
Suddenly She's Here

Everything was going just fine for Oscar until one day when he woke up to find a girl in his room. Her name is Mika and she claims to have known him and his family for a long time. However, Oscar doesn't recognize her at all but to make things even more confusing, everyone around him is acting like she's always been around! As he spends more time with her, he will uncover the mystery of who she really is, assuming he doesn't try to run away from all of this. Just who is this girl and why is she messing is his life up? Novelization of my visual novel of the same name: https://rehncohro.itch.io/suddenlysheishere

Conor_Hehr · Urban
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8 Chs

Chapter 7: Mika's Wish

I'm at a park and I see a boy, playing a game. As I watched from afar, my curiosity was growing. I wanted to know what he was playing. I walked over to him and saw that he was fighting a boss in the game. Somehow, this game was something I was familiar with.

"You're supposed to use fire." slipped out of my mouth.

"Don't tell me what to do!" the boy exclaimed.

"But if you use fire, it takes more damage." I said, "Try it."

The boy then did as I suggested.

"I-it worked!" he said, with a shocked expression on his face.

"See?" I said, "...What's your name?"

"Oscar." the boy replied.

"I'm Mika." I responded, "Let's play together from now on!"

"Oh, o-okay." he responded.

That's the story of how the two of us met. Officially, I don't exist. However, I seemed to have been blessed with both a mind and a soul. Don't ask me how that works because I don't really know either. I just know that I'm around and no one can truly see me.

The boy soon started inviting me over for birthday parties and stuff and I had him come over to my house. But since I'm imaginary, he never actually went to a house. He was just playing outside the entire time. We eventually got older and he played with me less and less. I was sad when he stopped paying attention to me. But I wanted to be real. I wanted him to acknowledge me!


About a month ago, I saw Oscar standing in front of a well. It appeared as if he was trying to make a wish.

"I wish I could make at least one friend." he said, "I'm tired of being alone."

After that, he tossed a coin in.

"That reminds me." he said, "I created one for myself when I was a kid. The two of us did everything together. Sometimes I wish she could be real. Can't remember what I named her though."

Oscar then sighed.

"Yeah right." he said, "It's not like this will make my wish come true."

He looked down at his feet.

"As cool as it would be... it's not happening." he said, sounding very disappointed.

Oscar then put his hands in his pockets and walked away. Even after all this time, I had been watching him. I've been invisible to him but I still cared about him. All I wanted to was grant his wish. Was it even possible? As I thought it over, I saw a coin on the ground.

"Should I do it?" I said to myself.

Without thinking, I ended up tossing the coin inside.

"I wish Oscar's wish could come true." I said, "However, what I'd probably like more than that is to be able to see him again. Please... let me be real. Let me exist as Oscar's friend."

After I made my wish, I thought I heard a noise but I just shrugged it off. For a while after I made that wish, nothing really happened. During that time, I did some research on wishes, desperately hoping that ours could be granted. According to my research, if one were to use specific methods and wish strongly enough, they could come true. What wasn't clear was which methods they were and how strongly the wishers would have to wish.

I eventually found out that someone imaginary friends could become real. However, I skipped over the part about replacing someone in the real world. I didn't think it would actually happen but as you know by now, it did. Well, I stopped it from happening. After close to a month had passed, I was given a home and a backstory.

I was living with his parents after my own had passed away. And I didn't have any relatives to stay with. But... I never had any family to begin with. Right now, what I want more than anything is for Oscar to be happy. That's all I want.