
Suddenly She's Here

Everything was going just fine for Oscar until one day when he woke up to find a girl in his room. Her name is Mika and she claims to have known him and his family for a long time. However, Oscar doesn't recognize her at all but to make things even more confusing, everyone around him is acting like she's always been around! As he spends more time with her, he will uncover the mystery of who she really is, assuming he doesn't try to run away from all of this. Just who is this girl and why is she messing is his life up? Novelization of my visual novel of the same name: https://rehncohro.itch.io/suddenlysheishere

Conor_Hehr · Urban
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8 Chs

Chapter 4: The Never Ending Nightmare

When I came to my senses, I was standing by the front door with Mika, who had been waiting for me. This couldn't be real. There was no way there would suddenly being a girl living with us. This had to be some kind of weird dream.

"Ready to go?" asked Mika.

This isn't happening... I'll just... RUN! Without thinking, I sped out the front door. I was running as fast as my legs would take me, hoping to escape from his hell that I had somehow ended up in.

"Hey, Oscar!" shouted Mika, who was running after me, "Where are you going!? School is the other way!"

She's chasing after me. Crap. I need to lose her. Which way should I go?

I just keep running in the same direction. And the girl just won't stop chasing after me. What did I even do to deserve all of this? What's it going to take to get rid of this girl!?

"Get away from me!" I yelled.

"I'm not even going to hurt you!" she yelled back.

She went on and on about something, but I didn't understand what she was saying at all. I just kept running hoping that I could lose her. I just had to keep running!

"Please... stop!" shouted Mika.

"Never!" I shouted back.

"Why?" responded Mika.

"I don't even know you!" I said, "You just appear in my room one day and act like we've been friends for years. "How am I even supposed to react to this!"

"Can we just talk this out?" requested Mika.

"I couldn't stop myself from running and I soon find myself at a bridge. The other end was blocked. W-why were people even able to get on here if we can't cross!?

"Finally." said Mika, "I caught up to you."

"Crap." I replied.

"I just wanted to sort everything out." said Mika, "But it turns out that you're not the person I remember."

"The person you remember?" I said, "What are you talking about?"

"So you really have forgotten all about me, huh?" replied Mika, "And to make things worse, you tried to get away from me."

She suddenly had a dark expression on her face.

"What's with that look?" I responded, starting to feel scared, "You're scaring me."

"There's only one thing I can do now." she said.

I backed away as she walked over to me. And before I could get away, she shoved me. Suddenly, I was falling... She... pushed me off the bridge. All I could see was the image of the girl with an evil smile getting smaller and smaller as my body got closer to the water below. This was when everything came to an end.


Nobody heard from Oscar ever again. Actually, they forgot about him. So I didn't have to worry about anyone finding out how I was responsible for his disappearance. With him gone, I just lived with his parents. I spent the rest of my high school days there. I eventually moved out, got married, and had a kid. Things were great. For me, at least. I don't know about Oscar. He's probably dead.