
Subtle Manipulations: Villainess Taking Over the World

Somehow after dying an unfortunate death, she transmigrated into the body of a villainess. Stupidly in love with the male lead, she ignored the one who truly loved her. In the end, she schemed against the female lead, only to die a gruesome death. Yet, just when she thought she should have had the upper hand due to her future knowledge, she finds out that the characters are much different than what they seem. _____________________________________ "I don't know when I fell in love with you, nor do I know if this is it. I just know that when I look at you I feel like I'm not alone." About This Story: I wanted to make a more realistic transmigrated female lead novel since all the ones I’ve read are filled with one cliche after another. When I say realistic I mean 100% I will try to be as realistic as possible. There will be no “MC is overpowered and good at everything”. The MC will act in a way that I interpret someone in her situation would also act, and one thing for sure she will not be using the ML as a shield in any way. Authors Note: I kinda lost the motivation to continue this story, Might come back to it, when I receive some more inspiration.

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11 Chs

Chapter 3: Family

Su Household February 20th, 20XX

The Su household was deathly silent except for the occasional clunking sound of cutlery against plates and bowls. Su Ruochen and Yu Xialan usually ate dinner together after Su Ruochen came home from work.

Su Ruochen worked as the CEO of Su Corp. and usually came home late. But, Yu Xialan always made sure to wait for him to have dinner together. Even though the Su Family was quite well off, Yu Xialan still worked from home as a fashion designer. She had started her own brand and was known world-wide for her beautiful designs.

While they were having dinner together with Yu Xialan occasionally casting glances at the empty seat next to her, footsteps were heard. The Su couple didn't like having the servants around when they ate, so most servants knew to avoid the dining room when they were inside, so hearing the footsteps come closer they both looked up.

In front of them was Su Ruoyan who had stopped walking and looked at them for a few moments before turning her gaze to the floor. Su Ruoyan looked incredibly pale and feeble as she was standing in front of them, a simple dress that had fit well a five months before now hung loosely on her form.

Su Ruochen and Yu Xialan were both shocked at her appearance, for the past few months, Su Ruoyan had refused to leave her room and the only time they saw her was when they visited her every day in her room.

"I..I...I'm hungry." Su Ruoyan had muttered her words but, due to the silence inside the house both Su Ruochen and Yu Xialan heard her.

Hearing her words the Su couple both froze. A moment of silence washed over as they both stared at their beloved daughter. The silence was broken when Yu Xialan let out a choked sob as she saw her daughter. Awakening from his daze Su Ruochen shot up and walked over to Su Ruoyan. When he reached her he knelt down in front of her his handsome facial features looked even better with the large smile he was wearing. The smile made the dark circles under his eyes look much less prominent, hiding the strain that the past few months had caused him.

"Ruo'er, what do you want to eat?" Asked Su Ruochen excitedly, "Anything you want Daddy will get it for you."

His daughter had finally started to get better, he had missed her dearly these few months. He missed the way she used to follow him around like a little duckling and act cute with him when she did something to make her mother mad. Seeing her finally opening back up, he felt a sense of hope that his sweet daughter was still in there.

Yu Xialan seeing her husband like that quickly followed right behind him and knelt down in front of Su Ruoyan as well.

"Ruo'er whatever it is that you wish to eat mother will do anything she can to get it for you." Yu Xialan's eyes had turned glassy from unshed tears.

Su Ruoyan was silent for a few moments before she finally answered. "Har Gow, I wanna eat Har Gow."

Su Ruochen and Yu Xialin were quick to process her words and immediately nodded their heads.

"Mom will go get some Har Gow for you now." Yu Xialan quickly wiped her tears, "Ruo'er you be good and sit at the dinner table and wait for mom, alright?" Giving Su Ruoyan a quick kiss, Yu Xialan wiped her tears and quickly rushed to the kitchen.

Su Ruochen seeing his wife leave lead Su Ruoyan to the dining table and nimbly carried her onto her seat. Su Ruochen felt a stab in his heart as he felt how thin and bony his daughter was. Her once clear and rosy skin was a sickly pale and her once bright eyes held a dull light.

Su Ruochen clenched his hands into a fist, this is progress he thought as he stared at his daughter who was looking at the kitchen door awkwardly waiting for Yu Xialan to come out. He hadn't had a normal conversation with his daughter for over 5 months now, he didn't know what to say.

"Ruo'er…" Su Ruochen started. Hearing him call her name Su Ruoyan hesitated before looking up at him, Su Ruochen hesitantly put his hands on her shoulders and slowly pulled her into a hug. Seeing her look at him Su Ruochen couldn't help but choke out with his voice full of emotion, "Dad...Dad is really happy you came out. Ruo'er Dad is really happy."

Su Ruoyan's dull eyes became shocked as she laid stiff in his arms unsure of what to do. But, slowly she brought her arm to wrap around Su Ruochen's shaking form, she then started to pat his back. Feeling her gentle pats Su Ruochen hugged her tighter.

Yu Xialan who was standing at the dining room entrance stood carrying a plate of freshly made Har Gao. She stared at the scene in front of her with tears in her eyes. After staring at the father and daughter duo for a few more seconds, Yu Xialan took one of her hands off the plate and wiped her tears. Walking towards them with a smile she finally declared her presence.

"Ruo'er, dear the Har Gow is here."

Su Ruochen let go of Su Ruoyan and quickly wiped his tears a wide smile appearing on his face.

"Look Ruo'er your Har Gow is done, let's eat now."

Yu Xialan put the plate of Har Gow in front of Su Ruoyan, the crystal skin of the dumplings was perfectly made with fresh shrimp just caught only an hour before. Yu Xialan had quickly called the most famous dim sum restaurant and ordered over a dozen Har Guo dim sum boxes. Each box had 3 dumplings and each box cost over 100 RMB.

Su Ruoyan stared at the dumpling in front of her before slowly moving the Jade chopsticks in her hand towards the fat dumpling. Picking up the dumpling she put took a bite off the dumpling the hotness burned her mouth, but she ignored it over the delicious fragrance and flavor that overtook her taste buds. The skin of the dumpling was not too chewy or hard but satisfyingly soft, it didn't stick to her teeth or the roof of her mouth but slowly mixed with the shrimp to form a delightful taste.

For the past months, Su Ruoyan had eaten in order to stop herself from going hungry. Since her parents were worried that she wasn't eating enough they made sure all her food had the highest amount of nutrition. So for the past 6 months, she had been eating nothing but eggs, vegetables, and worst of all raw avocados. She didn't really care at first, the taste of the food bland in the face of her grief but, eating the same things in different forms for the past 5 months took a toll on her taste buds.

Su Ruoyan who was starving and unable to taste good food for nearlyt half a year immediately shoved dumplings in her mouth one after another. Her parents watched in shock and odd fascination as the Hur Gao on the plate seemingly disappeared one after another at a terrifying pace. In the end, the plate of over 20 dumplings a bit bigger than the size of a baby's fist was devoured by Su Ruoyan in less than half an hour.

Both Yu Xialan and Su Ruochen should have been at least a bit worried at their daughters eating habits, but no— they were actually far from worried. On the other hand, they ecstatic at seeing Su Ruoyan finally eat her fill and not just the meager amount she ate every day. The couple shared a glance and saw the mutual happiness reflected in their eyes.

"Mom...Dad, thank you."

Hearing Su Ruoyan's words Yu Xialan felt a new onslaught of tears in her eyes. Her sweet daughter had not called her "Mom" in over half a year. To hear her say it again was the greatest joy she had ever felt.

"Ruo'er your father and I are your parents. You don't need to thank us for anything we do for you," Su Ruochen stated putting a hand on Su Ruoyan's shoulder, "All you need to do is be happy and healthy, and that's all we need in return."

At that moment, it felt like they were a family again.