
Subrina's Unexpected Mate

Subrina wants to teach. She isn't your typical werewolf in that she doesn't want a mate. She likes her freedom and has things she wants to do. That is until her 18th birthday party when the handsome Michael Brown walks into her life. Michael is half Werewolf and half Mamba snake. He is a tall black man who knows what he wants. Michael is trying to find out who he is. How he can communicate with snakes and why he feels this pull to know more. They are mated, living a good life when things start to change. Michael wants to send their son to Africa to become a warrior. Their daughter is born more snake than is typical. The pack goes to war and Subrina has to make a choice her packs best interest or her family. Come join Subrina and her family as they learn how to become the best Weresnakes of North America.

Bri_Evans · Fantasy
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77 Chs

The Talent Of War Comes In Handy (53)

Who knew that I had more strategies in my head than Dad or Ken who were both very famous alphas. I didn't even have to brag about it. Dad had included me at the war table for every battle. Levi had included me and now Ken included me as well.

I just had a good head for strategies. Every move has to have a counter move. I see it in my head. It's like a movie in my head. Move after move like a chess board in my head. Then I just put it all into the computer and it will play out to show how it should look. It will even tell how many troops, how many different kinds of wolves or teams if needed.

Now that we have watchers and the coven it has made our strategic decisions change. I think that we are now elite fighters. We are still searching for the giant king. His kingdom was hidden under the many volcanoes of Australia. Now to find him and end this. As well as taking out the Spaniard Vampires king.

I have found out so much information on this vampire. He is the only son of the vampire King my dad took down in Japan. He is attacking Australia first with plans to strike America as well. I contact Kara, Dad and Brett with the information first. Then I talk to Luke about Japan. Last I fill in Anastasia, Kennedy and Clementine.

My dad calls in troops from my GrandPa in Africa and my brother calls in troops from China. Now that Japan and America are safe we will begin our attacks on Spain. We send in our snakes first to ensure we have secret recon information.

Then we send in wolf teams. They are only hitting small time thugs first. These teams are making a lot of noise because we want Valentino Ferez to shake in his shoes. We want him to fear us. We hit his pockets first with the small time junk. Then we hit his businesses hard. Tying him up in years of red tape. His billion dollar business comes to a screeching halt.

We have his Russian company in litigation hell. His Australian company at a stand still over workers striking. Plus his Spanish company on hold for contracts. His assets are tied up in court. The man was broke, the vampire had lived like a king and now it was all tied up.

Clementine was a very well versed woman when it came to business. She was the one to confront him. Valentino considered himself quite the ladies man. He saw her as a target for his lust. She gave him nothing, only looks of contempt, snears, looks of disdain, and the biggest knock to his ego....she called him an ugly bloodsucker.

Clementine had merged with Azul for the meeting. Azul knew that the vampire wanted Clementine's virgin blood and took no chances. When the Spaniard fell back into his chair he looked broken for a split second. He quickly recovered his demeanor. He gave off the vibe he was unaffected with the money being frozen.

Azul could see through this act and she confronted him with Clementine's voice. "You are mad if you think everything you have done won't come out. We know who you are, what you are trying to do and why you are doing these things. Your father was a vile man, he was more than just evil. You didn't have to follow in his footsteps. You could've been more than the ugly bloodsucker you are."

This had the vampire livid with so much rage we all thought he just might spontaneously combust. He was pale, with eyes as red as blood. So much rage pent up in him. He couldn't form clear sentences. His followers were looking at him for guidance and he couldn't give it.

Clem and Azul left his office but not before placing the file folder of acquisitions on his desk. This shows him all of the purchases we have made of his property, plus how we froze his assets before he could ever collect a dime from us. This would be stuck in court for a long time.

When the private plane landed I was there to greet my little mate and her watcher. They had proven themselves unbeatable in the area of vampire finance. Valentino was so pissed he went on a feeding frenzy. He drained 3 humans in the park. This made him suspicious in the eyes of humans. They couldn't prove he did it but he had made supernaturals nervous with his behavior. It was frowned upon in our world to give any kind of hints toward a supernatural doing a crime against a human.

Humans needed to believe we are nonexistent. Werewolves don't exist, neither do vampires or trolls. Witches and warlocks are only human so how could they want to plead their case.

The vampires in America refuse to talk with Valentino after what he did to the humans. His world was quickly falling apart. He was falling apart at the seams. He couldn't control our minds anymore. He was dangerous to us but not as much as before.

After finding so many giants, trolls and ogres it made me think about the King of Giants hidden somewhere in Australia. We searched for him everywhere to no avail. He was hidden as if by magic.

"Oh shit! That's it!", I cried out suddenly. "The King of Giants is in the first volcano I searched. He has been hidden by magic.", I calmly claim. "We have to go back and break the spell hiding him. Then we will win this war for sure.", my enthusiasm clicks in high gear.

Now we had a direction to go in. We knew what we needed to do and how to do it. My sister has given birth to many witches. Her mate is a Warlock and we are on track to end this mess. I talk to the coven and Brett. He suggests that we lay low to see what they plan next.

I come up with a clever disguise to get close to the giant so he wouldn't know what hit him. We would go snorkeling in the water of the cave. Then suddenly attack him. The problem was I couldn't bring my sword. How can I chop off his head? I was contemplating taking my sword alone at night when he couldn't see. That way it would be in the area ready to go.

Clementine ran her fingers across my shoulders making me shiver with the feelings it shot through me. The sparks were getting much stronger as was her scent. Her birthday was very close now it had taken weeks for me to find the hidden king of giants. I can smell sugar cookies all the time now. I couldn't get enough of them.

I turned to face her and her eyes fell from mine right away. She could be so shy. It was enduring how she was always blushing at something I said or did. I pull her in between my legs and trace my finger down her jaw line. She whimpers at my touch. She has to feel the sparks.

I can't wait for her 18th birthday. I am going crazy with the desire to mark her and mate. The pull of the mate bond is so strong. I will wait until she is ready but holding my wolf back is the hardest thing ever. I feel like he will just take over. I can't even let him run when Clementine is near.

I try telling him it has to be perfect because she only gets one first time. He softens for a few days but I can't guarantee how long it will last. He purrs every time she is near. She talks to him and it's extremely sweet. She calls him Mr. Wolf. He loves it as much as I do.

"Mr. Wolf you must come sit with me, please. I haven't seen you in so long. Come lay in my lap by the stream.", Clem walks over to the stream and folds her long legs to make a nice resting spot for my wolfs head. Declan is scratching at my insides to get out. He even promises to be a good beast. This causes me to laugh. Declan good, that'll be the day.

She looks over her shoulder at me and as stupid as it might be I let him go to her. She rubs her hands in my fur causing my beast to purr. "Feels good huh Dec? I love the way you purr and the warmth of your fur against my body. Mr. Wolf don't tell Russ but I think I could love you most. Your like my own teddybear. So cuddly, warm and safe.", She told Declan.

My beast wouldn't let me live this down for sure. He's going to milk this for all it's worth. He just licked her hand and nuzzled into her crotch taking a deep breath. "Declan, What the hell? You can't do that to our innocent mate. It will look vulgar. ", I told him in my head.

Instead of her sounding upset, I heard her giggle. She said, "Dec you are a bad boy!" Then hopped up to run from him giggling. She let him catch the hem of her dress and then bent down to kiss his head. "Declan we must wait for my birthday. It's soon and I promise you can mate with my wolf first if you are officially my mate.", I couldn't believe my ears.

It wasn't unheard of but it was extremely rare for the wolves to mate first. He howled and barked as he danced around Clementine. He was the happiest wolf I'd ever seen. I couldn't get him calm until he went for a long run. When we got back Clem was already in bed. I shifted back to my human form and went up to shower. I stood beside her just watching her sleep before I slipped a pair of boxers on and slipped under the covers.

As I drifted off to sleep I couldn't help but think about Declan mating with Clementine's wolf. Daisy was a beautiful white wolf, she was very happy and always had a good countenance. Daisy was rare because of her good mood but also because of her coloring. White wolves with out blemish was very rare and red eyes were the most rare of all. Daisy was beautiful, rare and very strong.

Declan was dreaming about Daisy. They were running side by side. Her white fur moving with the breeze and her red eyes glowing in the night. She nuzzled his neck before bowing her head in submission. She braced herself for him and nipped at his neck. He sniffed her before mounting her. He entered her like any wolf would. He was taking her fast and hard. He took several minutes before he left her. He licked her clean and then wrapped his body around hers. They fell asleep not knowing if they made a pup or not.

Such a vivid dream made me wake with the hardest dick I have ever had. It ached so bad and I had to pee. Goddess it hurt. I had to get into the cold shower for a 2 fold reason. I really needed to pee and I couldn't rub that against Clem. I warmed by the fire before returning to bed. I was met with a passionate hug and snuggle. I knew she missed me.

I started to strategise on the upcoming fight we would have. This took my mind off of her sweet smelling arousal. Her pussy smells devine. I can't wait to dive in face first. I shake the vision from my mind and start thinking about ways to fight the giant king and the Spaniard Vampires. This was harder than you can imagine. I had 3 more months to go until I could unleash my pent up frustration.

Our wedding was only 3 months away. I snuggled into Clem. I took a deep breath and held it a few seconds letting it clean my head as sleep slowly crept up and swallowed me.