
Subtle Manipulations: Villainess Taking Over the World

Somehow after dying an unfortunate death, she transmigrated into the body of a villainess. Stupidly in love with the male lead, she ignored the one who truly loved her. In the end, she schemed against the female lead, only to die a gruesome death. Yet, just when she thought she should have had the upper hand due to her future knowledge, she finds out that the characters are much different than what they seem. _____________________________________ "I don't know when I fell in love with you, nor do I know if this is it. I just know that when I look at you I feel like I'm not alone." About This Story: I wanted to make a more realistic transmigrated female lead novel since all the ones I’ve read are filled with one cliche after another. When I say realistic I mean 100% I will try to be as realistic as possible. There will be no “MC is overpowered and good at everything”. The MC will act in a way that I interpret someone in her situation would also act, and one thing for sure she will not be using the ML as a shield in any way. Authors Note: I kinda lost the motivation to continue this story, Might come back to it, when I receive some more inspiration.

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11 Chs

Chapter 8: Aftermath

Su Household


September 10th, 20XX

Looking through the crowds of mingling people, Su Ruoyan cursed herself for being so tiny. The figures of the adults in the room were giants compared to her small self. But, in spite of it, she weaved back and forth between the crowd before spotting her parents talking with some of their friends.

With her target found, Su Ruoyan swiftly walked towards them.

"Mom, Dad." Su Ruoyan's voice made her father and mother stop talking and quickly turned their attention to her.

"Ruo'er! There you are, your father and I were getting worried. You had disappeared for quite a while." Seeing her daughter Yu Xialan quickly rushed towards her and started to fret at her disheveled appearance. Crouching down to reach her level Yu Xialan quietly asked, "Ruo'er do you feel comfortable with the party, are you okay?"

At her words, Su Ruoyan quickly shook her head, "No, I'm fine mom...I just feel a little tired, can I go back to my room."

Su Ruoyan had enough drama for one day, she was going to go to bed and relish in the silence of her room. It was only the first meeting and she already felt tired to her bones, all she wanted to do was change out of this heavy dress, take a calming bath, and lay in her bed.

Yu Xialan hearing her daughter's words quickly called over a maid, "Send the young miss back to her room and then go draw a bath for her."

The maid hearing her orders quickly lead Su Ruoyan back to her bedroom, before immediately heading to the bathroom. The entire time the maid did not say anything other than, "Please follow me miss." or "This way miss.". The terror that Su Ruoyan had created still resided in the hearts of everyone that lived or worked in the household.

Su Ruoyan stared at the light creams and blues of her bedroom and suddenly felt a sense of calmness. She was okay now, in the safety and comfort of her room she didn't have to worry about anything. Climbing onto the large bed that was as tall as herself, Su Ruoyan plopped her head against her pillow and sighed in happiness. She felt she felt all the strength getting sucked out of her and she no longer had the energy to sit up after savoring comfiness of her bed.

She remembered that after this party Su Ruoyan's parents would start arranging play dates for her. This was how Su Ruoyan first met Mu Fan Xie, due to Mu Wan and Su Ruochen being good friends. This time though, if she told Yu Xialan about meeting Mu Zhao Yun, according to her observations Yu Xialan would arrange a play date for her. Since she had no playmates her age inside Su Manor.

With that, she could further her relationship with Mu Zhao Yun. But, if Yu Xialan arranged the playdate, then Mu Fan Xie would come too. Su Ruoyan frowned at the thought. If Mu Fan Xie came along, with her current paranoia she wouldn't be able to talk with him, much less become friends with him. It was better to secure Mu Zhao Yun as her only playmate. Maybe she could make up some excuse for Mu Fan Xie to not tag along.

"Young miss, your bath is ready."

Su Ruoyan paused her thoughts and looked at the maid in front of her, 'It would be best if I could improve my relations with the staff of this place.'

Climbing down her bed Su Ruoyan walked over to the maid, noticing her clenched fist. Tugging at the maid's dress Su Ruoyan gave her best smile, "Thank you, big sister, for taking care of me!"

The maid, Yu Li stared wide-eyed at the Su Ruoyan looking at the adorable smile, the maid relaxed her guard. 'The young miss is just a child, how could she be possessed by an evil spirit. She must have been terribly sick and so kept on throwing tantrums. I shouldn't listen to those rumors.'

Looking at Su Ruoyan's childish appearance the maid, Yu Li couldn't help but feel guilty. Yu Li smiled gently at Su Ruoyan, "Young miss you don't have to thank me, in the future if you need anything please ask!"

Hearing her words Su Ruoyan's smile grew wider and her pearly white teeth were on full display, "Thank you, big sister, I'll definitely remember!"

Without waiting for Yu Li to reply, Su Ruoyan quickly went to take a bath. Thinking of her cute and obedient young miss Yu Li couldn't help but sigh, 'My poor young miss is such a cute child! How could anyone say bad things about her.'

Even though at the time of Su Ruoyan's sickness, all the servants had been sworn to secrecy and any people who spoke badly had been rid of, Yu Xialan and Su Ruochen couldn't get rid of everything. These past few months, Su Ruoyan did not have many interactions with the household staff, so when the opportunity came Su Ruoyan grabbed it. Su Ruoyan's actions today will help her slowly erase bad rumors about her in the estate, and make sure her dark days won't be mentioned by anyone ever again.

Inside the bathroom, Su Ruoyan carefully took off her dress and set it on the counter. When she had first transmigrated, she refused to leave her bed, and wouldn't take a bath or anything. The only time she used the bathroom was when she could no longer hold it. Though she was reborn into the body of a rich young miss, Su Ruoyan still refused to let any of the maids help her take a bath.

After all, the soul of Shen Luoyu was already that of a 16-year-old. Having somebody wash and clean her body for her was just downright disturbing. Carefully entering the large tub, Su Ruoyan found a nice position to rest herself against. The warmth of the water relaxed her muscles and Su Ruoyan let out a satisfied sigh.

'𝘐 𝘨𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘴 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘬𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘳𝘪𝘤𝘩.'

Sorry for the late update. Big thanks to everyone who supported me and commented! I have lots of school work, and I don't have a lot of free time. I will try my best to get a chapter out tomorrow. I've been thinking and planning out the plot for future chapters so please bear with me!

Updates will be 1-2 times a week, usually weekends. I might miss updates sometimes if schoolwork gets in the way. Thank you for understanding. :)

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