
Succubi's Savior:I Build A Harem Communion By My "Holy Water" Baptism

Samuel Adam's fingers lightly danced over the surface of his system panel, each card bearing the digital essence of his most devoted followers, pulsating with real-time updates about each character. [Ms. Succubus is eager for you to cum on her face]. [Miss Dragon can't sleep because she longs to have sex with you.] [Miss Elf is masturbating, and the object of her fantasies is you.] [Miss Vampire is in insanity because she can't have sex with you, and she's slaughtering a pack of werewolves.] [...] With a confident press of the "Summon" button, an ethereal vampire beauty, her form stained with the evidence of a brutal skirmish, manifested before him. A sinister smile curled on Samuel's lips as he began the intriguing exchange. "I've heard whispers of your confrontation with the werewolves," he remarked with a touch of amusement. The vampire's turmoil dissipated, and she gracefully knelt at Samuel's feet. "My LORD, please forgive my transgressions. I implore you to grant me your holy water, for I yearn for them." ------------- In a distant dimension, a cadre of succubi conjured Samuel into their enigmatic isekai realm, and he found himself transformed into their savior. His unique ability, a ritual known as the 'semen baptism,' had the power to resurrect women, consecrating their souls as his most devoted disciples. With a God-like perspective, Samuel wielded incredible influence over his devotees, even holding the power to end their existence at will. When experiencing reality, it's as if he's also playing a game. Yet, Samuel's ascension as a savior was not without its challenges. He became the hunted, pursued by adversaries. To counter these threats, he had to forge powerful harem, uniting his followers in a formidable communion to fend off those who sought to topple his reign. [Note]: Virgins | Succubus | Harem | Yanderes | Incest | Dragon Girl | Elf | Vampire | [Warnings]: Insanity | Sex Addict | Orgy | Traumatic Content | Bitch |

Taosnothing · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 5 Sudden Death

"What happened to you?" Samuel cried out, his voice a mixture of fear and confusion. His eyes roamed around, searching for clues as to the cause of Destiny's suffering, but the forest remained silent and mysterious.

He watched helplessly as Destiny continued to scream, her body ravaged by torment. Samuel was torn between the desire to assist her and the fear of the searing heat that surrounded her. Confusion and concern etched deep lines into his face as he grappled with the overwhelming mystery of the situation, wondering how he could help the succubus who had brought him into this enigmatic world.

As Destiny's agonizing screams and spasms ceased, Samuel was left standing in a state of profound shock and confusion. His mind was a whirlwind of emotions, his expression reflecting the turmoil within. His wide eyes darted back and forth, searching for answers that eluded him, and his trembling hands clung to the air as if grasping for understanding.

His breaths came in rapid, shallow bursts, and his heart thudded in his chest with a rhythm that mirrored the chaos of the situation. He had no frame of reference for the surreal events unfolding before him, and the sheer absurdity of it all left him feeling utterly lost.

His voice quivered as he muttered to himself, "What's happening? What should I do? I don't understand any of this." Samuel was unprepared for the challenges of this fantastical world, and his inexperience was painfully evident in this moment of crisis.

Desperation gripped him as he watched Destiny's body transform from intense heat to an eerie, bone-chilling cold within seconds. Samuel's frantic pacing halted abruptly as hope flared within him. Perhaps this abrupt change signaled a return to normalcy. He hurried over to her side, his eyes alight with anticipation.

"Are you okay?" he asked, his voice laced with both concern and relief. "Hey, talk to me." Samuel reached out, gently touching Destiny's cold skin. Her lack of response and the rigidity of her body sent a shiver of dread down his spine.

Samuel's fingertips traced her face, and he felt the unnatural coldness of her skin. His touch yielded no reaction, no sign of life. Her eyes once filled with agony, now stared vacantly, their vibrancy extinguished.

Her body, which had earlier been wracked by spasms, was now as still as a statue. Her limbs were rigid and unyielding, her chest motionless, and the life that had coursed through her moments before had vanished.

A profound sense of loss washed over Samuel as he comprehended the undeniable truth before him. Destiny was dead. The realization struck him like a physical blow, and he crumpled to the ground beside her.

Tears welled up in his eyes, and he sobbed uncontrollably, his body racked with grief. It was a primal and raw outpouring of emotion, an expression of the overwhelming helplessness he felt in the face of this inexplicable tragedy.

As he sat there on the forest floor, his shoulders shaking with each mournful sob, Samuel grappled with the enormity of the situation. Destiny had brought him into this mystical world, and now she lay before him, lifeless and still. The weight of her death and the unanswered questions that surrounded it pressed upon him, leaving him feeling utterly adrift.

Samuel remained on the ground, his body frozen in a state of shock. He felt utterly lost as if he were adrift in the vast, mystical forest with no sense of direction or purpose. The rapid and bewildering sequence of events, from Destiny's sudden screams to her motionless state, had left him reeling.

Time had shifted and twisted around him, and it was as though the world itself had become a surreal dreamscape. Samuel couldn't help but question the reality of it all. "Am I still dreaming? Or perhaps I've fallen into some kind of hallucination," he mused to himself, desperately trying to make sense of the inexplicable.

A glimmer of hope flickered within him as he considered reaching out to the Communion system that had brought him here. "Oh, the system," he thought, his voice internal as he spoke to the entity that had guided him through this strange world. "Void, are you there?"

The silence that followed felt interminable, each passing second a reminder of his growing desperation. Samuel's brow furrowed as he waited anxiously for a response, his hope diminishing with each passing moment. "I must have gone crazy," he muttered, beginning to doubt the very existence of the system itself.

Just as he was on the brink of despair, a response finally came, nearly causing him to leap with excitement. "Please look at Destiny's situation," Samuel implored, his voice filled with urgency. "What's going on with her?"

Void, the ever-present but enigmatic entity, began to assess Destiny's condition. Samuel watched with bated breath, hanging onto every word from the system. "What happened to her?" Void inquired.

"I don't know," Samuel replied, his voice tinged with frustration and anxiety. "She suddenly started convulsing and then stopped moving a few seconds later."

The moments that followed felt like an eternity as Void conducted its analysis. Samuel could only stand there, his eyes fixed on Destiny's lifeless form. His mind raced, searching for any glimmer of hope or understanding in this bleak situation.

Finally, Void's voice broke the silence. "Her vitals – checked. Body temperature – checked. Breath – checked. Blood – checked." Each assessment was a somber confirmation of Destiny's state.

Samuel's heart sank as Void delivered the verdict he had feared. "She is dead," Void declared bluntly.

The weight of those words bore down on Samuel like a crushing burden. His shoulders slumped, and he felt a profound sense of grief and loss wash over him. Destiny, who had brought him into this mystical world, had now left him with an unanswered question, a lingering mystery that he couldn't comprehend.

Samuel's gaze remained fixed on Destiny's lifeless form, his mind a whirlwind of emotions. He couldn't help but wonder what had caused her sudden and inexplicable demise.

"Hmm, interesting," Void remarked from within the space, his voice tinged with a sense of enlightenment. He had observed the entire sequence of events and had detected something intriguing within this mystical world. "Seems like this world will be fun I can't wait to see him unleash his potential," he added, his tone taking on an elderly, contemplative quality. His gaze shifted from the lifeless Destiny to Samuel, who stood there in a state of confusion and disarray.

For Samuel, the initial hope of starting anew and escaping the misfortunes of his past life had now become a complex web of challenges and uncertainties. The world he had been thrust into was unlike anything he could have ever imagined, and the mysteries and dangers that surrounded him left him feeling trapped and overwhelmed.

As he stood there, grappling with the enigmatic forces at play and the profound loss of Destiny, Samuel couldn't help but wonder what lay ahead in this world, it was a world filled with potential and peril.

As Samuel stood in the midst of his profound sorrow, an unexpected and inexplicable phenomenon began to unfold around him. The very air seemed to gather and coalesce where Destiny's motionless body lay, as if it were responding to some unseen force. A strange luminescence emanated from the wind, giving it an otherworldly glow, while the whirling currents began to coalesce into a spiraling tornado.

Samuel, who had been lost in his own grief and confusion, gradually became aware of the surreal transformation taking place in his surroundings. His eyes widened in astonishment as he watched the whirlwind forming around Destiny's lifeless form. It was yet another bewildering twist in a day filled with inexplicable events, and it left him struggling to comprehend the nature of this phenomenon.

Driven by a mixture of curiosity and trepidation, Samuel moved closer to where Destiny's body lay, his gaze fixed on the growing tornado. The wind roared and howled, but there was an eerie serenity in the midst of the chaos, as if some powerful and enigmatic force were at work.

After what felt like an eternity, the tornado gradually dissipated, and the once turbulent air returned to a state of calm and tranquility. The surrounding forest seemed undisturbed, as if the unusual occurrence had never taken place.