
Succubus? Mermaids? Nymphs? - Eros levels up to immortality

[New quest received] [Perform Sexorcism on target] [Reward - ??] [Penalty - Erection for four days] ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [Eros, mortal desires are such delicate and intricate strings. Would you like to play?] He chuckled, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "They can't be as hard as I am right now. Let's pull some strings," ______________________________________________ Eros who was once the god of love finds himself condemned to the abyss after receiving the "Bitter Ending" Curse for a crime he didn't commit. Stripped of his divine powers, he was reincarnated by his devoted lover, Shiva, who had to sacrifice her soul to the Lord of the Void in a desperate attempt to save him. To save her, Eros strikes a fateful bargain with the seductive goddess of Lust, a powerful deity with her own vendetta against Zeus. Tasked with toppling the All Powerful Zeus, Eros is granted a fraction of the lust god's irresistible power and a mysterious system to navigate his newfound abilities. [Skill Achieved - Heart Strings] Now reincarnated into a magical world brewing with succubi, mermaids and nymphs, Eros must pull at their heart strings to gain strength, inching him closer to godhood and of course, reclaiming his lost love. =======≠==≠==========≠========== "Which one to pick?" "There are so...so many varieties!!" "Succubi? Mermaids? Nymphs? Fuck it, I'll have them all!!" *STRONGLY CAUTION ANYONE AVOIDS THIS IF THEY AREN'T DOWN TO HANDLE R18 SCENES, GORE AND STRONG LANGUAGES. #No incest #No rape #No underage sex #NO NTR #No YURI *Join discord and support this book, let's grow together!! *Disclaimer!! cover isn't mine. Found it on Pinterest!! https://discord.gg/HK2h8R9skE

Dark_knight234 · Fantasy
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77 Chs

The dead man

The news of Ethan's extraordinary feat spread throughout the city like wildfire, igniting a frenzy of media coverage. Television stations and radio channels were ablaze with reports, each trying to outdo the other with more sensational headlines.

"Miracle in the Metropolis: Presumed Dead Demon Hunter Cures First Ever Possession!"

"From the Grave to Grace: The Astonishing Return and Triumph of a Fallen Demon Hunter"

"Back from the Dead: Local Hero Performs Unprecedented Exorcism"

"Miracle or Mystery: Presumed Dead Hunter Cures Possession!"

The public's reaction to these headlines was a mix of awe, skepticism, and fear. Many were baffled by the notion of a man, once confirmed dead, not only being alive but also performing what many believed to be impossible.

The story of Ethan's death and miraculous return added a layer of mystique and intrigue to the already sensational news of the first-ever cured possession.

Ethan had carried the woman out of the building, her gaze locked onto him in a mixture of shock and confusion. The last fragments of her memory were of a mundane evening routine - bathing, putting on her nightie and going off to sleep; anything beyond that was lost in a hazy fog.

As she lay in his arms, a question circled in her mind, 'And is this not the famous Grimm Reaper? Ethan Carter? How did I end up in his arms?' But before she could muster the courage to ask, Ethan gently placed her with the paramedics in an ambulance.

"She's cured. Clean her up and ensure to monitor her for the next 3 days before discharging her," he instructed with an authoritative tone.

After that, he shut himself off from the world, ignoring the barrage of questions from cops, paramedics, and even his own teammates as they retreated to their armored vehicle.

Now, in the solitude of his bathroom, Ethan stood under the shower, letting the water cascade over him, washing away the remnants of the night's ordeal.

The steam filled the room, fogging the mirror and creating an almost ethereal atmosphere. As the water sluiced the grime and sweat from his skin, he felt a brief moment of tranquility.

Suddenly, the familiar chime of a system notification broke through his reverie.

[System Notification]

[Task Completed - Perform 1st Sexorcism]

[Reward: 3 Lust Points]

Ethan opened his eyes, staring blankly at the steam-blurred tiles. 'Lust Points,' he thought wryly.

'What do I even need them for?' Ethan mused internally, his mind still clouded with the remnants of the night's events.

Almost as if on cue, Lilith's voice, an ever-present guide in his head, offered an explanation. "[The lust points are the main rewards of the system, host. With this, you can level up your attributes. The lust point is awarded based on the difficulty of the task completed.]"

The explanation brought a moment of clarity. 'Oh... I see,' Ethan acknowledged, a newfound understanding dawning on him.

He dragged himself out of the bathroom, the white towel wrapped around his waist serving as a temporary barrier against the cold reality awaiting him outside.

"[Would you like to see your stats and use your available points?]" Lilith's voice intruded into his thoughts once again, a reminder of the game-like reality that had become his existence.

"Yeah," Ethan responded, his voice a mix of resignation and curiosity. He was still trying to come to terms with this bizarre system that governed his actions and rewarded him in ways he was only beginning to understand.

A holographic screen materialized in front of him, displayed directly to his eyes such that only him could see it.

[Name: Ethan Carter]

[Age: 25]

[Gender: Male]

[Race: Human]

[Occupation: Demon Hunter]

[Rank: B]

[Affiliation: Unit 7, Manhattan]

[Status: Alive]


*Attack Power: 130

*Defense Power: 105

*Agility: 118

*Luck: 110

*Intelligence: 60

*Charisma: 15

Skill Levels:

*Weapon Handling: 40

*Demon Vision: 10

*Trap Handling: 40

*Speed: 25

[Skills: Heart Strings]

[Inventory: None]

[Lust Points: 3]

"[Which attribute would you like to spend your lust point on or would you save them for later?]" Lilith asked.


"[Confirm to spend 3 Lust points on Speed]"

As he confirmed his selection, he felt a subtle shift within himself, as if his very being was responding to the changes dictated by the system.

The screen blinked once in acknowledgment and then faded away, leaving Ethan alone with his thoughts.

Ethan heard a knock on the door that led to the locker room, pulling him from his contemplation. He wrapped the towel more securely around his waist and walked over to see who it was.

Upon opening the door, he was met by the sight of Lara, one of his team members. Her eyes quickly flicked over his bare chest and chiseled abs before she visibly caught herself. Ethan was used to this kind of reaction, though it never ceased to amuse him slightly.

Lara seemed momentarily lost in thought, her gaze lingering a bit too long for comfort. Ethan cleared his throat gently, a subtle cue to bring her back to the moment.

Lara's eyes snapped up to meet his, a hint of embarrassment mixed with something else flickering across her face. She swallowed hard, struggling momentarily to find her words.

"Captain..." she began, her voice wavering slightly as she pointed over her shoulder. "Captain Kirk wants... He wants to have a word with you." Her words were slightly stammered, betraying her inner turmoil.

"And put some clothes on," she added quickly, finally tearing her gaze away from his physique. There was an awkward pause, a brief moment where the air between them seemed charged with unspoken thoughts.

Without waiting for a response, Lara turned and hurried away, as she tried all she could not to look back.

Ethan nodded, a hint of a smirk playing on his lips. "Sure, I'll be right there," he replied.

Ethan watched her leave, the door swinging shut behind her, and then turned back to the locker.

Dressed now in his standard gear - reinforced cargo pants, dark combat shirt and his combat boots, Ethan left the locker room and began to head to the Captain's office; the path oddly familiar.

Ethan got to the office and without a second thought, he pushed open the door to the office and stepped inside, neglecting to knock. The sight of the man sitting behind the desk momentarily gave him pause.

"Forgot to knock again?" Captain Kirk's voice cut through the air, tinged with a suppressed anger that seemed ever-present when he addressed Ethan.

"Uhm..." Ethan began, his eyes briefly scanning the man in front of him. Captain Kirk was in his late thirties, with a ruggedly handsome face that had begun to show signs of the stress inherent in their line of work.

His hair, once a deep brown, was starting to gray at the temples, and his sharp, piercing eyes bore the weight of experience and unspoken burdens. His physique was still in prime condition, a testament to his commitment to the demanding physicality of their job.

As Ethan observed him, his system's holographic display flickered to life, providing a brief summary of Captain Kirk's basic information:

[Name: Kirk Landon]

[Age: 38]

[Height: 178 cm.]

[Weight: 86 kg.]

[Race: Human]

[Occupation: Demon Hunter]

[Position: Captain]

[Rank: B.]

[Affiliation: Unit 7, Manhattan]

[Relationship: Squad Captain.]

Kirk didn't wait for Ethan's explanation. He pointed towards the TV mounted on the wall of the office. "Come on in. You have a lot of explaining to do. How about we start from how you came back from dead with exorcism powers?" His voice was dry and bitter, the underlying tension between them as evident as ever.