
Substitute Bastard Teacher

In a world where endless magic and possibilities linger, 19-year-old Kynn, once a follower of the villain Malachi who caused the famous Shadow War in the land of Enchantia, embarks on a path as a teacher at a magic academy for his own mysterious and dark goals. But here's the twist: the academy was established by the very hero who defeated Malachi, a hero named Kanan who battled Kynn in the Shadow War…but Kynn’s face was covered. As Kynn grapples with his dark past, he must keep his involvement in the Shadow War a secret. To make matters worse, his former comrades are hot on his trail, seeking retribution and the heart of Malachi. Can Kynn conceal his past, hiding it from Kanan and the rest of the kingdom and the academy and teachers, and teach his new students the right way at the Arcane Academy to not raise suspicion?

DarkNeedleTwo · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Colosseum Of Champions

Ley (Female, 25 years old, Teacher of the Healing magic class. Long curly green hair with a white flower in her hair, dark blue eyes, and wears a green dress. Rank: Celestial Arcanist: Channels mana from celestial sources, granting access to celestial magic and divine spells. Magic type: healing magic.)

She walked up to Kynn, and handed him a green pastry, smiling, "Here you go. I made this for you."

Kynn grabbed it instantly, and ate it, "This is good. Thanks for the grub."

'Whatever she gave me..it's like it's refreshing my body..'

Kanan stated, "Ley is a caring young woman, she is naturally going to be trying to spoil everyone with her healing and Mana refreshing food."

Ley replied with a chuckle, "I can make some more if you want."

Kynn responded, "Hell yeah, make more."

The next teacher:

Saede (Male, 22 years old, teacher of the summoning magic class. Has white wavy hair, dark orange eyes, and his body was covered in mummy-like tissue wrap. Rank: Grand Sorcerer: Possesses an immense mana capacity, allowing for the casting of high-level spells. (Very High)( Magic type: summoning magic.)

Saede had a tired look on his face, pointing at Kynn, "Heh…? My snakes are telling me…they know you…from somewhere…"

Kynn laughed nervously, "Hahaha! Whaaat? That's so crazy."

'Snakes? Must be summoning magic. Snakes are a form of dark magic, like shadows and Eternal Soul Magic. There's other types of summoning magic on the light side called pure summing magic, which involves other animals and species that aren't from the origins of where dark magic comes from. He must've made a deal with some mythic ass snakes or something. I've met a lot of mythic beings in my life ever since I was rolling with the old geezer Malachi…and it seems like there's three of us standing here who wield dark magic. What happened to all of his pure light stuff that was going on? Did Kanan realize dark magic is powerful and needed to trust more of us in order to fend off another war that could possibly happen..?'

In the realm of dark magic, the art of summoning snakes holds a profound significance. It is said that the serpents, with their slithering forms and venomous nature, embody the essence of darkness and deceit. The act of summoning these creatures taps into the forbidden depths of magic, where power intertwines with malevolence. The connection between snakes and dark magic lies in their symbolism. Snakes are often associated with cunning, manipulation, and temptation, traits that align with the darker aspects of magic. Their sinuous movements and hypnotic gaze evoke a sense of mystique and danger, making them a fitting embodiment of the shadows.

In the realm of dark magic, summoning snakes serves multiple purposes. Firstly, they can be utilized as familiars or companions, serving as loyal allies to the practitioners of dark arts. These serpents possess an innate ability to sense and manipulate energy, making them formidable allies in the pursuit of magical dominance. Moreover, the venomous nature of snakes can be harnessed for nefarious purposes. Their venom, when properly channeled, can be used in potions or spells to induce harm, inflict curses, or even manipulate the minds of others. The inherent danger associated with snakes and their venom aligns perfectly with the darker intentions of those who delve into the realms of dark magic.

However, it is essential to note that the summoning of snakes and the practice of dark magic come with great risks. The allure of power can easily corrupt the hearts of those who delve too deeply into the shadows. The serpents, once summoned, can become uncontrollable, turning against their summoner or wreaking havoc upon innocent lives. Ultimately, the connection between summoning snakes and dark magic lies in their shared association with secrecy, manipulation, and the allure of forbidden knowledge. It is a delicate and dangerous path to tread, one that requires caution, restraint, and a deep understanding of the consequences that come with delving into the depths of darkness.

Saede continued, "They tell me….you're afraid of being alone."

Kynn replied, "Stalkers."

"Oh..cool…I'm Saede.."

"I'm Kynn."

Saede indeed had summoning magic, where he wielded mythic white spirit snakes. They said to him in his head, "This boy..he's not normal."

Saede thought, 'I can tell..'

"He's dangerous. He wields Eternal Soul Magic. He's of the Yorna tribe, they're known for slaughtering entire realms themselves."

'Ohhh…that's creepy. What else can you read on him..?'

"In an all out fight against us, we would lose."

'Seriously? Like altogether or one versus one?'


'Damn. Anything else?'

"Something is blocking me from reaching deeper into his mind and heart."

'That sucks.'

Kynn looked at Saede, and thought, 'Nope. Nuh uh, you're not prying into my shit. He's trying to bombard my mind even more, it's impressive he even got this far. He said my only fear was being alone. Ever since the Soul realm was destroyed..I was surrounded by loneliness and the bodies of my ancestors. I don't wanna think about that. Happy face, happy face!'

The next and last teacher:

Volgryr - (Male, 61 years old, long wavy white hair, a golden half open helmet on his face, a giant white beard, and wearing golden armor. And he had pure white eyes. Teacher of the aura and mage class. Rank: Grand Sorcerer."

Volgryr stated loudly, "I am Volgryr! Teacher of the Aura and mage class! The Aura class focuses on harnessing and manipulating the energy that surrounds all living beings! My warrior students learn to sense, control, and enhance their aura for various purposes like collision magic, protection, and amplifying their magical abilities! Its purpose is to help thy warrior students develop a deeper understanding of their own energy and how it can be utilized in their magical practices! Thy class is flooded with potential warriors for the knights positions in thy future!"

He dashed up to Kynn, and started shaking his hand, exclaiming, "Greetings, thy valiant warrior! I sense powerful magic within you! Eternal Soul Magic?! Outstanding! Even though it's forbidden magic from the realm of darkness, you decided to use it for the good of the youth! Such bravery, young warrior! You're not too much older than the students yourself, are you?!"

Kynn replied with a nervous chuckle, "I'm 19."

"So young! But so strong indeed! I love meeting strong people, you have my utmost respect and backup, friend!"

"Thanks, thanks. You too, old man."

Kanan said, "So now that you've met the teachers, also know these are the ones you will be working with. They will help you if you get perplexed. They are faithful warriors, they won't turn a blind eye. I don't know about Renn and Aurora though, they're…unique."

Renn and Aurora were down there with them, standing off to the side.

Aurora was eating an apple, saying. "Huh? Oh yeah, right. I'll help the guy if he gets confused like we all do on the first day of school. I can't let Ley get to him first; she'll spoil the hell out of him. It's so annoying.l

Ley looked at Aurora with a smile and light chuckle, "Aw, but I'm gonna spoil him anyway. I've baked extra pastries for his arrival."

Kynn raised his hand, "Give it! Give it! Bring it here now!"

Ley replied with tranquility, "Well of course. Anything for you."

Saede, Volgryr, Renn, Aurora, Endor, the kings knights, Kanan, and the civilians around them all exclaimed at the same time, "SHE'S SPOILING HIM TO DEATH ALREADY!!"

Renn said, "..Who would wanna spoil…THAT brat?"

Saede replied to Renn, yawning, "…Didn't he..kick you…across the capital-."

Renn dashed up to Saede, pulling out a shadow blade, and as soon as he whipped it out towards Saede's throat, Saede chanted: "Coiling Constriction."

A giant white snake with horns and red eyes wrapped around Renn, while the shadow blade was right at Saede's throat.

The hero king sighed, "Ugh. You know what to do when there's a dispute."

Renn said to Saede, "..After I finish you, I'll deal with the Kynn brat next."

Saede answered, "You…always..say that…let's take this…to the arena.."

Aurora rooted them on, "Fight. Fight. Fight. Fight. Fight."

Ley smiled nervously, "Hmm oh my. Will they fight again?"

Volgryr laughed while holding Kynn, "HAHA! I would like to see this battle again in the arena!"

Kynn asked, "The arena?"

"Yes! The Colosseum of Champions! Whenever there is a dispute between teachers or students, they go to the arena! It can be teachers versus students also!"


Everyone paused, the whispers around were saying:

"He wants to battle the king..?"

"Can he even…"

"What's his rank again?"

"Ascended Demigod rank I heard."

"The hero king is in that rank too, right?"

Kynn looked around, thinking, 'Oh shit. I didn't mean to say that. My intrusive thoughts came out. I got carried away.'

Kanan smirked, "I wish I could battle you, young man. But everytime I fight, the disease spreads."

"Huh? What disease?"

"Blooden. A rare disease caused by blood magic users."

"Blood magic…someone tried to kill you? No fair. I mean uh-damn that's horrible."

Volgryr said, "Just how the LAST teacher was wiped away! Someone out there is trying to end us one by one!"

Aurora kicked her feet up on some random persons head as she was sitting on a bench, "Yeah, Welp, they're definitely not getting me. Kynn will protect me since he's obsessed with me."

Kynn replied, "You know me so well."

Renn exclaimed, "Gross. Gross. Gross. Shut up."

Kanan continued, "I only survived because of my power, but the disease still caught on. Ley has been using up her magic to help me and those who have been affected, but results are extremely slow."

Saede added, "I think…it's a blood cult..or something.."

Aurora responded to Saede, "-You stole that from me."

"No…I didn't.."

Renn said, "…Hmph. Whoever they are, they will soon perish like the foolish trolls they are."

Kynn thought, 'Someone with blood magic is hunting them? Just like Soul Magic and Shadow Magic, Blood magic and forbidden dark magic are intricately connected in the world of sorcery also. Blood magic taps into the life force contained within one's own blood or the blood of others, allowing practitioners to harness immense power. However, its usage comes with a heavy price, as it requires sacrificing life energy. Forbidden dark magic, on the other hand, delves into the forbidden and dangerous realms of sorcery, often involving the manipulation of dark forces and entities. Blood magic is a subset of forbidden dark magic, as the use of blood as a catalyst enhances the potency and malevolence of the spells cast. The intertwining of these two forms of magic creates a sinister and dangerous path for those who dare to delve into its depths…'

Kanan continued to say to Kynn, "Anyways, not to veer off track with unimportant matters.."

As the king stood before Kynn, his voice resonated with authority and determination; King Kanan said, "Kynn, you have proven yourself worthy of this honor. The time has come for you to embark on a new journey, one that will shape the future of our magical realm. You have displayed exceptional talent and unwavering dedication to the arts of teaching. It is for these reasons that I, King Kanan, bestow upon you the responsibility of becoming a mana teacher at the esteemed Arcane Academy."

His eyes gleaming with pride, King Kanan continued, "As a mana teacher, you will guide young minds in understanding the intricate balance of mana, the life force that flows through all living beings. You will impart your wisdom, teach them to wield their powers responsibly, and nurture their potential. Your role is not just that of an instructor, but also a mentor, guiding them towards greatness."

"In this esteemed position, you will be entrusted with shaping the next generation of magical scholars, ensuring that they are equipped with the knowledge and skills to navigate the challenges that lie ahead. Your dedication to the pursuit of magical excellence will inspire them to push their limits, to embrace their true potential."

"Remember, Kynn, with great power comes great responsibility. As a mana teacher, you hold the key to unlocking the hidden potential within each student. Your guidance will shape their destinies and contribute to the prosperity of our realm. Embrace this noble calling with humility and unwavering resolve."

With a final nod, King Kanan concluded, "May the ancient spirits guide you on this path, Kynn. May you bring honor and enlightenment to the Arcane Academy, and may your teachings ignite the flame of magic in the hearts of those who seek it."

Aurora started to clap, which led to the applause coming from the entire audience. 

Renn didn't clap, and Saede barely clapped.

Kynn looked around, thinking, 'They're all..strange. Based on their professions and what they teach, being around them could probably help me learn how to work Malachi's stupid heart.'

Suddenly, walking beside Aurora, was a tall man, with a bald head, a black beard, and brown eyes with a scar on his eye, and he was dressed in white armor with a large red karambit the size of a spear on his back.

His name was Drow.

Aurora saw him, saying, "Father.."

"You are intrigued by this boy, yes?"


"That brat…he has the same energy and vibe as that yellow armor warrior who also wielded Eternal Soul Magic in the Shadow War. He might be him."

"Don't you think that's..a bit of a stretch..?"


Aurora put her head down, "Nothing. Sorry."

"I won't say anything to the hero king for right now until I study this brat more. In the meantime, keep your distance from him."


"You heard what I said."

Drow started walking forward, and everyone saw him:

"It's Drow! The captain of the kings knight army!"

"He's the Blade of Valor!"

Saede rolled his eyes, "Oh…it's this…guy again.."

Renn said, "Father, you've returned."

Volgryr exclaimed, "Ha! The Blade of Valor graces us with his presence!"

Ley smiled, "Oh my, his aura is radiating with hostility. I might need to go fetch pastries for him."

Hero king Kanan asked Drow, "You've returned with good news?"

Drow bowed to Kanan, "My king, the kingdom of Taeheima has agreed to be allied with us."

"That's good to hear."

Drow stood up, and he looked at Kynn, pointing his karambit at him, and explained, "My 13-foot karambit blade, known as the "Soulreaper," is a legendary weapon forged in the fires of ancient smiths. Its curved, razor-sharp blade is crafted from a rare, enchanted metal that glimmers with an eerie, ethereal glow. The hilt is intricately designed, adorned with intricate runes and symbols that channel the bright energies of the lingering mana in the atmosphere. The Soulreaper was wielded by a fearsome warrior, known as the Godwen, who used its immense reach and wickedly sharp edge to eliminate foes with deadly precision. The lore surrounding this weapon speaks of its connection to the spirits itself, as if it absorbs the very essence of those it slays. Its intimidating size and supernatural properties make it a formidable weapon, instilling fear in the hearts of enemies who face its wrath. I've slain millions of foes with the Soulreaper, and led Eldoria's knights to victory. I want to face you in the arena, with the Soulreaper. Since you are Ascended Demigod rank, this battle shall be legendary."

Ranks (Least to greatest)

Novice Mage: Just starting to tap into their magical potential, with a limited mana reserve. (Low)

2. Adept Spellcaster: Possesses a decent amount of mana and can cast a variety of spells. (Moderate)

3. Journeyman Enchanter: Has developed a moderate mana pool and can perform more complex enchantments. (Moderate-high)

4. Master Conjurer: Commands a substantial reserve of mana, capable of gathering mana from the atmosphere to make spells stronger. (High Mana Level)

5. Grand Sorcerer: Possesses an immense mana capacity, allowing for the casting of high-level spells. (Very High)

6. Archmage: One of the most skilled magic-users, with an extraordinary mana pool and mastery over multiple magical disciplines. (Extremely High)

7. Eldritch Magus: Harnesses an ancient and rare form of mana, capable of tapping into forbidden and potent spells. (Severely High)

8. Celestial Arcanist: Channels mana from celestial sources, granting access to celestial magic and divine spells. (Supreme Level)

9. Elemental Savant: Specializes in a specific elemental mana, able to manipulate and control that element with great precision. (Catastrophic Level)

10. Ascended Demi-god: Ascends beyond mortal limitations, possessing an unparalleled mana reserve and the ability to cast world-altering spells. (Limitless Level)

Everyone gasped:

"I've never heard him want to fight anyone in the arena…"

"What's he doing..?"

"He's gonna kill the new teacher!"

Aurora said, "Father..what are you-."

"Silence, daughter," Drow said.

Kanan asked, "Is this necessary, Drow? Is there a reason?"

Saede thought, 'My snakes told me none of us can beat this Kynn in a fight. What is Drow thinking?'

Drow slightly bowed to hero king Kanan, "Excuse me, hero king, if I've disrespected you. I just want to test this young man's skills. Since he shall be a new teacher, his strength to protect the students of anything happens must be tested. Since there is the blood magic wielders around, we never know what could happen."

Renn folded his arms, grinning, "I agree with father."

Ley pouted, "Aww, but I wanted Kynn to try my new cinnamon rice steaks."

Saede said stuck his hand out to Ley, "Let me…have them..*yawns*..before I fall asleep."

Volgryr stepped in, "It is only right for my thine taste buds to succumb to Ley's dish!"

Saede pointed at Volgryr, "Oi…back off geezer…you always eat everything anyway…"

"Hmph! A warrior is not stingy!"

"…I'm just…gonna ignore that.."

Ley intervened, "Haha, it's okay, I know my pastries and recipes are to fight over."

Aurora looked at her father Drow, thinking, 'Kynn may be strong, but my father is Elemental Savant rank..something bad might happen; does he really think Kynn is the yellow armor guy? It could've been anyone else. We only heard the entire Soul realm was destroyed until about a year ago. The Shadow War was two years ago. Why does father have to be like this towards everyone I meet? So paranoid for nothing.'

Kanan sighed, "Well, if Kynn wishes to battle you-."

Kynn interrupted with a smile, "Yes!"

Everyone looked at him.

Kynn continued, "I mean uh-yeah sure. Tch, haha, I'm down to fight for a couple of rounds. No biggie."

Drow said, "Then that settles it. Make your way there."

Aurora said, "I'll take him-."

"No you will not, daughter."

Renn thought, 'Now we can finally see what's up.'

Kynn was trying his hardest not to laugh, thinking, 'I can't contain myself whenever I'm able to fight, I blame Malachi for that, since he would force me to kill people which meant I was able to rank up to be his subordinate, which meant being closer to him to get his heart eventually and learn everything about him, it always excited me. Anyway, Everyone is suspicious of me, that makes this more interesting. During the fight, I gotta try my hardest not to get too much into it.'

Endor stepped up, saying, "I will fly him there and show him the way. Get over here, Kynn-."

Kynn dashed over there, already sitting on Endor's back, smacking his side, saying, "Giddy up! Giddy up! A battle awaits us!"

Endor thought, 'You evil little brat! I hope Drow ends you!'

Drow walked past Aurora, whispering to her, "I don't want to see you at the arena."

Aurora looked away, not replying, thinking, 'Pfft. You don't tell me what to do. I'm an adult.'

*Aurora is the teacher of the magic weapon class, and Renn was the teacher of the dark magic resistance class.*

(The Colosseum of Champions)

In the heart of the bustling city, there lies an ancient and legendary arena, a place where warriors from all walks of life come to test their mettle and prove their worth. The arena stands tall and proud, its towering walls adorned with intricate carvings depicting epic battles of the past. As you step inside, the ground beneath your feet rumbles with the anticipation of the upcoming clashes. The arena is vast, stretching out before you like a battlefield, with a circular shape that allows for optimal viewing from all angles. The stands are filled with cheering crowds, their voices echoing through the air, adding to the electrifying atmosphere. The arena floor is made of smooth, polished stone, providing a solid and sturdy surface for combatants to engage in their duels. At the center of the arena, a grand stage awaits, where champions will face off against each other, their every move watched by the eager eyes of the spectators. The arena is a place of honor, where legends are made and dreams are shattered. It is a testament to the indomitable spirit of those who dare to step foot within its hallowed grounds.

Kynn was walking to the middle of the arena, saying, "Wowwwwwwwowowowow! They're all cheering for me!"

Endor was with him, and responded, "Not for you, they hate you."


As the citizens of Eldoria gather in the grand Colosseum, whispers of anticipation fill the air. The excitement builds as people discuss the upcoming battle between Kynn, the enigmatic new teacher known for his forbidden Eternal Soul Magic, and Captain Drow, the valiant leader of the king's knights, wielding the legendary 13-foot Karambit known as the Soulreaper.

"Did you hear? Kynn, the mysterious new teacher, is rumored to possess forbidden Eternal Soul Magic!"

"The clash between Kynn's dark powers and Captain Drow's mythical Soulreaper is sure to be legendary!"

"I wonder how Kynn's mastery of Eternal Soul Magic will fare against Captain Drow's formidable weapon."

"Captain Drow's Soulreaper is said to possess an ancient power capable of cutting through any defense."

"The crowd can't wait to witness the clash of Kynn's forbidden magic and Captain Drow's mythical weapon!"

 "I wonder if Kynn's students are aware of his secret use of Eternal Soul Magic. It adds an extra layer of intrigue!"

"The grand Colosseum is the perfect backdrop for this epic battle of dark arts and legendary weapons."

 "Kynn's forbidden magic and Captain Drow's Soulreaper create an atmosphere of suspense and awe!"

"The clash between Kynn and Captain Drow is a testament to the extraordinary powers that exist in this medieval world."

With the stage set for an unforgettable showdown, the medieval crowd eagerly awaits the clash between Kynn's forbidden Eternal Soul Magic and Captain Drow's legendary Soulreaper.

Endor said to Kynn, "Don't go overboard and start killing everyone."

"Hehhh? What kind of brat do you think I am? I'm not some killer."

"…Tch. I'll be lingering around," Endor flew away, taking his place beside his master King Kanan in a high tower.

Kanan was up there, with his twin sons Caden and June. 

Caden and June said at the same time, "Awesome! We're gonna see people kill each other!" 

Kanan chuckled, "No, this will be a test to see how Kynn fared with his type of magic."

The twins said together, "Booooring!"

Endor sat right beside Kanan, and Kanan asked Endor, "So how are you enjoying Kynn's presence?"

Endor didn't wanna lie, so he answered, "I admire his goals."

"Ah? He seems passionate."


In high stands, teachers Renn, Ley, Volgryr, and Saede were watching and sitting beside each other.

Aurora was sitting with them as well, and Renn said to Aurora, "…Didn't father say he didn't want to see you here?"

Aurora was eating some cakes Ley made, replying, "Ya think I give a shit?"

"…Such rebellion. It's like you've become intrigued with Kynn. How despicable."

"So? He's cool I guess."

Ley chuckled, "Haha, seems like Aurora might have a small crush on Kynn."

Aurora looked away, "Nope. No I don't. I barely know him. And you all know I can't love anyone, they'll die like the future said."

"That's so sad to hear, want more cakes?"

"Hell yeah."

Kynn was sitting in the middle of the arena criss-cross, swaying side to side, "Where is this old man?"

The crowd cheered louder, seeing Drow walk to the middle of the arena with his large Karambit.

"Kynn, the enigmatic wielder of the forbidden Eternal Soul Magic. It is quite intriguing to witness your formidable presence in this grand Colosseum. Your mastery over the dark arts is truly commendable, especially when one considers the origins of your power. It's fascinating to contemplate the intricate tapestry of your existence. Born in the Soul realm, a mystical domain that was mysteriously ravaged by the malevolent hands of a man named Malachi. The annihilation of your birthplace, veiled in an enigmatic shroud, left you with an innate connection to the Eternal Soul Magic, an extraordinary gift that courses through your very being. It is quite a testament to your resilience and strength, dear Kynn, to rise above the ashes of your shattered homeland and harness the power that flows within you. The Eternal Soul Magic, a force that defies conventional boundaries of reality itself, is a part of your very essence, an indomitable flame that burns within your soul. I can't help but wonder about the true nature of your desire to become a mana teacher. What drives a powerful sorcerer like yourself to take on such a role? It piqued my curiosity, dear Kynn, to unravel the depths of your motivations and aspirations. Could it be that beneath that mysterious exterior lies a yearning to share your knowledge and shape the next generation of magical prodigies? Or perhaps there's a hidden purpose, a secret agenda that only you hold close to your chest. Whatever the case may be, I am eager to delve into the enigma that is your true nature, dear Kynn."

Kynn replied, "Oh yeah..? Thanks a lot. And you know too much, sir."

"I know things, and some things tug at my heart, eager to know the truth-."

Kynn was bored, and he was falling asleep, snoring, and Drow scoffed silently, "You dare sleep…in the presence of the captain?!"

In the blink of an eye, Kynn was beheaded, with his head rolling on the arena floor, and Drow was behind him, holding his karambit which was covered in blood.

Drow stated, "Let this be a testament, young one. You're out of your league."

The crowd gasped, saying:



"I didn't even see him move!"

Saede said, "Damn…guess his rank…was a lie..huh? I want food.."

Volgryr pouted, "No! Not another warrior fallen!"

Renn thought, 'That's what he gets. Loud mouth brat.'

Aurora wasn't saying anything, she just kept looking at Kynn's head rolling, clenching her fists.

Ley covered her mouth, "Oh my, was Drow really too much for him? I liked the kid."

Kanan just watched, not saying anything as he coughed.

Caden and June said in sync, "THAT WAS AWESOME!"

Endor thought, 'It was that easy? Are we free?!'

As Drow was walking away with his back turned, he gasped, and he instantly turned around, and Kynn, with his head back on his shoulders, was in front of him smiling with blood on his face, and he punched Drow in the chest. But that punch literally blasted Drow's soul out of his body for everyone to see; the punch sent a small shockwave through the arena, cracking the arena floor a little.

Drow thought, 'W-What?! I beheaded him!'

The crowd went crazy as it got louder and louder, the teachers, Endor, and Kynn were in shock.

Kynn was in the air above Drow's soul, and smiled, "It'll take a lot more than that, old man!"

He chanted: "Eternal Soul Magic: Soul Reaper's Symphony."

A misty white scythe formed in Kynn's hands, he spiraled downward in a flip motion, and sliced the head off Drow's soul, not his body, but Drow's body fell on the arena floor.

Aurora stood up, "Oh shit!"

Renn stood up, "Father! That murdering punk!"

Saede stood up, saying, "…Awesome…finally something interesting…finish him..Kynn…oh wait..he's already finished.."

Renn looked at Saede, yanking his collar, "…Fool! How dare you insult my father!"

"So…hostile..for what..?"

Volgryr exclaimed, "The warrior has risen! Has he defied death itself?!"

Ley smiled, "See? I knew he'd come through."

Kynn was standing in the middle of the arena, and he stuck his hand towards Drow, and chanted: "Eternal Soul Magic: Soul Bind, level one."

Drow's soul was being held in place, the soul of his head connected with the soul of his body, and they both re-entered Drow's body. 

Drow gave a large gasp for air, as he sat up, standing up with his karambit, saying, "Hmph! I live..?! Manipulating my soul to keep my life intact…"

Kynn smiled, "Yep!"

"Hey, Drow! So, Soul Bind is this awesome ass incredible spell that I can use to put your soul back together after I force it out of you. It's like a magical healing process that fixes any cracks or disruptions in your soul, bringing it back to its full power! With Soul Bind, I can restore the balance and vitality of your soul, allowing you to live again. It's pretty mind-blowing stuff, right? If I didn't do Soul Bind, you'd be dead!"

"Do not show mercy to me, kill to win."

Kynn gasped silently, remembering Malachi said the same thing to him, and Kynn listened, killing the man who used to be a subordinate of Malachi to take his spot.

Kynn thought, 'Don't say that to me, geezer. Or I'll actually do it to you.'

Kynn noticed Drow was right in his face with his Karambit, swinging it. But Kynn jumped and performed a 360 spin, kicking the blade backwards, making Drow cut his own head off.

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