal," he said all the while moving his finger over my collarbone.

"Done," pushing him away for good this time I looked around for my clutch. Lucy had put the lipstick and a compact powder inside it for touchup.

God bless her because I really need it now.

"You looking for this?" Alex picked up my clutch from the floor and handed it to me. I must've dropped it during our exercise.

"Yes, thank you," passing him a smile I took out the compact and studied my appearance. Not much have been ruined except for my lipstick which I could remedy.

I could feel his gaze burning into my skin, slowly heating up every cell in my body which I had just managed to cool down.

Ignoring him to the best of my ability I straightened myself as much as I can.

"You can call Jake back, I'm done," Knocking on the window Alex motioned for him to take his seat again.

"Straight to the venue now Jake," Alex said and took out his phone that was ringing.

"Hello, yes, yes. Just around the corner. Who told you? No, we sort of had an emergency," he made eye contact with me all the while smirking.

I blushed all over again.

"Sure, see you. Bye,"

"Who was it?"


"And he knows what we, we just..." looking once towards Jake I left the sentence at that. It was hard describing what we did in words than actually performing it.

"If you want to," he shrugged and took my hand in his.

"No," has all that lust got to his head? Why would I like for him to know?

"Ready? We are here,"

Am I? Looking at the reporters lined up at both sides of the entrance I felt like Cinderella at the ball and these are all my step sisters waiting for me to fail desperately.

"Hey, you'll be fine. Look here," turning my face towards his he bore his eyes directly into mine.

"You're unique and beautiful, remember that. What others think or say shouldn't matter because in the end what matters the most is us. And I'll be there," with that he leaned forward and gave me a toe-curling kiss, and turned my brain to mush.

Wow! simply wow. I never know he could be this caring. My heart just swelled twice its size.

Opening his door he stepped out and I heard the instant camera flashes and the blinding light. Turning towards me he blocked the view.

"Just keep your head down and don't focus on what they say," yeah easy peasy lemon squeezy.

Taking hold of my hand he directed me out and brushed his lips against my ear. "Smile and it'll be over,"

I did what he said, I just ducked my head and focused on the stairs, I would never forget these reporters from stealing the chance from me to appreciate my engagement venue properly.

I won't get engaged again.

"Mr. Maxfield, here over here,"

"Is this your new bride?" what does he mean new bride? I'm the only bride he'll ever get.

I was counting the steps inside my head, 21, 22, 23 how much more?


"Hey, Adrian, it's nice to see you," In my dilemma to not look up I didn't notice that we'd arrived at the entrance door.

"You too Kara," he was going for a hug but then smiled instead.

Looking at Alex I found him glaring at Adrian, turning back I was about to go for a hug myself when Raven and Max came forward and after the exchange of pleasantries ushered us inside.

Inside the hall was brightly lit with people everywhere you look, high ceilings with windows overlooking the spacious back garden, beautiful flower arrangements, and a pretty backdrop for pictures. In short, it was pretty.

The party was initially planned outside with pretty gazebos and flower swings but given the unpredictable weather of London, it was moved inside. The forecast did say 50% chance of rain but the bright shinning sun is saying otherwise.

"Ah, so the news is true after all," a tall, dark, handsome man dressed in a brown suit, tailored to show off his lean muscles, arms open wide was coming directly at us.

Or towards Alex, because the very next second they both were engulfed in a hug. Slapping each other on the back, they let go and Alex came to stand beside me taking hold of my waist.

"Kara, met him this is ben,"

"Ben his best friend and you might be the woman he talks so much about," he bought his hand forward for a handshake but Alex got to it before me and shook his hand.

They both were staring at each other but while Ben was smiling playfully Alex's jaw was set hard.

Letting go of his hand Ben turned towards me, "He's scared you'll fall in love with me, I'm better looking after all,"

Alex snorted, "And conceited too, Kara hates it,"

Laughing at their tactics I faced Ben and shook his hand deliberately.

"It's nice to meet you, I had no idea Alex had a best friend,"

"You didn't tell her about me?" he looked at his friend offended and the answering smile Alex had was a stark contrast to how he behaves around other people.

"We have many important things to do," like makeout in the backseat of your car but I didn't point it out.

"Alex there are a lot of people here tonight who would like to meet Kara," Max came forward and reminded his son.

"Sure dad, we'll be on our way,"

"See you," waving at Ben we went.

After 15 mins my head was swarming with names and faces. Faces I remember but names ugh, there were just too many people. Good thing I only have to nod my head each time or thank them for the compliments. Alex or Adrain was always there to introduce me and on we went to the next.

"Would you like something to drink?" Alex asked when we were making our rounds.

"Yes please, I'll have those mojitos," Alex lifted his left eyebrow at that.

"You still don't know?"

"Know what?"

"Mojitos contain alcohol," which explains the weirdness that day and the headache but why did Matt never get drunk. Oh shoot, did I really just have the first alcoholic beverage of my life? That too not knowing.

"I need an explanation later on," giving a stern look to Alex I turned towards the couple we were just talking to.

The emcee was announcing the first dance and I looked around frantically but my family and Matt were nowhere to be found. Where are they?

"Shall we?" Alex was already walking to the dance floor and for the first time I wasn't worried about embarrassing myself, I didn't even get to meet dad today.

The lights were dimmed and a slow tune was playing in the background, taking hold of my clutch Alex thrusted it into Ben's hands and guided me towards the center of the stage.

"What's wrong sweetheart?" Alex said gently all the while guiding me to the tune, we were really just swaying here and there but it doesn't matter.

What mattered was that tone he used, soothe and calming knowing full well that my mind isn't here. Isn't it strange how two people just get together and suddenly they're aware of their moods and can judge if something isn't feeling right?

In this moment, while looking at the concerned eyes of my finace I could proudly announce to the world that I made the right decision to marry him.

"Nothing, I'm fine," laying my head over his chest I closed my eyes and we continued to sway like this.