

  Emma's delighted shout was only met with a flat response, which made her face suddenly darken. After turning her head, she saw Jeremy staring blankly in one direction. She followed his gaze and saw Elena and Logan at once!

  The jealousy that had arisen instantly was quickly suppressed by her. Perhaps, he was just thinking about earlier business with Logan, not caring about Elena.

  After thinking so, she felt less jealousy in her heart. She smiled brightly and called out to the two people walking over, "Elena! This way!"

  Elena had seen them long ago and came forward unhurriedly. Emma pulled her close to an exceptionally beautiful wedding dress, "Elena, take a look at this one. Does it look good?"

  This white halter dress that was cute and a little playful, looking incredibly elegant.

  Elena shook her head for a moment and nodded while complimenting heartily, "It's beautiful."