
Subrina's Unexpected Mate

Subrina wants to teach. She isn't your typical werewolf in that she doesn't want a mate. She likes her freedom and has things she wants to do. That is until her 18th birthday party when the handsome Michael Brown walks into her life. Michael is half Werewolf and half Mamba snake. He is a tall black man who knows what he wants. Michael is trying to find out who he is. How he can communicate with snakes and why he feels this pull to know more. They are mated, living a good life when things start to change. Michael wants to send their son to Africa to become a warrior. Their daughter is born more snake than is typical. The pack goes to war and Subrina has to make a choice her packs best interest or her family. Come join Subrina and her family as they learn how to become the best Weresnakes of North America.

Bri_Evans · Fantasy
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77 Chs

Raven's coronation (63)

This morning I keep my eye on her door but nothing other than my sisters slipping in or out of the room. I just try to focus on things in the kingdom that need my attention. I decree 15 new laws on day one. I never knew it would be so many on day one.

The fairy realm wanted to keep werewolves out, I agree as long as they agree to leave the human world. The next two has to do with Trolls, Orges and Cyclops. Plus having Watchers in our world we have to make it known. That is 5, then 5 more about the use of human schools and colleges. The last 5 are more personal. I sign into law that the King's consort can be Queen. Next, that my first born has the right to pass on the crown as well as my youngest has the right to the crown whether male or female. I pass a law about building castles in the human world, we need to remain unseen. Lastly that werewolves should remain unseen to humans unless they are our mates.

This keeps me busy for several hours. My mind keeps going to Raven, my bird, my sweet, my love. Even thinking about her name and its meaning draws her to me. Raven means War Goddess and she is a War Goddess. She just looks in my direction and my legs turn to jello.

I finally get ready and take a limo to the temple where I wait for her. I don't need to enter until my little mate arrives. Then I will take her to the Moon Goddess where she will receive her blessing. After which she will be crowned Queen of werewolves. I don't have to wait long as I see the white limousine coming around the bend.

My mom exists first and goes in to the Moon Goddess. Then my sisters Ana and Clem exit the car to stand beside my dad. Then my Raven steps out and I almost drool. My heart starts to pound, my knees go all weak and I can't think.

Her black hair is in a beautiful fish braid to her right side. She is wearing diamonds but no crown or hair jewelry. She has a heart shaped bodice with an empire waist gown. Her chest looks bountiful in all white. The jewels around the waist enhance her boobs to look full and beautiful.

The gown is white with jewels that sparkle like stars in the night. When she moves it looks like the stars are glowing. They seem to be moving. Around the bottom of the dress it has a red looking flame. It's hard to tell what makes the dress flame. The jewelry looks like diamonds but I've never seen diamonds that look like flames.

Her shoes are bright red heels. Her makeup is like a red flame coming from her eyes. Oh Goddess her eyes, they look like the most beautiful chocolate diamonds. The topaz color looks like a chocolate diamond or a beautiful carmel candy. She looks into my very soul with those eyes.

She walks up to me and curtsies with a bow. I pull her up into my embrace. I kiss her on the forehead and sniff her neck. She smells heavenly, of jasmine and lavender. She holds me briefly. Then she takes my hands in hers before entering the temple.

I can only stand waiting. My mom comes out after a few minutes. She tells me that her blessing is to outlive her first great grandchild. Sad as it sounds it means my mom will be very old. I hug her to me and I tell her that everything will work out. "As long as your father and I are together you are right my son. Wilson you will be a great king.", she curtsies and bows to me as I am her king. I wave my scepter forward over her head to show she is always welcome before me.

My little mate arrives back from the temple alone but in good spirits. "She said we would be granted peace as long as the War Goddess is Queen. Wilson she said I am a Goddess. I don't understand. I'm no Goddess, a Goddess is....well, ...., I don't know, just not what I am.", she is confused but before the day is over tomorrow we will know everything to know.

"To the castle everyone!", I say with authority. My family arrives first then we arrive. I exit the car first followed by my little Raven. When the wolves see her they begin to howl. It grows louder and louder. more wolves have joined from around the world to see the Queen.

She drops my hand and suddenly runs at the large group of wolves. She sees her best friend in the group and runs into her arms."I was so worried about you, I thought you left for Scotland." Before she can pull away her friend says, "I just couldn't go back without you. I was scared and alone."

Raven pulls the shewolf with her to my side, "This is Wilson King of Werewolves and my mate. Wilson this is my only friend Patricia Blair. Patti must stay with us, please Will." I look between the two women before answering, "How could I a lowly King withhold anything from my Goddess?" Both women squeal so loud.

I motion for my Beta to see that Patti is settled before the ceremony starts. Everyone else makes their way to the arena while Raven changes into a new gown. This one is silver. Her hair will be in an updo. Her makeup a smokey eye and red lips. I know because it's the same for every crowned Queen. Some are Queen consort but this will be a true crowned Queen.

I make sure all the guests are seated and that security is set. Then we are started with piano music. My queen walks to the throne, curtsies with a bow. Then she comes to stand by my left side. My mom brings the Queen's robe, my Sister the scepter and Xiaolian brings the royal ring. My father brings the crown and places it on her head, "I, Michael Dean Brown former King of the werewolves, crown you, Raven Ember Grace Scott, Queen of the werewolves." He bows at the wait first to Raven then to me. Wolves begin to howl. I try to stop them because we are not done. I step forward and take off my robe, I lay my scepter down and the place grows silent. I turn to Raven and bow, I stand back up to drop on one knee. "I bow before my War Goddess and Queen. I kneel before my mate, Raven Ember Grace Scott, as I ask her to marry me tonight. Will you marry me Raven?"

"Yes! Yes I will marry you! A thousand times yes!!!", she blushes at me. I place a beautiful Chocolate diamond on her finger and kiss her hand. Then I pick her up and kiss her forehead. I sit her back down, pick up my King's attire and announce, "I give you Queen Raven!" The howling starts again.

"Everyone is welcome to stay for dinner in the gardens. This is to say Happy Birthday to our Queen." I pull Raven to me and request she change into something less formal. She nods her head yes. Then we race to our room. I have a beautiful halter top dress lain out for her. It is a golden brown color with less frills. It will be comfortable for dinner.

The dinner is very simple with her favorite foods Greek salad, sweet potatoes, asparagus, and a steak. Wine is served with dinner and my sister makes a toast. "Happy birthday Raven, may the Moon Goddess bless you with many more. Welcome into our family.", Anastasia announced. "Thank you sister.", Raven states.

After dinner I announce, "Please join us in the arena for the King and Queen mating ceremony." Wolves begin to move down to the arena for a good seat. This ceremony has only been preformed a few times as most Royals never find their Moon Goddess blessed mate.

I walk hand in hand with my mate as we head to the arena stage. "Do you want to do the complete ceremony or only part? I don't want to make you feel any pressure I just wanted to ask.", I whisper. Raven looks into my eyes, stopping our walk, "Wilson I understand this ceremony and I am willing to show our mutual strength. I understand that our wolves will mate first. I am not afraid. I am your mate, your queen and I trust both you and your wolf."

I love her even more after that. I motion for my Beta, "Is everything ready?" He bows, "Yes your majesty, everything is set. You will find the apartment under the waterfall very comfortable." I shake my head yes and then ask, "Make sure the water we drink is cold and lots of food is in place."

I take the stage and so does Raven. My father, my mother and her best friend Patti join us on stage. My father brings over a Royal blue cord wrapping it around our wrist. "With this cord I bind your spirits for all eternity." Next my mom brings over a red cord, "With this cord I bind your souls for all eternity." Then Patti brings a white cord, "With this cord I seal your friendship with each other and your wolves for all eternity."

I shift into my wolf Nolan, and Raven shifts into her wolf Beverly. Suddenly sparks surround us. Then the Moon Goddess appeared. "Wolves look at your King and Queen ready to mate for the rhelm. Ready to make pups to fight for you. I Bless them and the fruit of the womb. I bless this mating and declare it fruitful."

The Moon Goddess fades and I nuzzle Raven. She bows her head and turns her head to show she is ready. I mount her like the wild animal I am in Nolans form. Afterwards I motion her to follow me. We run for the creek and the waterfall. All of our subjects follow us but they are held back from the waterfall. I shift into Walker my snake. He rubs all over her. Marking her forever.

Finally I get a minute as Nolan before I shift. I rub her face with mine. I shift and wrap my arms around her breathing in her scent. Jasmine and lavender fills my nostrils. I smile into her neck. As soon as she shifts I rub my wolf fangs on her neck. She bares her neck for me, moaning as I sink my fangs into her. She then marks me before we kiss.

The kiss is our first real kiss. I run my tongue over her bottom lip requesting entry. She opens her mouth for me. I explore every inch of her for hours as we mate. She returns the attention in much the same way. We fall asleep in each other's embrace. I mind link my Beta to have everything ready for Scotland.

"Raven? Love are you pleased with how everything went today? I want to hold a wedding ceremony before we leave for Scotland. Are you up for one more ceremony?", I ask her softly. "Yes, Will I'm ready. Just let me wash my self up and pull on a white dress.", she answers.

"The maids have everything you need, I'll go get ready. Meet you out by the creek in 45 minutes love.", I tell her. After the allotted time we meet back at the creek. My dad does our service and we go back to our room as husband and wife. We make love one more time before sleeping.

"Will? This has been the greatest night of my life.", she nuzzles into me. "It's not over yet baby girl. Just rest. We will get the ball ready for you." , I tell her. "Ball, I forgot about the ball.", she squeals. I am barking orders to everyone when she wakes.

Thank you for continuing to vote even when post are delayed and now that I've toned the sex down. I have enjoyed learning about writing from a woman's point of view as well as a man's. Being a woman myself I wasn't sure I could write other ways. Thank you all for remaining to be my fans as I've grown in my writing.

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