
Subrina's Unexpected Mate

Subrina wants to teach. She isn't your typical werewolf in that she doesn't want a mate. She likes her freedom and has things she wants to do. That is until her 18th birthday party when the handsome Michael Brown walks into her life. Michael is half Werewolf and half Mamba snake. He is a tall black man who knows what he wants. Michael is trying to find out who he is. How he can communicate with snakes and why he feels this pull to know more. They are mated, living a good life when things start to change. Michael wants to send their son to Africa to become a warrior. Their daughter is born more snake than is typical. The pack goes to war and Subrina has to make a choice her packs best interest or her family. Come join Subrina and her family as they learn how to become the best Weresnakes of North America.

Bri_Evans · Fantasy
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77 Chs

Reinforcements (69)

With 7 pups on the way we are gonna need a lot of reinforcements and changes. I talk to Raven and we decide on a Pup List.

Pup list:

7 cribs

2 more nannies

a new nursery

a new home with a:

play room

large kitchen

large family room

First thing I do is build us a new home, the castle isn't really a good place to raise a pack of pups. The contractor knows to go fast and build good. I had one request our room is sound proof so we don't wake up the pups and we have monitors in all of the pups rooms.

Oranssi brings Raven's watcher and one for the pups. The pups watcher is very motherly, she is very old but not feeble her name is Samsin. Raven's watcher is Tesoro but she likes to be called Tes. When they first arrive Tes talks to Raven about everything she has been doing after she became Queen. Tes really wants to help Raven and she starts working in many areas that Raven has been working on.

Samsin becomes very close with Grant, Lillian and the nanny. We also hire the manny. Now we have so many people in our life it's crazy to think of how much change has happened. Raven has a basket ball belly and she is only 2 months. I just want the best for her. The house will be finished before the pups arrive. Raven has designed it all.

The medical team is ready for everything they have the whole 3rd floor. Our rooms are on the fourth floor. If an emergency c-section is needed they are ready. Raven is confident she can go to term and deliver. I have invited all of the females in our family. Mom (Subrina), my Sister in law (Xiaolian), my sister (Anastasia), my sister in law (Clementine) and their watchers. I don't want Raven to lift a finger more than she needs to.

I know that all 8 of these females will help her and protect her. They will all be able to help. Right off the bat mom says, "Raven I will bring the pups to you to suckle as long as the doctor says ok to it. I know that it can cause contractions. I don't want you lifting them anymore. Also, you need to let us know how to help you. If you need help bathing or grooming I can help. Don't be embarrassed to ask."

"Yes ma'am, I will do exactly what the doctor says. I really appreciate you all coming to help me.", Raven says. Mom rubs her back to calm her. Samsin brings the pups to play so Raven can watch. Anastasia fixes her suite to be more comfortable. She changes the chairs to have more padding as well as more pillows. Clementine cooks some amazing soup for her. These ladies keep her mind off of everything.

Samsin teaches the pups several new task as they grow. She helps them learn to sit up at 4 months old. They are learning to eat the rice cereal, and applesauce. They are starting to use a sippy cup too. This helps so Raven only has 2 feeding sessions. First thing in the morning and at the end of the day.

At week 16 we can learn the sex of our pups. The doctor says it could be all males or all females. It could also be a mix. He will try to let us know exactly. I am so excited to know how many are boys and how many are girls. We go in to the room as before she is on the table. They put the gel and we watch. After several different test, they finally show us a who's who. Baby A is a boy, baby B is his twin brother. Baby C is a boy, baby D is a girl, baby E is a girl, baby F is a twin sister to baby E, baby G is a boy. For a total of 4 boys and 3 girls.

Now we begin to think names and we agree to name them by the ABC pattern. Baby A will be Adam Lewis Brown. Baby B is Beckham Kurt Brown. Baby C is Colin James Brown. Baby D is Daisy Luna Brown. Baby E is Echo Marie Brown. Baby F is Farah Nova Brown. Baby G is Gideon Vance Brown. This takes a week to hash out but we agree in the end.

After the names are chosen we paint them above the cribs in the nursery. We also put them on the incubators. The weeks go by very fast at first but begin to slow. The females have been keeping Raven so busy she hasn't noticed the size of her stomach so much.

She is in week 32 now and can't walk very far. She goes to the bathroom, showers and eats at the little table in our room. We talk everyday about what we think life will be like with 9 pups. I want to build a tree house with them, Raven wants to train them. She really enjoys all the females with her.

She loves Tes, they have become very close. Tes makes sure every project is running smoothly. She also has Raven exercise her limbs. The doctor says it is a good idea. He wants her strong enough to deliver these pups.

At 36 weeks Raven is on complete bed rest and her water breaks. She is in the shower and calls out for Mom and Tes. They get her safely to bed, call doc and then me. Doc asked me to carry her to the medical team. I place her in the bed and slide in behind her. Mom is on one side and Tes on the other.

Doc says it could take hours, not to worry unless he worries. After 30 minutes he checks her, then after an hour. Progress is being made. I get her some ice chips. I rub her back. She changes positions many times.

After 4 hours it's time to push, the first pup out is baby G, Gideon. He is taken to be checked right away, then brought back to bond with Raven until the next one is ready. By the monitor we can see baby A in the birth canal. I know Raven is very tired so I take Gideon away after a few minutes so she can rest a little. Adam comes much faster and Colin is on his heels. Adam gets 2 minutes with Raven before time to push. Samsin is doing well with the newborns.

Colin arrives and then it is an hour before Beckham arrives. Ravin needed the rest. After Beckham it's only 5 minutes until time to push for Echo. Then Daisy is right behind her sister.

It's another hour before time to push but this time the placenta is trying to come out before Farah. The doctor starts panicking. Samsin knows what to do. She pushes the doctor away and reaches in for Farah. Feet first is so dangerous but after 3 pushes Farah is out, the placenta is out and everyone is safe.

The pups are all in good shape. The weight varies pup to pup but they all are healthy. Ravin sleeps 12 hours. We don't try to feed the pups yet. She will feed them. Her breast milk flows well and she is able to feed all 7. She only has one month to feed all nine, the 2 oldest will be weaned from her breast by then.

The nursery is in a state of constant chaos. Diapers, bathes, clothes, feeding it's just so much. Raven handles it well. The pups are on a feeding schedule rotating who goes first. The tight feeding schedule last for a month, when Grant and Lillian are off the teat it slows a little bit because they drank so much. Now Rav is able to feed the 7 much better. Her wolfie body bounces back fast but I can see she is exhausted.

I pull her away to cuddle in my lap at least once a day. Sometimes she sleeps while I hold her. If she falls asleep I keep everyone out until she wakes. After 4 months the doctor says she can start training. The pups are starting to use sippy cups too.

The tone of her body returns quickly and her body is ready to be tuned by mine. It has been hard for my wolf to stay away from our mate so long. The doctor said it was best because her body had been through a lot of trauma. We agree it's time. After putting the pups to bed we make love. Our bodies slam into each other like a train hits.

She pushes me into the wall so hard that the drywall shatters with the indent of my shape. She is biting, clawing and taking what she wants. I push back slamming her onto the table in the room, I pull her shirt off and snap her bra with my claw. Dropping my mouth to her nipple biting it as she whimpers into my neck.

We go at each other like this for over an hour. Until we both are panting for air. We shower and then I start to clean the room. Things are broken, drywall in the floor, it's a mess. She checks on the pups but finds it hard to walk. I notice her gait and carry her back to our room. I go down to the kitchen and get us some food and water.

"I love our pups, but I hope the Moon Goddess gives us a few years until we have any more pups. 9 is more than a enough for a while. Maybe 5 years would be good. Give us until they are in school at least. 9 in kindergarten is going to be crazy. "You want them all in the same grade?", I ask. "No I would love for Grant and Lillian to be a grade ahead but I think based on their birthday it will be all in kindergarten.", she answers.

I hadn't thought about that. I really hope they make it under the wire so to speak. I would like for them to be able to go ahead. They will all still be 5 when school starts but the twins will turn six 4 weeks later. I may have to ask the school to at least let them try at age 4. They will turn 5 a month into it.

Now that we are in our own house with the pups doing so well in the nursery I hope that we can start taking them on outings. We will introduce Grant and Lillian in a few short weeks to our pack. The first birthday of the Prince and Princess is a big deal. Samsin is teaching them so much. I have been so proud of them both.

They both can talk to their wolf and snake. They both know what they can do and their role in the kingdom. It has been so fun watching them grow. The 7 others are growing like crazy as well. It's hard to believe that they will be having a birthday not long after the twins.

Sometimes I can't believe how blessed we are. Mom and Dad has stayed with us for a long time now. I am so glad they have too. Many times I've asked them advice. I know Raven loves having them here. She has been going back to work as Luna. She has been good to delegate responsibilities.

The pups keep us busy as does the kingdom. It's a welcome experience though. We both have so many responsibilities that it keeps us busy morning until night. We both stop all work at 6, have dinner as a family and then enjoy our time together. We have date night, game and movie night. Every weekend we have a get together for our pack. The Royal pack works harder and trains more than any other pack.

We also have time for our wolves, so that they are equally important to us all. We have a pack run once a week. We have a hunt night once a week. We have mate nights as a pack where mated wolves spend time together. This helps with the stress of mates. our wolves stress over protection for our mates.

We have activities for the pups who haven't shifted yet, we have a class for newly shifted wolves too. We have classes about mates and the mate bond. Everyone has to attend self defense classes. Warriors train 3 hours daily. Our pack spends equal amount of time as wolves and as humans. We have to be the strongest pack the strength comes from equally bonded wolves.

If the wolf is stronger than the human then the human can't control the wolf. If the wolf doesn't get out enough then they will eat the strength from the human side until the human is to weak to control them. It takes a good balance to be a strong wolf.