
Sudden Marriage

Selena's happiness in marrying a man she has admired for a long time must disappear, when she finds out the reason Aldric married her. Her loyalty is again tested when the problem of children is present. *** Aldric Dasha Anderson is a successful businessman who leads the company started by his father. Behind his success, he secretly has a secret failure in having the love of his life. Aldric harbors feelings of love for Rania. Love that should not be present in his heart, because Rania already has a fiancé. The unrequited love continues to grow even though Aldric has tried to eliminate it. Selena, a fashion designer who works in a boutique. The woman did not expect it at all when Aldric invited her to dinner one day. How could she not, all this time Selena could only stare and admire Aldric on TV. Selena falls in love with the man, even though Aldric didn't have any feelings when he proposed to her.

Daoist5lr8bG · Urban
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5 Chs


Selena opened the apartment door,

breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, she could

free of that strange man. 

She had fallen in love with Aldric, but that didn't mean she could just trust him when he tried to make her one of his wife candidates.

one of the candidates for a wife.

And the virgin question?

Selena shuddered in horror. Maybe

Aldric secretly had a hobby of making love with virgins. Oh my, Selena!

How stupid of you to fall in love with

a man like that!

Selena turned on the light, screaming

when she found a man

sitting casually on the sofa. His eyes were

sharp, and the smirk on his lips looked


"How did you get in here?"

"Why run away before we

finish the conversation, hmm?"

"Sorry, I have no interest in becoming

your future wife candidate."

"Really?" Aldric got up from the sofa, walked

over to Selena and whispered in

the girl's ear. "Do you know how

many women are clamoring to

to be my wife?"

Selena held her breath. The body scent of

the man's body... ah, the scent of woody mixed with

intoxicating pheromones. No wonder

if so many women were infatuated

with this man.

"I ... am ... not ... interested!" exclaimed Selena


"Think carefully, Selena," he whispered

again. With a single jerk, Aldric grabbed

Selena's body into his arms.

Their eyes met.

He touched her delicate chin,

while his thumb brushed her

seductive lips.

Selena's breath caught, her body

stiff in Aldric's arms.

I don't know, the man's charm was so deadly that Selena couldn't resist. Especially when

Aldric looked down and kissed Selena.

Selena wanted to scream. Aldric

dared to steal her first kiss!

Selena should have pushed away Aldric's burly body

Aldric's burly body. Yes, but instead she gripped

the collar of the man's shirt, and savored

his intoxicating kiss.

Gentle movements that made Selena

feel like she was floating, while

She could only surrender without returning Aldric's embrace. Is this how good Aldric's lip play feels? 

"I can even make you feel something more delicious than this," Aldric sighed as he ended his kiss, as if he could read Selena's mind. 

The girl looked down and released the grip of her fingers on Aldric's shirt. Her face was flushed between embarrassment and restrained arousal. 

Aldric chuckled softly. "Sorry, I was just wondering how your body responds when you get a kiss from a guy. And now I know, apparently this is your first kiss. That's the kind of girl I'm looking for in a wife." 

Selena didn't dare look up. What the hell was that? What a guy.