

[18+ ONLY] In the year 2064, 5 years after the GGT apocalypse, 20-year-old Raina Everstein, finds herself in a dire situation in a misogynistic world where magic is common, whilst law and order was something of the past, and only the strong have a future. With no powers of her own, venture with Raina as she survives being captured by her mother's killer and slowly unravels the true power kept within her. ~~~~ Contains: Sex, Rape, Violence, and just generally dark themes. ~~~~ Word Count: 1000+/chapter Current Release Schedule: Uhhhh.... yeah...about that.... Update: currently writing and stockpiling chapters.

Melody_May_ · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Chapter 4 - The Collection Room (R18+)

"You don't have to bind me anymore..." Raina grumbled as she tugged at the rope wrapped around her, "I'm not dumb. I won't run."

"You know the deal, princess. Security reasons, now hush." Oran replied, walking down the hallway whilst Raina floated behind him, rope tying her hands and feet together.

"Gahh," She groaned, giving up and just letting the rope float her to their destination.

"Welcome to the Collection Room." Oran suddenly spoke, a large golden plaque dangling from a door with the embedded words, 'Collection Room' carved in red.

The door suddenly creaked open as a young man in his 30s walked out, a look of surprise as he saw Oran and Raina standing outside.

"Oran!" the man's eyes rose before glancing behind and spotting Raina, his mouth slightly watering "Is she a new one to the collection?"

Oran nodded, "Limited time only,"

"Ohhh, the boys are going to love her!" The man half jogged back inside, the door now wide open to the view of a few glass cages with all kinds of vases, jugs and artefacts; rare collectables found from the past.

"This is the old stuff. When we began collecting." Oran explained, "The more recent stuff is behind that door," He pointed at a metal door with a keypad to it, punching in a code and letting it swing open.

The strong musk permeated through the air as the sight of dozens of naked men and women going at it like rabid dogs filled her vision.

"This is the real Collection Room. High Quality items like you are hard to find out there in the wasteland. So we bring them all here. It's quite convenient." Oran nodded as if it was only natural, "Unofficially called the Breeding Room."

"Vera... Ivanna...!" Raina muttered, scanning the giant room for her siblings, but the familiar faces couldn't be found, "...They-They're not here..."

"You're sisters? They're in there," Oran pointed at an attached room to the left, "That's the Incubation Room,"

"Incubation Room?" Raina frowned, spinning her head to glare at Oran, "What did you do to them?"

"Calm down, Missy," Oran chuckled, "We call it a Breeding Room for a reason. They've just been knocked up. They go there for a few days, come back out like nothing happened."

"Knocked...Up... They're Pregnant?" Raina gasped, "They're only 18,"

"It's bound to happen if they're here. You're lucky they got knocked up quick, they get to rest for a few days. We take the child and ship it off to more... unfortunate people."

"A few days...? You're only giving a pregnant person a few days break?"

"It's called the Incubation Room for a reason. It speeds up the process. 9 months turns to 9 days. Just how we do business," Oran shrugged, before taking a key from his pocket, "You won't be needing this for now," He unlocked the chastity belt, causing the entire harness to slowly slide out and fall to the ground, vibrating violently in the air, "Wear this and let's welcome you to the squad," He handed Raina a small bracelet with a green coloured stone before pushing her into the room,

"Everybody!" He suddenly announced, drawing everyone's attention to them, the previous moan and groans slowly coming to a halt, "Let's welcome our newest addition. Limited time only. Very rare and very... pretty. Come one, come all." He suddenly pulled out a pill, forcing it into her mouth then pushed her into the crowd of lecherous eyes, "Dulls the mind. It'll make it easier,"

"She's mine. I caught her first!"

"No I did!"

"Fuck you, you've already knocked one up today, It's my turn!"

The shouts grew louder as they all fought to have a piece of her,

"Ahhh!" A sudden gasp from Raina instantly turned their attention to her as they saw someone else already thrusting into her,

"Why argue, when you can just take," the man snickered, throwing Raina to the ground and banging into her as hard and as fast as he could, his 7 inch cock reaching all the way to her deepest part as her mind blanked and only moans and ragged breathing escaped her lips,

"I bags next," someone suddenly interrupted, before one by one, a whole queue of at least a dozen was added to the list.

"Oh fuck you're tight!" the man groaned, grabbing her breasts and squeezing them, before thrusting even deeper and releasing his load, slowly pulling out with satisfaction,

"[Absorb Essence]" She silently murmured, saliva slowly drooling out her mouth as she panting,

[Absorbing Essence]

[Essence Absorbed]

"My Turn! My Turn!" A different man licked his lips, pushing the previous one aside as he rubbed his cock in his hand, positioning it in and thrusting,

"Ahhh!" Raina writhed back as she let out a moan, her stomach feeling fuller and fuller by the minute, and another load with released inside, creating a small bulge in her stomach,

[Absorbing Essence]

[Essence Absorbed]

[Level UP 4 → 5]

[Bonus Skill (Choose 1 of 3)


Description: Refines the body to be extremely captivating

→Effects: Receive 2x essence


Description: Cleans up any leftovers after sex

→Effects: Cleans the body of cum after sex.


Description: Reverts the body back to its virgin state after sex.

→ Effects: Increase value of body]

Staring at the holographic screen and the sudden options presented before her, Raina squinted her eyes slightly as her eyes attempted to focus on the words to no avail,

"Aahh! Nghhh! Ohhh!" Her eyes suddenly rolled back as she felt someone else thrusting into her, her hand tapping a random option as she tried gripping the floor to stabilise herself,

[Bonus Skill Chosen: Seducer]

[SP has reached 100%]

[New Skill Learnt → Dreamwalk]

"Who next?" The man slowly pulled out stepping away as another, rather chubby one stepped in, his beer belly bulging out as his unrefined crinkly beard ran to his chest. Whipping out his dick from within his pants, the thick 6 inch cock pulsated slightly as it slowly grew bigger by the second.

Grabbing Raina head and pushing her mouth straight into his cock a loud moan escaped his lips, the tip of his cock scratching the back of her throat.

"Can't let this go to waste," Another voice suddenly appeared behind her as something filled her from behind, sandwiching her between the two.

Stuck on her hands and knees, both ends penetrating as hard and deep as they could whilst her slight bulging stomach swooshed with every thrust, her mind slowly went blank as a moan escaped her lips, her pussy tightened, grabbing all the cum they released into both holes.

Suddenly the green stone slowly flashed, turning a dark shade of yellow before turning red.

"Ayy! I did it!" A shout echoed around the room, the man banging her from behind grabbing her hand and showing off the now red bracelet, "I fucking knocked her up!"

A whisper of clicked and sighs resonated around as the large group suddenly dispersed, "Damn it. When's it going to be our turn...?"

Hushes of regret went around as they all went back to the girls they were fucking before they were interrupted by the main event.

The man slowly but excitedly cheered himself on as he dropped Raina's arm, picking up her collapsed body and walked over to the incubation room, tossing her inside before hopping away with slight glee.


"R-Raina..? Ivanna, she's awake," A small voice whispered in the dark room as Raina slowly regained consciousness, the drug slowly loosing it's effect as her eyes slowly looked around and spotting two naked girls sat before her,

"Vera! Ivanna!" She exclaimed, giving them both a hug and quickly examining them to see if they were hurt,

"We're okay," Vera assured, hugging Raina back, "Are you okay? You were out for 3 days..."

Raina slightly flinched as she slowly withdrew her hug, "Yeah. I'm fine,"

"Sis, let's get you cleaned up," Ivanna interrupted, standing up before letting out a soft groan, slightly stumbling to the side,

"Are you okay..?" Raina called out in concern,

"Yeah, Yeah. Just this, you know..." Ivanna let out an awkward chuckle, waving her hand at her slightly bulging stomach, "Not exactly used to being pregnant... My centre of mass.. you know..."

"You-..." Raina bit her lip and stood up as well, her own stomach showing a bit of a bump,

"There a small shower and toilet in there," Ivanna pointed at a tiny cubical at the end of the room,

"Thank you," Raina nodded, slowly walking over and shutting the door behind her, the full sized mirror embedded onto the wall reflected her body back at her.

Raina tilted her head as her hand slowly moved to her breasts, compared to a few days ago, they had definitely grown from a C cup to a D cup, their shape and softness also refined and seductive, whilst it's sensitivity heightened. Her overall body had also seemed to have matured as her hourglasses shaped figure became more prominent, her butt slight holding more fat to them as they slightly squished in her hands.

"Raina... I've been meaning to ask..." Vera's voice suddenly whispered from the other end, "Do you know where mum is...?"

Raina stayed silent as she turned on the shower,

"She told us to wait at the subway, but she never came..." Vera muttered, "...Neither did you... We thought they killed you both... We thought it was only us two left,"

"Come on, we'll talk about this later," Ivanna' voice whispered beside her, their footsteps slowly getting further as Raina simply stood below the water,

"Damn it... Damn it..." Raina gritted her teeth as she hit the wall, the last moments of her mother playing repeatedly in her mind, "...Argo...I'll kill him... I'll fucking kill him..."