
Why success has such importance.

People often thinks that success is the very necessary point of life for gaining the attention of others and becoming the loving person in the society and surroundings and give it a lot of importance.

Parents teach their childrens to become a successful person, teachers taught childrens to achieve success in life and society values the successful person but here question arise that what is success?

Is it your parents desired status, teacher desired position or the society's valuable personality it confused a person a lot. Or it is your inner satisfaction?

Some will guide you that is your inner satisfaction, some said that its the money, some said it is luxurious life, some said that success is hidden in simple life, some said that its your fulfilling of desires and some will guide that it is hidden in happiness. But these ideas confused the mind that what is success in actual life among them and what defination of success suits me and where, when and how I will be successful.

Success has very important role in someone's life for him/her and also for his/her surroundings, family, friends and especially for his/her life partner (husband/wife). Because if you are not successful then no one will respect you and gives you importance. People put their full efforts for success and tries their best to achieve it but what if you have achieved some sort of success and then realize that it was not suitable for you or if you put your all efforts and then realize that someone has misguided you and you are on the wrong way then.

So there are many issues and misguidance related to success. But in your daily life it is very important and achieve it because without success you are worthless and have no importance in your own and also in your surroundings.