
Succubi's Savior:I Build A Harem Communion By My "Holy Water" Baptism

Samuel Adam's fingers lightly danced over the surface of his system panel, each card bearing the digital essence of his most devoted followers, pulsating with real-time updates about each character. [Ms. Succubus is eager for you to cum on her face]. [Miss Dragon can't sleep because she longs to have sex with you.] [Miss Elf is masturbating, and the object of her fantasies is you.] [Miss Vampire is in insanity because she can't have sex with you, and she's slaughtering a pack of werewolves.] [...] With a confident press of the "Summon" button, an ethereal vampire beauty, her form stained with the evidence of a brutal skirmish, manifested before him. A sinister smile curled on Samuel's lips as he began the intriguing exchange. "I've heard whispers of your confrontation with the werewolves," he remarked with a touch of amusement. The vampire's turmoil dissipated, and she gracefully knelt at Samuel's feet. "My LORD, please forgive my transgressions. I implore you to grant me your holy water, for I yearn for them." ------------- In a distant dimension, a cadre of succubi conjured Samuel into their enigmatic isekai realm, and he found himself transformed into their savior. His unique ability, a ritual known as the 'semen baptism,' had the power to resurrect women, consecrating their souls as his most devoted disciples. With a God-like perspective, Samuel wielded incredible influence over his devotees, even holding the power to end their existence at will. When experiencing reality, it's as if he's also playing a game. Yet, Samuel's ascension as a savior was not without its challenges. He became the hunted, pursued by adversaries. To counter these threats, he had to forge powerful harem, uniting his followers in a formidable communion to fend off those who sought to topple his reign. [Note]: Virgins | Succubus | Harem | Yanderes | Incest | Dragon Girl | Elf | Vampire | [Warnings]: Insanity | Sex Addict | Orgy | Traumatic Content | Bitch |

Taosnothing · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 6 Rebirth

Just as Samuel was beginning to regain his composure and question the nature of the phenomenon, Destiny, who had been lying motionless on the ground, emitted a deep and unexpected breath. It was as though life itself had returned to her, and she abruptly sat up with a violent jolt.

The sudden movement startled Samuel, and he jumped back in surprise, his head colliding painfully with a nearby tree. He groaned in pain, clutching his head, but the astonishing turn of events quickly drew his attention away from his own discomfort.

Struggling to his feet, Samuel turned his gaze toward Destiny, his eyes wide with astonishment and disbelief. What he saw before him defied all reason and challenged the very boundaries of his understanding of reality.

Destiny, who had been lifeless just moments ago, now sat there, alive and seemingly unharmed. Her eyes were open and filled with a vibrant vitality that had been absent moments ago. Her chest rose and fell with the rhythm of her breath, and color had returned to her cheeks. It was as though she had been reborn, emerging from the brink of death with an inexplicable and miraculous resurrection.

Samuel stood there in a state of utter bewilderment, unable to comprehend the extraordinary turn of events that had just unfolded before his eyes. It was a moment that defied all logic and explanation, leaving him grappling with a newfound sense of wonder and a profound realization that this mystical world held mysteries far beyond his wildest imagination.

As Samuel stood there, still reeling from the miraculous resurrection of Destiny, he couldn't help but notice a profound transformation in her appearance. The semen that had previously covered her body had vanished, leaving her skin not only nourished but also imbued with a radiant, ethereal quality. Her complexion had taken on an otherworldly luminescence, her skin seemed to glow with a mesmerizing vitality, and her once-beautiful features were now elevated to a level of pure enchantment.

Destiny's ethereal skin appeared almost translucent, like the delicate petals of an otherworldly flower. It emitted a soft, captivating glow that seemed to emanate from within, casting an alluring radiance that was both enchanting and surreal. Her beauty had transcended the boundaries of ordinary aesthetics, and Samuel was left in awe of the otherworldly transformation before him.

His voice trailed off as he found himself at a loss for words. "She looks great," he finally managed to utter, his voice filled with a sense of disbelief and wonder. He couldn't help but marvel at the astonishing change that had occurred in Destiny.

Destiny, her newfound energy and resplendent beauty evident, stood up from her position on the forest floor. Each step she took radiated a powerful sense of determination, and she approached Samuel with an air of unwavering purpose. Samuel, his back against the tree where he had collided earlier, found himself involuntarily retreating bit by bit. His thoughts raced, considering various strategies for escape should the need arise.

A series of frantic thoughts raced through Samuel's mind as he contemplated his options. Should he kneel down and beg for mercy? Should he attempt to negotiate with her, despite the danger that entailed? Or should he make a desperate dash to escape, even though he was uncertain of what lay beyond the forest? The sense of impending doom weighed heavily on him.

Destiny's approach seemed relentless, closing in on Samuel with each step. He felt a rising sense of panic as he realized there was no escape, no viable path to freedom. The ancient temple, where their peculiar journey had begun, stood behind him, and the forest before him held untold mysteries and potential dangers.

However, the unexpected happened. Destiny, when she came within arm's reach of Samuel, knelt before him with an expression of profound respect and gratitude. She addressed him with a title that took him completely by surprise, "Honorable Pope."

Samuel couldn't contain his astonishment at the sudden change in her demeanor. "Ugh, you called me 'master' before, but now I'm 'Honorable Pope'? What will you call me next, 'your Majesty'?" he sputtered, still struggling to come to terms with the bewildering turn of events.

Destiny's response left him dumbfounded. "If you can take the crown, I will be willing to serve you as 'your Majesty,'" she replied with unwavering sincerity.

Samuel was at a loss for words, his mind racing to process the unexpected change in Destiny's behavior. He let out an exasperated sigh, unable to fathom the complexities of this fantastical world. "By the way, why do you call me 'Honorable Pope' just now?" he finally mustered the courage to ask.

Destiny's response sent a shiver down Samuel's spine. "Because you have just given me a perfect baptism of 'holy water,'" she replied, her voice filled with a seductive undertone.

Samuel felt a sinking sensation in the pit of his stomach, his mind reeling at the implications of her words. "I am screwed," he muttered under his breath, a mixture of frustration and apprehension in his voice. The realization of the situation he had unwittingly stepped into left him feeling utterly trapped and overwhelmed, with no clear path forward in this enigmatic world.

As Samuel contemplated the astonishing turn of events in this bewildering world, a multitude of questions swirled through his mind. He couldn't help but wonder about the nature of this world, where a stranger could suddenly become a ruler simply because of his unique capacity.

"What is this world really?" he thought to himself, his brow furrowed in deep contemplation. "How can a man from nowhere just become your King because he has the capacity?" The profound changes that had taken place left him bewildered and curious.

Samuel found a moment of solitude beneath the shelter of a tree, sitting down to delve into his thoughts. The abrupt transformation had clearly surprised Destiny, who opted to give him space to gather his thoughts. Samuel's mind was a whirlwind of uncertainty, filled with a myriad of questions about the enigmatic world he had stumbled into.

In a moment of introspection, Samuel entered his conscious space and reached out to Void, the Communion system that had guided him since his arrival. "What is this place, Void?" he asked, seeking answers to the mysteries that shrouded this fantastical world.

Void's response was a revelation that expanded Samuel's understanding of existence. "This is but one of many worlds," Void explained. "There are multiple universes, each with its own parallel worlds, and they exist independently of one another."

Samuel nodded, absorbing the concept of multiple universes and parallel worlds. It was a paradigm shift in his understanding of reality, opening up new realms of possibility and mystery.

His most pressing question, however, pertained to the peculiar use of his sperm for baptism by Destiny's race. Samuel couldn't fathom how such a seemingly ordinary aspect of his biology could hold such significance.

The Communion system responded with a detailed explanation, shedding light on the significance of his sperm. "Your sperm is considered 'holy water' to this race," Void clarified. "A woman who has been baptized with your semen will undergo a process of evolution and rebirth. Those who receive this baptism become your most faithful believers, willing to sacrifice their souls for you. That's why Destiny called you 'Honorable Pope.' You have the power to command their unwavering loyalty."

Samuel contemplated the implications of this revelation. "So you mean I can start a religious cult here?" he inquired, curiosity piqued by the prospect.

"Yes, you can," Void replied. "By traveling to the nearest village and using your 'holy water' to transform at least four individuals, you can begin to build your following. As more people seek your baptism, your cult will grow rapidly, amassing new followers and an army of devotees willing to carry out your every command."

The offer was indeed tempting, but Samuel understood that great power came with great responsibility. He weighed the implications of such authority and the moral complexity of wielding it. "No, thank you," he responded, dismissing the idea. The path he would choose in this world remained uncertain, but he was determined to navigate it with a sense of integrity and purpose, unburdened by the trappings of power and control.