
A Marriage Caused By A Crime

As the weeks soon passed, the magnificent bells inside the grand imperial cathedral rang joyously in celebration of Princess Tanasiri's union with Duke Ferdiano of the esteemed Fria Clan. The opulent wedding festivities were a sight to behold, with a lavish display of grandeur and beauty. Guests of noble stature were treated to a sumptuous feast of delectable dishes, adding to the splendor of the occasion. Princess Tanasiri gleamed resplendently in a gown of exquisite craftsmanship, adorned with dazzling diamonds that sparkled under the grand chandeliers of the regal hall.

As a celebration emperor alistor organized a grand ball as a celebration for princess tanasiri to duke ferdiano. many nobles danced with princess tanasiri and each and everyone gazed upon her beauty. as hours passed by it was the wedding night of princess tanasiri with duke ferdiano. duke ferdiano entered their chambers and saw the princess sitting on the bed still at her gown.

As a grand celebration of their love and union, Emperor Alistor meticulously organized a lavish ball in honor of Princess Tanasiri and Duke Ferdiano. The grandiose event was attended by numerous nobles, all eager to share in the joy of the couple's impending nuptials. Princess Tanasiri, adorned in her exquisite gown, captivated the attendees with her radiant beauty, drawing the admiring gazes of all who beheld her. As the hours drifted by, the momentous occasion transitioned into the eagerly awaited wedding night of Princess Tanasiri and Duke Ferdiano. As Duke Ferdiano stepped into their chambers, his eyes fell upon the princess, elegantly seated on the bed, still clad in her gown, a vision of grace and anticipation.

Princess Tanasiri: "We're alone now. There's no need to pretend anymore."

Duke Ferdiano: "Do you really have to be so cold towards me?"

Princess Tanasiri: "And why shouldn't I be? You know very well what you've done."

Duke Ferdiano: "It was a mistake!"

Princess Tanasiri: *Stands up furiously* "It was a choice! A choice you made without my consent!"

Duke Ferdiano: "Oh, please don't act so innocent! Everyone knows you're a flirtatious slut who seduced the nobles for fun!"

Princess Tanasiri: *slaps him* "How dare you!"

Duke Ferdiano: *holds his cheek where the princess slapped him* "Why can't you accept it? Well, it's too late now! We're fucking married, and you don't have a choice!"

Princess Tanasiri: "No matter what happens, I'm still the higher-ranking one here. One word of complaint from me, and my father will issue us a divorce!"

Duke Ferdiano: *grabs her arms* "You wouldn't dare do so!"

Princess Tanasiri: "Try me!"

Duke Ferdiano: *lets her go*

Princess Tanasiri: "From now on, this marriage will have rules, whether you like it or not."

Duke Ferdiano: "Fine... *his voice softens* What rules?"

Princess Tanasiri: "Whenever we're in public, we are to act as husband and wife, but in closed doors, we are to act as princess and subject."

Duke Ferdiano: "Are you serious right now? Is that really necessary?"

Princess Tanasiri: "You are also never to touch me again. Do you understand?"

Duke Ferdiano: "Tanasiri, that's unfair!"

Princess Tanasiri: "It doesn't matter. Whatever I say is the rule, and you will follow these rules. You know you can't disobey me."

Duke Ferdiano: "Okay..."

Princess Tanasiri: "Don't worry, I'll let you have mistresses. I don't really mind, just make sure my father doesn't notice, and so does the public. And also make sure that my family's reputation doesn't get damaged."

Duke Ferdiano: "Alright... I'll follow your rules."

In the opulent Richelieu Empire, the general consensus among the population was that Duke Ferdiano and Princess Tanasiri were the epitome of a perfect match, destined by fate itself. The whispers of admiration and speculation from nobles and commoners alike flowed through the lavishly adorned halls, painting a picturesque image of unity and harmony between the two figures of high society. However, behind the facade of cordiality and expected affection, lay a tangled web of deception, resentment, and hidden agendas.

Unknown to the public eye, Princess Tanasiri harbored a secret burden that weighed heavily on her heart, tainting the very idea of the marriage she found herself trapped in. For her, this union with the Duke was not one of love or genuine connection but rather a result of a calculated crime that had bound her to him in a union she never desired. The walls of her chambers echoed with the silent screams of her discontent, her spirit suffocating under the weight of duty and obligation.

Conversely, Duke Ferdiano saw in this marriage not only a strategic advantage to expand his sphere of influence within the empire but also an opportunity to pursue the elusive affections of the Princess. His meticulously crafted image of a devoted husband concealed a cunning ambition that fueled his every move, manipulating situations and emotions to serve his ultimate goal. As he navigated the intricate dance of courtly politics and personal desires, the Duke walked a precarious tightrope between his façade of devotion and the cold calculations of his mind.

The lavish balls and extravagant events that adorned the Richelieu calendar masked the simmering tensions and unspoken truths that lay buried beneath the glittering surface. Despite the outward appearance of a fairy-tale romance, the reality of Duke Ferdiano and Princess Tanasiri's relationship was far from the enchanted tale spun by gossip and imagination. In the shadows of their grand estate, secrets whispered and treachery lurked, shaping a narrative of intrigue and betrayal that threatened to shatter the illusion of perfection that the empire held dear.

As the wheels of fate turned and the intricacies of their intertwined destinies unfolded, the true nature of their bond would be revealed, for better or for worse. In a world where appearances could deceive and alliances were forged in the fires of ambition, Duke Ferdiano and Princess Tanasiri stood at the precipice of a tumultuous journey that would test their resolve, their loyalty, and their very souls. The echoes of their untold truths reverberated through the corridors of power, a haunting melody of love and hatred, woven intricately into the fabric of the Richelieu Empire's turbulent history.

As the days slowly unfolded into a series of predictable routines within the intricate walls of the kingdom, Princess Tanasiri's behavior unfurled like a delicate tapestry woven with contrasting threads of affection and aloofness. In the radiant spotlight of public scrutiny, she effortlessly portrayed an image of boundless love towards Duke Ferdiano, her gestures suffused with a warmth that could melt even the coldest of hearts. However, behind the formidable facade of closed doors, a stark transformation swept over her countenance, masking her true emotions in a shroud of icy detachment. 

No matter how earnestly Duke Ferdiano extended a hand of reconciliation towards the princess, attempting to bridge the chasm that seemed to widen with each passing day, his efforts were met with naught but steely glares and sharp reprimands that sliced through the suffocating silence of their shared chambers. The princess, entrenched in her regal role and bound by the invisible chains of her status, remained resolute in her resolve to maintain an impenetrable wall between them, her actions echoing a disdainful reminder of the insurmountable boundaries that separated prince and servant.

Behind closed doors, their interactions echoed the distant echoes of a fragile dance, where the princess led with unyielding grace, commanding the stage with an authority that brooked no dissent. It was a performance steeped in tradition and expectation, a delicate balance of power delineated by centuries-old customs and unspoken rules. As the hours stretched into eternity, the princess's resolve remained unshaken, her presence a silent reminder of the vast expanse that lay between them, each word spoken with measured precision, each gesture bearing the weight of unspoken truths.

In the hushed whispers of the courtiers and the watchful gaze of the palace walls, the invisible divide between them lingered like a specter, a silent sentinel that bore witness to the unspoken turmoil that roiled beneath the surface. The princess, a vision of regal poise and unyielding resolve, remained steadfast in her commitment to duty, her actions a reflection of the intricate dance of power and submission that defined their shared existence. And so, behind closed doors, the princess and the duke remained trapped in a web of duty and obligation, their fates entwined in a fragile balance that teetered on the edge of uncertainty.

After the announcement of Princess Tanasiri's marriage to Duke Ferdiano, a union that Prince Hades observed with a heavy heart, a palpable shift occurred in his demeanor. The news of Princess Tanasiri's betrothal to Duke Ferdiano echoed through the grand halls of the Asierra Palace, causing a ripple of mixed emotions in Prince Hades' heart. Once known for his jovial and engaging presence during court councils, Prince Hades now found himself withdrawing into a more reserved state, his spirit clouded by the weight of unspoken thoughts that seemed to stretch beyond the palace walls.

His once vibrant and lively aura dimmed as he wandered aimlessly through the opulent corridors and manicured gardens of the palace, his footsteps carrying a sense of melancholy. The easy smile that had once graced his face now became a rare occurrence, buried beneath the burden of emotions that refused to be quelled. Princess Anna, the ever-attentive sister to Prince Hades, noticed the shadows that danced in his eyes and made it her mission to bring a ray of light to his somber countenance.

With her infectious laughter and unwavering support, Princess Anna became a beacon of solace in her brother's tumultuous sea of emotions. She would regale him with tales of their childhood adventures, seeking to draw out even the faintest spark of joy from the depths of his contemplative silence. Despite his sister's best efforts, the weight of his inner turmoil lingered, casting a shadow over his once-joyful demeanor. 

Emperor Velka, having witnessed the toll that the impending nuptials had taken on his son, decided to take matters into his own hands. With a father's wisdom and unwavering love, he sought to provide Prince Hades with the comfort and reassurance he so desperately needed. Their conversations would often stretch late into the night, the flickering candlelight illuminating the lines of worry etched on Prince Hades' brow as Emperor Velka's gentle words filled the air.

Through their combined efforts, Princess Anna and Emperor Velka formed a protective cocoon around Prince Hades, shielding him from the harsh realities that threatened to engulf his delicate spirit. Their united front served as a fortress of love and understanding, a sanctuary where Prince Hades could find solace in the storm of his conflicting emotions. Despite the darkness that loomed on the horizon, a glimmer of hope shone through the cracks, illuminating the path towards healing and redemption.

Prince Hades, a respected member of the council that served Emperor Velkan, decided to take a much-needed break to attend to personal matters, leaving Princess Anna with the responsibility of leading the council discussions in his absence. Being a competent and dedicated member of the royal court, Princess Anna skillfully navigated through the complexities of governance and even took charge of overseeing military affairs during this time. Her days were often filled with tasks that required her undivided attention, particularly the meticulous handling of paperwork that consumed much of her hours.

Despite her diligence in managing the affairs of the kingdom, Princess Anna found it challenging to dedicate time to dealing with matters related to foreign relations and responding to the steady stream of incoming correspondence. Recognizing the strain this placed on her, Emperor Velkan graciously took on the role of handling these pressing issues on her behalf, ensuring that the kingdom's interests were safeguarded.

One day, while deeply engrossed in the administrative duties within her office, Princess Anna was unexpectedly summoned by Emperor Velkan to attend an urgent council meeting. Surprised by the abrupt summons, she swiftly made her way to the council hall, only to find it eerily deserted upon her arrival. To her confusion, the figure of Emperor Velkan stood solitary in the vast chamber, the only presence in what was supposed to be a gathering of the council members. Their meeting held an air of mystery and intrigue, leaving Princess Anna wondering about the purpose behind this unusual summons.

Princess Anna stood before her father, Emperor Velkan, her expression a mix of curiosity and apprehension as she questioned, "Dad, why have you summoned me now, with such seriousness in your eyes?"

Emperor Velkan gazed at his daughter with a troubled look clouding his features, hinting at the weight of his concerns before he spoke, his voice tinged with concern, "Anna, have you any inkling that princess Tanasiri has been sending missives addressed to you?"

Princess Anna's brows furrowed slightly, a flicker of disbelief mingling with her apprehension as she replied, her voice a blend of hesitance and skepticism, "Even if there is any truth to that, I fail to see the importance of perusing any of them."

With a solemn air, the emperor turned to a drawer beside him, the gentle shuffle of parchment emphasizing the gravity of the situation as he retrieved a neatly compiled stack of letters, the weight of their unopened secrets palpable in the room, his voice grave as he revealed, "I have refrained from delving into these correspondences to protect you. Nevertheless, I believe it is imperative for you to be the one to review them now."

Princess Anna's eyes widened in alarm at the unexpected revelation, a surge of anxiety threading through her as she protested, a touch of defiance edging her voice, "Surely, you recall Tanasiri's treacherous actions towards Hades! I cannot fathom entertaining correspondence from someone who has proven disloyal."

Emperor Velkan maintained his composure, his unwavering gaze meeting his daughter's as he countered, a sense of urgency underscoring his words, "Anna, you must understand the gravity of the situation. These missives possess potential state implications, and it is paramount that you familiarize yourself with their contents for the well-being of our kingdom."

Reluctantly, Princess Anna acquiesced, a blend of duty and wariness coating her words as she murmured, her once steely resolve softened by a tinge of resignation, "Very well, I shall oblige, though my misgivings linger, a shadow cast upon my heart."

Princess Anna, now standing in the opulent chamber bathed in the soft golden light of the chandeliers, felt a myriad of emotions swirling within her. The weight of her father's concerns bore down on her, mingling with a sense of foreboding and curiosity that tugged at her thoughts, creating a tumultuous blend of emotions that she struggled to contain. The air in the room seemed heavy with unspoken tension, each silent moment stretching in anticipation of the revelation that awaited her.

Emperor Velkan's troubled gaze lingered on his daughter, a deep crease of worry etched into his brow as he watched her reaction closely. The gravity of the situation hung between them, unspoken words echoing in the grand chamber, a reminder of the delicate balance that existed within the kingdom. His voice, though tinged with concern, carried a firmness that betrayed the urgency of the matter at hand, emphasizing the importance of the impending task that awaited Princess Anna.

Princess Anna, in turn, felt the tendrils of anxiety creeping into her heart as she contemplated the implications of Tanasiri's missives. The mere thought of delving into the contents of those letters sent a shiver down her spine, a sense of unease settling over her like a heavy cloak. Despite her reservations, a flicker of determination glinted in her gaze, a steely resolve reflecting her unwavering commitment to protecting the kingdom, even if it meant delving into the treacherous web woven by Tanasiri.

Emperor Velkan's measured actions, the deliberate retrieval of the letters from the drawer beside him, spoke volumes of the significance of the moment. The weight of those unopened secrets, the potential implications they held for the kingdom, lay heavy in the room, casting a shadow over the father-daughter duo. As Princess Anna tentatively reached out to take hold of the stack of letters, the hush that enveloped the chamber seemed to amplify the gravity of the decision that lay before her, the weight of responsibility settling on her shoulders like a heavy burden.

Princess Anna, with a deep breath that steadied her resolve, braced herself for the journey into the unknown, her heart echoing the rhythm of uncertainty that permeated the room. The dim glow of the flickering candles cast a soft light on her determined features, highlighting the mix of emotions that warred within her. In that moment, as she prepared to unravel the mysteries concealed within the missives, Princess Anna knew that the path ahead would be fraught with challenges, her faith in her father's guidance the sole anchor in the storm that threatened to engulf her.