

Because of the embarrassing behavior of her sister who ran away right on her wedding day, Daffa Eldaz was forced to take her sister's place in order to save the good name of the Eldaz family. At first Almira refused because apart from she only loved Rian Eldaz, she also knew very, very well how Daffa's temperament was a true Casanova. Especially the second personality who are both stubborn seem to be very difficult to put together. But because of the pressure of the whole family, they were forced to agree to this marriage. "Listen, Almira! I married you only because I wanted to save my family's good name. I can't possibly be attracted to a woman whose body is as flat as a wall like you!" Daffa squeaked with a condescending gaze on Almira. "Hey, good sir Daffa Eldaz! You think I want to touch you, don't you? Don't be too confident! I'm not used to using other people's stuff! It's possible, later my body will itch all over," replied Almira no less fiercely. Will one day be able to get along so that they can live in the household like other normal couples?   Or will they choose to give up because the two are both tough and can't be reconciled?

Azka_Shakila_0714 · Urban
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40 Chs

We'll see! Who did Daffa choose?

Arriving in a private room, several people were seen chatting and immediately turned their attention to them. Anjani immediately invited Daffa to sit on the sofa opposite her.

"So this is Mr. Eldaz's son, Anjani?" asked a man to Anjani.

"Yes, Pa, this is Daffa Eldaz. He will now cooperate with us," answered Anjani.

"Greetings, sir. I'm Daffa and this is my wife Almira," said Daffa introducing herself.

"Wife? Aren't you Anjani's lover?" asked the man in surprise.

"No, sir. I already have a wife," Daffa argued because that was the case.

"What is this Anja?" asked the man who Daffa thought was Anjani's father.

"Look, Pa, actually Daffa and I are ex-lover. Yes, at least before Daffa gets married," said Anjani with such a cynical look at Almira.

"Oh, come on, Miss Anjani. You have to move on from my husband. You are a classy woman, of course you don't want to be called a usurper for someone's husband because you still expect Daffa," said Almira with a smile.

Hearing Almira's words, not only Anjani widened her eyes in shock, but also everyone who was there.

"Heh, you who snatch people's husbands! You're the one who snatched Daffa from…"

"Sorry, Anjali. If you bring me into the midst of your family just to discuss the past few years and also to insult my wife, I better go home. We came here because you said that your father wants to know me as a new business partner, not as your ex-girlfriend. After all, what's the point, Hem? Whether you're my ex or not, in fact Almira Chandra is my wife," Daffa said with emphasis.

Almira secretly smiled a smile full of satisfaction and a scornful look at Anjani. Of course it made Anjani clench her fist tighter.

"Sorry Mister. I do not mean it like that. Erm, my introduction is Haris Wijaya, the HS Group company elector. It's a pleasure to work with a talented young man like you." said Anjani's father immediately reached out to Daffa.

With pleasure, Daffa accepted Mr. Haris' helping hand as well as Almira.

"I hope something like this won't happen again, sir. I don't like people who mix business matters with personal matters. What's more, it's a private matter, it's been going on for the past few years. I don't think it's really necessary," Daffa said emphatically.

"Of course, sir. So regarding our business…"

Mr. Haris began to flow talking about the business they would do together. Of course this is a project from scratch again. Even though Mr. Haris had worked with Mr. Eldaz before, their work was done.

They talked for a long time, until when the main event was about to start, they just stopped talking and immediately returned to the middle of the party.

Daffa and Almira seem to stick together and don't want to be far from each other, making Anjani even more jealous.

"Mr. Daffa, can you motivate us, a few words or two," said the host, making Daffa take a deep breath.

"I'm on stage first. You wait here!" said Daffa, who was actually heavy, leaving Almira.

"Of course. There you go, I'll be fine. I'm just going to taste the food there," Almira pointed at the food stand.

"Well, don't go too far."

Almira nodded then immediately turned to the food stand. Likewise with Daffa who immediately went up to the stage according to the person's request.

Almira immediately chose the food that she thought was delicious. Incidentally, she hadn't had dinner yet because he made a strange drama with Daffa.

"Wow, looks like you've never eaten good food, have you?" someone said, successfully stopping Almira's hand.

Almira turned and smiled a little at the person who had disturbed her fun.

"It seems that your cellphone is smarter than its owner, until you don't know how rich the Chandra family is," Almira sneered but in a style that was still very relaxed.

"I don't need to know how rich you are. But if you look at your disgraceful behavior, it is clear that you are a food hunter who has never tasted the delicious food of the rich," Said Anjani increasingly launched a sneer at his rival.

"Oh come on, you think the one who eats it should always be the one who's hungry? I just wanted to try, what kind of food do you guys serve these guests. Aku not too sure on the appearance of the food. Maybe this food is actually made by your own hands and not from a fancy restaurant," Almira's counterattack really didn't provoke the slightest emotion. His demeanor is still relaxed but very annoying for the opponent.

"Heh, don't be so you Almira! Now you can laugh happily even as if you are a winner. But I'll make sure that soon you'll be crying, wailing here!" growled Anjani with such a sharp gaze.

"Oya? Ah I was waiting for that moment. I want to know what can make me cry. Are you going to kill me, Anjani?" Almira accused with eyes

"No way! Even though I hate you a lot, but that doesn't mean I will act stupidly by killing you. What is there, it's not that I got Daffa, but instead I'm going to jail," Anjani said annoyed with Almira's words.

"Oh, like that. Never mind, I'm no longer in the mood to taste the crumbled food that even invited guests are not allowed to eat. Maybe you have run out of money and will be even more bankrupt if this food is eaten by invited guests. Really sad!" Almira pouted about to leave Anjani. However, not too far away, the woman has spoken again.

"Almira, maybe you have the upper hand right now because you managed to have Daffa, but it won't be long, Almira. Soon, you will lose your husband and even watch him side by side with another woman!" said Anjani sounding so full of confidence.

Almira turned around with her arms folded across her chest.

"Take it! I don't care. I won't be able to hold anyone who wants to leave me. Likewise with my own husband. If he really wants to go, then just go. It wouldn't be good to hold back someone who didn't want to hold on anymore. But, if Daffa really has no intention of leaving, no matter how hard you tease her, she will stay by my side. I'm not a woman like you who will force love on others even though you yourself know that that person is already married!" sakras Almira in such a disdainful manner to Anjani.

"We'll see, Almira! Who am I going to choose Daffa!"

"Yes, we'll see," said Almira and then continued her steps away from the woman who was her rival.

Really, Almira is not the least bit afraid of losing someone who really wants to go. Because, even if he endured it until he bled, that person would still not care.