

[18+ ONLY] In the year 2064, 5 years after the GGT apocalypse, 20-year-old Raina Everstein, finds herself in a dire situation in a misogynistic world where magic is common, whilst law and order was something of the past, and only the strong have a future. With no powers of her own, venture with Raina as she survives being captured by her mother's killer and slowly unravels the true power kept within her. ~~~~ Contains: Sex, Rape, Violence, and just generally dark themes. ~~~~ Word Count: 1000+/chapter Current Release Schedule: Uhhhh.... yeah...about that.... Update: currently writing and stockpiling chapters.

Melody_May_ · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Chapter 2 - Succubus (R18+)

Gliding a finger above Raina's shirt and the rope, he then slowly made his way down, his finger touching the ropes binding her legs,

"If you try to escape, I will snap off your legs," Argo whispered in her ears as he slowly unbound it, "If you try to punch me, I'll rip off your arms. You have been warned." He tugged off the rope around her arms.

With no way of escape, Raina simply gritted her teeth as she shut her eyes. The man before her was the Territory Lord. The man in charge of the tens of kilometres around this area. Even if she did manage to run, his men were literally everywhere. There was simply no way out. No escape. Especially not for someone without an ability like her.

"Good," Argo chuckled, watching her hope fade right before his eyes, his hand grabbing her shirt and immediately ripping it off, revealing a pair of voluptuous sized C breasts and her immaculately pale skin, untouched by anyone.

"Beautiful," Argo commented, grabbing both breasts and playing with them with his hands,

"Mnnnn," A soft moan escaped Raina's lips as she tried to grit her teeth and dissociate from the situation to no avail,

"Oh, you're sensitive aren't you," Argo chuckled, kneading it in his hands and pinching her light pink nipples, giving them a light tug,

"Nggg!" Raina almost exclaimed, this time biting her lips tightly, her eyes still closed.

"Aren't you a stubborn one," He slowly moved a hand down as he suddenly opened his mouth, biting and running his tongue around her nipple. His hand slowly wiggled under her ragged pants, his finger rubbing lightly on the opening,

"Ahhh!" Raina's eyes suddenly opened as her hands flew to where he touched, attempting to move it away, "N-No, No, please!"

"Finally, an interesting response," Argo snickered, his finger rubbing faster and deeper into her, with two fingers slightly pistoning in and out.

"Arggg! No!" Raina could only squirm as her lower body began heating up and she began twisting and turning, her breath speeding up,

"You're already really wet, you little whore," He let out a soft whisper, as he suddenly stopped pulling his fingers out and positioned himself behind her, his hard cock placed right at her opening, "Let me get a good taste of this pussy,"

He immediately shoved it in without a hint of hesitation, letting out a low groan and a slight twinkle in his eyes as he glanced down at a small gush of blood pooling below him, "A fucking virgin? Oh, today just keep getting better!" He laughed, his hips already sliding in and out of the poor girl in front of him,

"Ohh! Nggggg!" Raina gasped for air as she felt herself pinned on the mattress, her stomach heating up as she felt the cock grinding inside her, repeatedly hitting the deepest parts as her brain rapidly heated up from both the pain and the unbearable pleasure echoing from her entire body. As much as she didn't want to admit it, her hips had automatically begun shaking to the rhythm, pushing the rod even deeper as her eyes slowly rolled back and her tongue slid out her mouth.

"Fuck-!" Argo groaned leaning forward and gripping his hands on her breasts, "You really are a fucking whore!" He thrust as hard as he could with a wild grin plastered on his face, "I really wonder if your mother taught you all this, or is it just in your DNA. Fucking hell..." He snickered, his hips slamming into her with every thrust.

"Aaah! No! Ahhh! Sto-p! Ngg!" Raina screamed, her breath unstable as she felt herself rocking back and forth on the bed, her brain slowly melting as all she felt was the rubbing and friction resonating from between her legs, filling up her stomach with burning heat, pain and pleasure.

"I'm cumming-" With another grunt, he thrust as deep and as hard as he could into her, feeling the tip of his dick kiss the entrance of her womb, released everything inside before taking his cock out and falling to the side with a satisfied grin.

Raina collapsed on the mattress beside him as her body also convulsed, the sound of her unsteady breath slowly dissipating in the cold damp air as a spew of white liquid slowly oozed out her pussy.

[Unlock Requirement Met]


[Power Awakened: Succubus]

Slowly sitting up on the bed with a groan, her pussy pulsating with every movement, its sensitivity increasing, as just rubbing on the sheets caused her to almost let out a moan. Placing a hand on her stomach, and another rubbing her eyes at the screen, her vision slowly adjusted to the slightly purple holographic display before her,

"I... awakened...?" she quietly muttered, her eyes completely wide in surprise as she gave it a little tap, causing another screen to pop up.


[Name: Raina Everstein

Level: 1

Age: 20

Sex: Female

Ability: Succubus


SP: 20% (4hr 8min)

HP 100/100







Absorb Essence]

"What's a succubus..?" Raina muttered, tilting her head in confusion, tapping on the [Succubus] tab.


A Succubus is an ancient race of demons. They were once deemed to be the strongest type of demon due to their ability to continuously grow, however, they require the essence of humans to survive, which has caused the population to go extinct once the gate to the mortal realm was destroyed.]

"No way..." She whispered as she glanced over that Argo, dozing off beside her,

"[Absorb Essence]," She muttered, attempting to cast the spell.

But instead of seeing a slight glow popping out of her hand, a small warmth suddenly resonated right below her stomach, and a soft warm addictive feeling of fullness and pleasure all exploded within her.

"Aahhh!" a moan escaped her lips unconsciously as her body flinched, feeling the same sensation as experiencing an orgasm.

[Essence Absorbed.]

[Level UP 1 → 2]

[New Skill Learnt: Charm]

Slowly grasping her stomach in surprise, Raina quickly glanced over at Argo before back at her status,


[Name: Raina Everstein

Level: 2

Age: 20

Sex: Female

Ability: Succubus


SP: 30% (7hr 14min)

HP 100/100







Absorb Essence | Charm]

This time tapping on the [SP] option,

[SP: 30% (7hrs 13min)

Succubus Points: Amount of essence within the body.

Warning: If the amount of SP decreases below 10%, Frenzy will activate.

Warning: If amount of SP exceeds 200%, Overcharged will activate.]

"Frenzy...?" Raina muttered softly with a frown,

"What're you whispering about-" A sudden voice interrupted her thoughts as Raina instantly spun her head in surprise, to see Argo staring at her with a strange gaze, "Are you that eager for round 2?" He licked his lips as he ran his eyes all over her naked body, his hand rubbing his cock as it slowly hardened.

Raina glanced down hesitantly as the explosive feeling of euphoria when absorbing the essence gushed back into her body, a soft moan escaping her lips, as she felt her pussy pulsating again,

"Oh, you're even sluttier than I thought," Argo's eyes twinkled, as he grabbed her chin and gave a french kiss, rolling his tongue around her mouth before letting go, a line of saliva connecting the two as Argo rushed in, thrusting his cock deep into her with one swift movement for the second time without preparation,

"Ahhhhh!" A sweet moan escaped her lips as she tightened up, not even attempting to hide her pleasure this time around, "Nggghhhhh! Ohhhhh!" Her eyes rolled to the back of her head as she thrust her hips back into his,

"You fuckin... slut!" Argo groaned, smacking her ass as he thrust forward, resulting in a loud scream of pleasure from Raina, her pussy convulsing, tightening and gripping onto his rod as she thrust herself as deep as she could,

"I-I'm comingg-" Raina moaned as she orgasmed, however still continuously thrusting herself deep, like a rabbit in heat,

"Fuck-" Argo also groaned as he shot his load, "I've taken a strong liking to you," He breathed out, wiping the sweat on his forehead, "How about you become my personal fucktoy? I'll let you roam free in the mansion; all you have to do is let me fuck you when and wherever. What do you think?" He coerced, placing his lips back on Raina's and giving it a lick before once again pistoning his hips back and forth,

"Ngggg!" Raina let out a sweet moan as she quickly caught her breath, trying to process what he just said, "I can go anywhere?" She asked between breaths,

"As long as it's within the mansion," Argo affirmed, wrapping his arms around her hips and pulling to towards him, another bout of liquid gushing into her with a moan, "All you have to do is let me use you whenever I want. Isn't that a good deal?"

"...What about my sisters? What did you do with them?" Raina frowned, slowly sliding off the rod as her stomach slightly protruded from the large quantity of cum within her, some residue dripping down her leg.

"In the Collection Room," Argo replied, his eyes staring at the alluring mess before him, "But this isn't about them. Do we have a deal, or not?"

Raina lowered her head as she gave it a good think, "I'll do it."

Considering her sisters were in the mansion somewhere, if she was given the freedom to roam the mansion, perhaps she would be able to find them and plan an escape together.

"Good. follow me," A smile emerged from Argo's lips as he slowly stood up from the bed, putting on a red silk robe before walking over to the other end of the garden.

A few metres in front of them was a large glass greenhouse looking building, and inside the building were a dozen or two women. All naked with a slight dead look in their eyes. A bright crimson red collar around their neck.

"These are my prized possessions." Argo introduced, opening the door and letting the warm humid breeze from within wash out into the damp outside air where they stood.

Walking in with a proud expression, Argo glanced around before approaching one of the ladies, yanking the collar off her neck without hesitation.

"This is yours now. Wear it with pride." He handed it over to Raina, the words 'Argo's Property' etched into the golden plate at the front. "Let everyone know who you belong to."

Raina hesitantly tied it around her neck, feeling the slight choking sensation as it clicked together,

Argo let out a satisfied grin as the collar was secured around her neck, "Never take that off. Do you understand?" he approached her, rubbing his thumb over the gold plate,

Raina gave a small nod as she watched him smile at his new possession, "What about her?" She turned to the girl whose collar was taken,

"She has no use to me now." He simply replied, walking out of the greenhouse, grabbing Raina's wrist as he shut the door behind him, "She'll be cleaned out by the time you come back later,"

"What does that-?"

"Any more questions and I'll take back our deal. You'll join the others in the greenhouse. I don't like people who ask too many questions," Argo interrupted, "Now, let's go have dinner,"

Raina instantly shut her mouth as she nodded, slowly following behind, with nothing but the collar around her neck.

Chapter numbero duo.

Feed me stones please. I live off that stuff.

Melody_May_creators' thoughts