
Xiao Yan

After Xun Er had left his courtyard a while ago, another boy his age arrived at his courtyard and started shouting out his name.

"Brother Tianlong! Are you here?"

Hearing the latter's voice, Qin Tianlong already knew who it was. It was the main character of the canon, Xiao Yan!

Just like how it was described in the novel, Xiao Yan was arrogant as a child even though he was also a reincarnated person from Earth. But he was at least a good person.

He often challenged Qin Tianlong in a spar and constantly lost against him. What else could be said? If Xiao Yan was the main protagonist of the Battle Through the Heavens, then he was someone who would be a fan fiction main protagonist which would someday meet other protagonists and become a shadow in their hearts.

He opened the door of his house where he saw Xiao Yan standing outside.

"Brother Qin! I've come to challenge you again now that I have broke through and became a Second stage Dou Zhi Qi, I don't believe, I the great genius Xiao Yan can't defeat you!"

Qin Tianlong sighed and tried to talk to him. But before he could even speak, Xiao Yan jumped towards him and kicked in the face. Qin Tianlong was naturally unprepared and was launched back a couple of meters away but stayed on his feet.

Xiao Yan smirked a little and spoke arrogantly. "See little brother Qin? I told you I could beat you!", Qin Tianlong laughed at his words which seemed to have infatuated him a bit.

"Hehe. You thought that you already defeated me? I was just caught off guard big brother!"

Qin Tianlong then suddenly appeared behind Xiao Yan and kicked at his feet to make him fall off balance. Xiao Yan fell on his legs as Qin Tianlong aimed a finger in his throat.

"I win."

He let out a small chuckle and removed his finger off his throat and helped him get back up. Xiao Yan accepted his help with a reluctant sigh.

"Everyone calls me the genius not seen in the Jia Ma Empire for a hundred years, and yet you are younger and stronger than me."

"You are also still young, don't think about it and just focus on cultivating."

After their little spar and chat, a clap suddenly sounded out behind them. There, two teenagers stood. One had a mischievous aura around him while the other gave a mature feeling.

"Both of you really are amazing! I feel proud to have such genius brothers. Hehe."

"You don't need to be sarcastic Xiao Li. They are still young and yet they are now at least Second stage Dou Zhi Qi."

The two that appeared was no other than the other two young masters of the Xiao Family and the brothers of Xiao Yan.

Xiao Li and Xiao Ding!

Among the three brothers of the Xiao clan, Xiao Ding was calm, wise and farsighted, Xiao Li was sinister and vicious, while Xiao Yan was mysterious and unpredictable. The three of them had different characters but they were able to cause their opponents to feel uneasy and turn their hearts cold.

In the future after Xiao Yan lost his talent, Xiao Li, with the help of his brother Xiao Ding formed the Manly Steel Mercenary and the Stone Desert City so that they can protect Xiao Yan from being a servant.

In the future some of the plots of the story circle around them especially before Xiao Yan got his first Heavenly Flame.

In Qin Tianlong and any other person's eyes, they were good brothers to Xiao Yan. Though the current Xiao Yan was arrogant enough to make Qin Tianlong hit him, he was still a good person.

Xiao Yan waved at them and Qin Tianlong greeted them. "Hello there Big Brother Xiao Ding, Xiao Li. Me and Xiao Yan were just having a little spar."

Xiao Li showed a mischievous grin and gestured Qin Tianlong with a 'come and get me' hand gesture.

"How about it little brother? Why not show big brother what you got?"


Qin Tianlong's bright and cheerful aura suddenly disappeared which was replaced with a cold and serious one. He wasn't unwilling to test his prowess by fighting against Xiao Li of course.

Xiao Li was a Third stage Dou Zhe and had a lightning affinity. In the canon, he was good at using a spear but right now, he didn't have any.

One should not forget that Qin Tianlong is a four year old and only had a body of a kid. Against a teenager with the strength of a Dou Zhe, then he stood no chance at all. He was already enough to have such great footwork and balance, but his physical strength was still too weak.

Qin Tianlong raised his wooden sword in front Xiao Li and sped forward. Xiao Li, Xiao Yan, and Xiao Ding who were watching was greatly surprised at his speed. Was this really a four-year old kid?

Not only was he a Fifth stage Dou Zhi Qi at the age of four which was even stronger and better than Xiao Yan, his speed also exceeds his cultivation level and could even match a Seventh stage Dou Zhi Qi.

However, such speed was not enough to match a Dou Zhe and Xiao Li easily blocked the attack.

Qin Tianlong expected his attack to be blocked and kicked his right leg downwards at the arm Xiao Li had used to block his wooden sword. He had to use a lot of physical strength in the kick himself high in the air in order to hit Xiao Li and catch him off guard.

"First Style: Crescent Moon!"

A wave of a white energy suddenly appeared in front Xiao Li and blocked it in the nick of time. This time, Xiao Li's back was full of sweat. The attack had the strength of a Dou Zhe as it even made a slightly deep wound in his arm with blood flowing out of it.

Xiao Yan was baffled and Xiao Ding was even more so! He was the one that understood the best with Xiao Li's cultivation level. That attack of Qin Tianlong must have the strength of a Dou Zhe in order to at least injure him!

The three Xiao brothers looked at the panting Qin Tianlong sitting in the ground and felt a bit of fear. A four year old was able to give such an attack! A four year old!

This was simply unheard of!

A four year old actually injured a Dou Zhe!

After some moment of silence, Xiao Ding, the usually calm and collected one, had snapped out of his thoughts and coughed lightly.

"I think the spar should be over now. Little Brother Tianlong, good job. Now... Please excuse both of us."

He didn't give both Xiao Yan and Qin Tianlong time to react as he quickly pulled Xiao Li by the ear and headed to separate direction of his courtyard.

Qin Tianlong and Xiao Yan stared at each other for a while as they both smiled at the same time.

"Brother Qin, I will also get going and cultivate to get even stronger. That attack of yours was really powerful therefore if I want to surpasd you, I also need to get stronger."

Xiao Yan said his goodbyes and left the courtyard. As for Qin Tianlong, he had to drag his body to his house. He had used the first skill of the Nine Mysterious Sword Art twice this day and his body couldn't handle it any longer.

Throbbing pain flowed through his body as he drew a sharp breath every now and then.

"Although I couldn't see Big Brother Xiao Li's Dou Zhe strength, I still observed the physical defense of his which was very hard to penetrate. Though I'm still using a wooden sword, it was still very weak. At least my sword art should have gone up right?"

Host: Qin Tianlong

Age: 4

Experience Points: 38/500

Cultivation Stage: Fifth stage Dou Zhi Qi

[Listed Skills]

Nine Mysterious Sword Art (High Di Rank)

Skill Mastery: 15%

[Sealed State]

"It seems, that it did increase in practices or fights. Even my experience points had gone up just by practicing. Perhaps I should ask them to practice with me often."

He had decided to practice more often than rather cultivate which seemed to slow sometimes due to the lack of Qi in the air.

Unless he found a place where rich Qi was located, then his cultivation progress would get slower and slower. But luckily there was still two more ways to increase it in the future.

With a body of a child and after all that training, Qin Tianlong was naturally very tired and sleepy. His eyes became droopy by each passing minute and finally collapsed on his bed.

If it wasn't for his messy outfit and hair, then his sleeping look was going to like a sleeping angel with his immature, cute and handsome looks which could move the hearts of many.


After many hours of rest, It was now afternoon due to him very fatigued before sleeping. After waking up, he didn't even try to stand up until the door of his bedroom was knocked open.

"Brother Qin! Father wants to see you!"

I'm mass producing chapters like a beast. At least until it reaches 30 chapters just like before I remade the novel.

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