

Because of the embarrassing behavior of her sister who ran away right on her wedding day, Daffa Eldaz was forced to take her sister's place in order to save the good name of the Eldaz family. At first Almira refused because apart from she only loved Rian Eldaz, she also knew very, very well how Daffa's temperament was a true Casanova. Especially the second personality who are both stubborn seem to be very difficult to put together. But because of the pressure of the whole family, they were forced to agree to this marriage. "Listen, Almira! I married you only because I wanted to save my family's good name. I can't possibly be attracted to a woman whose body is as flat as a wall like you!" Daffa squeaked with a condescending gaze on Almira. "Hey, good sir Daffa Eldaz! You think I want to touch you, don't you? Don't be too confident! I'm not used to using other people's stuff! It's possible, later my body will itch all over," replied Almira no less fiercely. Will one day be able to get along so that they can live in the household like other normal couples?   Or will they choose to give up because the two are both tough and can't be reconciled?

Azka_Shakila_0714 · Urban
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

Can't Say The Reason

Not long after, Mrs. Diana returned with a compress and medicine in her hand. The woman's face looks so worried for the child. After all, who wouldn't be worried if his child came home already in a battered state. It really makes his heart so sliced.

Mrs. Diana sat beside her son and immediately applied pressure to the bruises that covered her son's face. A moan from Rian's lips began to sound, because of him.

"Actually, why are you doing this, Rian? What actually happened? Why did you run away from your own marriage and disappear instead? Mommy really wants to find you, but Daddy is furious and won't allow anyone to find out where you are. Was there a problem between you and Almira that you left him?" asked Mrs Diana on the sidelines of her activity of treating her son.

"Mom, I was forced to leave Almira. It's not that I don't love you or that there is a problem between us. I was even very sick when I found out that you actually married my future wife to Daffa's Older brother. I'm really sick, Mom, seeing my future wife side by side with my own sister," Rian whispered sadly.

"We had to do that, Rian. This is to save the honor of the family. If we don't do that, then we'll be really embarrassed. Why are you even leaving anyway? We can't marry Almira to Daffa, if you don't act," Mrs. Diana retorted because her child seemed to blame the decision she and her husband had taken.

"Mom, I'm leaving because I had to! If I didn't have to, there's no way I'd have left the woman I've fought for and cared for for five years. Is honor more important to you than your own child's feelings? Why, Mom? Why did Mommy do this?" Rian asked with a persecuted look.

"Try to explain to Mommy the reason why you went! Maybe Mommy can understand and maybe Almira will forgive you." said Mrs. Diana looking closely at her son's face.

"I can't say right now, Mom. I don't..."

"Never mind, Rian! You'd better have breakfast and rest. We'll talk about this later," said Mrs. Diana immediately left because she was tired.

"But, Mom..."

"It's okay, just rest! We'll talk about this with Daddy later," said Mrs. Diana, immediately stepping away from her child.

Seeing his mother's departure, Rian immediately sighed, then immediately got up from his seat.

Even though he still wants to seek sympathy, if his mother has said so, then Rian can't force it. What is there, later the mother will be back against him.

So, Rian should do what his mother said. After all, he did need a break to gather strength in order to persuade Almira to come back to him. Of course, as well as facing the older brother, it will not be easy to let Almira off the hook.

Ryan immediately went to his room. The atmosphere in the room still looks the same and hasn't changed a bit. However, the current owner is different. It looks like it's carrying a huge load.

The man immediately dropped his weight on the bed. His eyes began to close as thoughts wandered all over the place.

Of course his thoughts were only on his lover. Who else but Almira?

If Rian didn't go on his wedding day, he would definitely be making out with the girl right now. The scent of Almira will definitely fill the entire room he occupies.

"I'm sorry Almira, I've let you down. I promise to fix everything. I will take you back from Daffa. I don't want to see you taken by my own brother. After all, you are mine and will always be mine," Rian muttered with sadness in every word he said.

Words of regret alone will not be able to describe Rian's feelings at this time. However, the word regret also cannot turn back time until Almira will fall into him hands again.

While he was having fun daydreaming, the sound of a cell phone ringing forced Rian to pick up the call.

"Rian, have you arrived at your parents' house? Why didn't you tell me, Rian? Are you okay?" Livia asked insistently.

"I'm fine, Liv. But there was a little drama with my parents. You know, they were furious when they saw me come home. I have to persuade them first," said Rian with a heavy sigh.

"But are you okay, Rian? You didn't add your wound to your father, right, Rian?" Livia asked sounding very worried.

"No, I'm fine. It's just that they still ignore me. Just pray that I can quickly melt them and continue to get back into the company. It's useless for me to go home if I still can't go back to work and make money for your needs," Rian said, really sounding very annoying.

"Of course, Ryan. Our prayers will always be with you. Even though I'm upset that I can't be there with you right now, but surely you will bring us to your house as soon as possible, right?" Livia asked hopefully.

"Of course, dear. I can't leave you there alone. I will try to bring you here as soon as possible," said Rian calming Livia.

"Thank you, Rian. I'm waiting for you to come pick us up. Be fine there. Don't look at Almira again," Livia warned.

"Impossible, Liv. I have you and Almira has sister Daffa. Never mind, I want to rest first. My head is still very dizzy right now," said Rian who didn't want to make small talk with Livia.

"Hem, all right. Have a good rest, Papa."



Rian immediately ended the phone call from Livia. He really was too lazy to deal with that woman.

If only he wasn't afraid that Livia would do something that would harm him, Rian certainly didn't want to take care of him anymore.

"Sigh, I have to keep playing in front of that woman. It really sucks. I have to find a way to get rid of Livia as soon as possible.. That woman will be very dangerous for me!" Rian muttered looking so frustrated.

If Livia came and told her family about that woman's condition, it wouldn't just make Almira lose more and more. But Rian will also definitely be kicked by his father. The old man was sure to be furious that his son had impregnated another woman.

Even though Daffa is also a player, but her older sister never makes a woman curmudgeon. Mr. Eldaz has warned his children not to sow seeds carelessly.

"Huft, I hope I can find a solution as soon as possible to get rid of this Livia. I really can't let him continue to wander around and threaten my survival. But I have to do it neatly. Don't let my situation become even more unfavorable because of that woman," Rian muttered looking straight at the ceiling.

I don't know what this guy is thinking right now. But surely it was finding a way to get rid of Livia and get Almira back.