
Succubi's Savior:I Build A Harem Communion By My "Holy Water" Baptism

Samuel Adam's fingers lightly danced over the surface of his system panel, each card bearing the digital essence of his most devoted followers, pulsating with real-time updates about each character. [Ms. Succubus is eager for you to cum on her face]. [Miss Dragon can't sleep because she longs to have sex with you.] [Miss Elf is masturbating, and the object of her fantasies is you.] [Miss Vampire is in insanity because she can't have sex with you, and she's slaughtering a pack of werewolves.] [...] With a confident press of the "Summon" button, an ethereal vampire beauty, her form stained with the evidence of a brutal skirmish, manifested before him. A sinister smile curled on Samuel's lips as he began the intriguing exchange. "I've heard whispers of your confrontation with the werewolves," he remarked with a touch of amusement. The vampire's turmoil dissipated, and she gracefully knelt at Samuel's feet. "My LORD, please forgive my transgressions. I implore you to grant me your holy water, for I yearn for them." ------------- In a distant dimension, a cadre of succubi conjured Samuel into their enigmatic isekai realm, and he found himself transformed into their savior. His unique ability, a ritual known as the 'semen baptism,' had the power to resurrect women, consecrating their souls as his most devoted disciples. With a God-like perspective, Samuel wielded incredible influence over his devotees, even holding the power to end their existence at will. When experiencing reality, it's as if he's also playing a game. Yet, Samuel's ascension as a savior was not without its challenges. He became the hunted, pursued by adversaries. To counter these threats, he had to forge powerful harem, uniting his followers in a formidable communion to fend off those who sought to topple his reign. [Note]: Virgins | Succubus | Harem | Yanderes | Incest | Dragon Girl | Elf | Vampire | [Warnings]: Insanity | Sex Addict | Orgy | Traumatic Content | Bitch |

Taosnothing · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 7 No Way!

Samuel's curiosity was piqued as he glanced at Destiny, and to his surprise, a panel materialized beside her. It resembled the same kind of panel that the Communion system had used to display his own status. Destiny's panel provided a detailed summary of her attributes and information.

[Name: Destiny]

Level: D

Experience point: 78/100

Age: 18

Race: Succubi

Title: The First Believer

Health Points (HP): 300/300

Mana points (MP): 300/300

Agility (A): 30/30

Strength (S): 30/30

Luck (L): 15/15


[Level can be increased when the experience point reaches 100]

[Experience points can be gathered by fighting, completing tasks, and encountering treasures that can increase the body's capacity]

Samuel was taken aback by the appearance of the panel, and his gaze locked onto a conspicuous red button at the bottom right corner of the interface. He couldn't help but wonder about its purpose and the implications it held.

"What is the Red Button for?" Samuel inquired, his curiosity getting the better of him.

Void's response was both straightforward and chilling. "It is the execution button. It means you can terminate the life of any of your followers by simply clicking on it, and there is no possibility of resurrection thereafter."

The revelation left Samuel stunned, and he couldn't conceal his surprise at the existence of such a button. "Why would something like that be here?" he asked, unable to fathom the logic behind it.

Void's response was pragmatic and unapologetic. "It's there as a precaution for followers who may later betray you or pose a threat to your authority."

Samuel mulled over the explanation, contemplating the weight of the responsibility he now bore. "That's quite a consideration," he remarked with a nod of acknowledgment. The knowledge of this grim button served as a stark reminder of the complex dynamics and challenges that lay ahead.

After the insightful conversation with Void about the Red Button and the nature of followers in this new world, a panel appeared, announcing, "Congratulations on getting your first believer." It further stated that Samuel had been rewarded with a newbie pack, offering the choice to open it immediately or store it in his inventory.

Samuel, ever the curious soul, didn't hesitate. "Open it now," he declared. The box had an enigmatic, mystical appearance, adorned with iridescent colors that seemed to shift and change as if influenced by unseen magical forces.

As Samuel cracked open the box, he was surprised to discover a modern pistol and a set of body armor. He couldn't help but feel perplexed; in a world of magic and fantastical creatures, what use did Earthly weapons have?

Void, as always, was there to provide answers. It explained that these weapons had undergone a special magical enchantment, rendering them usable in this world. Only Samuel and his most loyal followers would be able to harness their power. This adaptation was made with Samuel's unique background in mind, as he was not accustomed to using magic.

Samuel nodded in agreement, appreciating the forethought that had gone into these gifts. "You're really considerate with all your actions," he remarked with a smile. "I love it."

Void, taking on a human-like form in Samuel's conscious space, was taken aback by the unexpected affection. Samuel leaned in as if to kiss Void, a playful impulse that he couldn't resist.

"Ugh, no way," Void reacted with a mixture of surprise and disgust. "Get the heck away from me."

Samuel chuckled at Void's reaction, realizing that even in this fantastical world, some boundaries remained intact.

As laughter echoed in Samuel's conscious space, a sudden alert from the system jolted him back to the grim reality of the mystical world he now inhabited. The message indicated that two Orcs were rapidly approaching his location, catching him completely off guard. Destiny, equally alerted to the impending danger, swiftly took a defensive stance, positioning herself protectively in front of Samuel.

That was a ranking C and D duo.

Fear gripped him as he realized that danger had descended upon them far sooner than he had expected. The appearance of the two Orcs marked the arrival of a perilous moment. Destiny, her gaze now filled with determination, withdrew a dagger, readying herself for the impending confrontation.

It was in this dire situation that Destiny turned to Samuel, her voice grave and her intent clear. She strongly suggested that she would engage the Orcs, serving as a diversion to buy Samuel precious time to escape from this impending peril. She emphasized that he was the last hope of the Succubi race, and his safety took precedence.

Samuel hesitated, struggling to accept her selfless offer. He couldn't bear the thought of leaving Destiny behind to face such formidable foes on her own. But, Destiny's earnest plea was resolute.

"Please, Samuel," she implored, "you must seek an opportunity to escape. Your safety is paramount. I will do my best to hold them off and ensure you have a chance to flee."

Samuel, torn between his concern for Destiny and the urgency of the situation, found himself at a crossroads. He knew that his new tools, the enchanted Earthly weapons he had received, could prove pivotal in this critical moment. The pressure was on, and he felt the weight of the responsibility he had unwittingly shouldered.

Despite his reservations and the lingering uncertainty, Samuel understood that Destiny's selflessness came from a deep sense of duty and loyalty. He decided to embrace the power of his newfound gifts and confront the imminent danger head-on. This was his opportunity to test the capabilities of the pistol and body armor, to protect not only himself but also the brave succubus who had become his staunchest ally.

With resolve in his heart and the Earthly weapons in his hands, Samuel was ready to face the orcs and stand his ground. The battle that loomed before him was a pivotal test of his newfound abilities and his growing role in this enigmatic world.

With a smirk decorated on his face and eyes glimmering with a positive attitude shining in his demeanor, Samuel looked at the situation as just a mere work of his left hand. His shoulders relaxed and dropped down and with constant breathing, even the danger approaching him, Samule stood his ground. 

Meanwhile, Destiny waited for a reaction from Samuel, as she expected him to run in the opposite direction and save his soul for the evolution of the succubi's race. She would exchange her soul or die for him if it meant to save her community from getting extinct by civil wars in the magical kingdom.

"No way! I won't run away from my fear!" Samuel refused the offer by Destiny, and he looked into her eyes. "Do you think your savior cannot fight? I am not that fragile baby girl. Let the show begin." He winked at Destiny, who stood cluelessly on the ground, watching eagerly everything Samuel was doing.

Samuel's gaze darted at the orcs coming in his direction. His lips curled up into a confident smile. Suddenly, he glanced at something and his smile extended into a grin. It was a hidden spot not too far from his feet. Without wasting another second, Samuel jumped towards the hidden spot, dragging Destiny along with him, and leaned his back firmly on the solid rock. 

Taking deep breaths, he peeked through the lowest point of the rock, making sure he was hidden well under the thick grass. He spotted the duo of the orcs approaching in a short time. They were fast and faster as the distance got covered. Hardly a few meters left when Samuel got an opportunity to take the C-ranked Orc down.

His finger brushed over the trigger and with a gentle pull, a loud sound of the gunshot echoed in the valley. Random birds flew in fear and took refuge in a nearby safe place. The bullet went straight through the Orc's head and passed from the other side of his head. Made an immense hole where anyone could see through it. 

Blood spluttered like a fountain from the wound in the head and his entire body went numb for a brief second. The other orc gasped loudly as his brain couldn't process what exactly happened in front of his eyes. 

He was too shocked to react. The wounded orc's body went limp and fell down on the ground with a loud thumping sound. He died on the spot, which brought a smile to destiny's lips. She was jubilant to see the monster dead.