
Subrina's Unexpected Mate

Subrina wants to teach. She isn't your typical werewolf in that she doesn't want a mate. She likes her freedom and has things she wants to do. That is until her 18th birthday party when the handsome Michael Brown walks into her life. Michael is half Werewolf and half Mamba snake. He is a tall black man who knows what he wants. Michael is trying to find out who he is. How he can communicate with snakes and why he feels this pull to know more. They are mated, living a good life when things start to change. Michael wants to send their son to Africa to become a warrior. Their daughter is born more snake than is typical. The pack goes to war and Subrina has to make a choice her packs best interest or her family. Come join Subrina and her family as they learn how to become the best Weresnakes of North America.

Bri_Evans · Fantasy
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77 Chs

My Seed Takes Root (68)

Raven leans against the door once we are inside our room. She has tears flowing down her face but no sound. I walk over and wipe the tears from her cheeks with my thumbs, then I kiss her gently. I pull her to me and hold her while she sobs. She is crying uncontrollably and I understand it. Tears for everything she lost, everything she gained, everything she thought that turns out differently.

I just hold her while she cries. Afterwards I put her to bed and hold her while she sleeps. I let her sleep as long as I can but our babies need mommy to feed them. I wake her very gently, kissing her all over. "Rav, the pups need you. They are hungry mommy.", I whisper in her ear. "What time is it?", she stretches. "It's 8 and Grant is grumpy. ", I say while laughing.

"Oh my how could you let me sleep in so late?", she huffs. "They are fine and you needed it baby. Now go shower and feed our pups honey.", I pop her ass as she walks to the bathroom. The heat from the shower billows out behind her as she walks back into the bedroom. She stands looking at me wearing nothing but a white towel. I walk over and kiss her passionately before walking to the closet to get her robe.

"Here honey, slip this on and you can feed the pups before breakfast. I will cook while you do mommy stuff.", I laugh as I wrap her up. She walks to the nursery to feed Grant and Lillian. She sings to them as they suckle. When she finishes with them and they are dressed we have breakfast as they play at our feet. The table in the nursery seats 4 and has plenty of room for our meal.

"Rav? What do you think the Moon Goddess meant when she said my seed would take root? I mean I had a lot of cum. The seed could have hundreds of little sperm. Will we have just one? Or many more this time? I just worry about you my love. It has only been hours and I can smell you are pregnant. I guess we need a sonogram to see. Eh?", I ramble.

"I don't know love. I don't have the answers. I did ask the doctor when we can have the sonogram. He said it would be about 2 weeks before the implantation takes place. After that we can see how many pups we will have 1 or 2.", she replied.

"Moon Goddess please protect my mate from harm as she does your will and carries my pup. I trust you to keep them safe.", I pray. Raven moves to sit on my lap. She pulls my head to her chest so I can hear her heart beat. This calms me down and makes me relax.

We decided to go for a walk taking our pups along. I tell the nanny to take off for a few hours. I also explained that Raven is expecting again as well. I tell her that we will build a separate house for us because we need more room now. I explain that another nanny will be hired too. "Your majesty, might I suggest my cousin. He is training but does need a job. A Manny might be helpful with the pups. Plus he won't be trying to get with me because we are family.", Priscilla says. "Bring him in and we will talk to him.", I reply.

We walk the pack lands. The air is brisk but healthy for us all. My pups enjoy the outdoors. I can't wait to hunt with them and I know Raven will show them the finer things in life as well as her southern roots like cooking, fishing, sewing, camping. My mate is very diverse. She loves the Opera, the Ballet, she can fight like a warrior, track like a tracker, hunt, fish, and her weapons training is far superior to most shewolves.

The next 2 weeks will be agonizing. Waiting to see our family growing in her belly. Her smell is so intoxicating and stronger than ever. The twins never had this much scent. I feel like we might be having triplets. I am very concerned about Raven. I know the Moon Goddess said she will be fine but I'm still worried. My wolf is worried.

Raven has so much on her plate. I want to give her more assistance but she refuses it. I have the Beta, Delta, Gamma and 3 Omegas. Every pack has this line up as well, the Alpha and Beta of all the packs look to me for guidance. Raven has taken on the Lunas of all packs. She also is top warrior of all females. She has been training the female wolves. She has even designed a tattoo for her shewolves. They have to be able to beat a low ranking male to earn the tattoo.

The tattoo is a small wolf head with a circle around it, every kill you get a tooth on the circle. Raven has 3 canines. The male tattoo is similar because we have a circle with a line through it. Each canine is a level, beginner, intermediate and expert. the top is for the North, the bottom the south. You get a wolf on the East and a Crescent Moon on the West. These are rare to have because we don't travel the world. I have them because my Pa had me train in South Africa and Scotland. I also have trained in China and Japan.

After the first week we both have been so busy. We have had war thoughts because some packs have been trying to gain the upper hand. I went to the areas of unrest. When Raven joined me, the wolves backed down. We were told we would have peace and it has been so far.

At the end of this week we have our sonogram. I am so excited to see how many pups we really have. We have talked about it several times. Raven wants what the Moon Goddess blesses us with. She wanted time to heal and her body regain it's former strength first. However, she reports to feel great. The doc comes by everyday to exercise with her, and show her what training she can do.

She can run as much as she wants for now and runs at least 10 miles everyday. She can't shift but her wolf is very happy. Her wolf and mine come forward to have sex when they feel the urge to shift. This calms them down and they remain in protection mode.

Sex has been really good. Raven's body is very sensitive to me. My touch leaves her wanting more. She wasn't able to attend the teen meeting and that made her mad. She was in bed vomiting all day. We need to get things done so she has less stress on her. I have the Female wolves of my Beta, Delta, Gamma and Omegas work with Raven to get everything up to par for her.

I was asked to host a Winter Ball for the Western wolves. I call in the organizers and tell them 2k wolves will attend. Then will get everything together and run it by Raven and I. Our sonogram is tomorrow morning at 8. I'm ready to find out.

Raven has this little pooch and we both know it is way too soon for that. Her stomach last time was flat for 12 weeks. She had tight abs that the twins had to stretch. The twins have been very calm. Like they know something. I talk to Grant about him having siblings soon. "I know Pa, I met them before I was born. I already know their birthday and names. I can't tell you because the Moon Goddess said we can't.", Grant says in the link.

Lillian is very different from Grant. I watched her very close. She looks at me and lifts her arms. She puts her hand on my forehead after I picked her up. She calms my wolf and snake. She has an ability at 2 months that most adults never get. She is strong and doesn't use words because she is so young.

"Lillian mommy is going to have more pups in a few months. I just wanted you to know.", I tell my baby girl. "I know Pa, we met when we were waiting to be born. They are all in the Same room. I can't tell you names it's forbidden. I can tell you that some of us are the most powerful pups to ever be born. One was even called to the Moon Goddess Throne because of the power to be given. That pup has the smell of the Moon and the power as well. You and mommy are very blessed.", she tells me in the link.

I woke up this morning ready for finding out how many pups. I gently wake up Raven with little kisses down her jaw line until I get to her perfect chin. then her lips, eyes, throat, her collarbone. I kiss the spot I marked her. I lick it over and over before I bring my wolffangs out to mark her all over again. She gasp and then pulled me to her.

We make love like the animals we are. I push her deep into the mattress and pull her ass to me at the same time. We both release our passionate screams at the same time. Mine turns into a growl and then a howl from my wolf. He and my snake are both proud of our mate. We all work, live and mate as one body, just our mind has different personalities plus our body can change to fit our personality.

After making love we shower together. I dry her body and she does mine. We rub all over each other so that my smell is mingled with hers. We both can smell something different about Rav but we just don't know what to expect. Multiple pups are rare but in my family it's like expected.

I go to the Dr in jeans and a button down shirt. nothing too dressed up. Raven wears a nice loose dress that she can wear with or without leggings. The cold weather makes her pick leggings and uggs. We both pick a snow jacket although the humans are saying rain. A wolf just knows more I guess because I sense snow.

At the Dr we just walk in, no wait. They have her get on a bed and pull her shirt up. Her leggings are pulled down low and a drape is tucked into her pants. They squirt gel all over the sonogram wand, and her belly. I watch the screen intently. I see doc take a pic, move the small wand to a new location and take another pic. He proceeds to take 5 more pictures for a total of seven. Then he rubs the sweat from his brow. He looks at Raven and asked, "Would you like to listen to your pups heartbeats?" She just nods. I suddenly hear a loud rhythm, beat, beat, beat, beat.... "How many doc?", I whisper.

"Well I can't be sure as I have never cared for this many before but I think it's 7 your majesty. We need to bring in a healer, an oracle and I suggest you get a medical team for the castle. The cook needs to be extra careful with meals and when her stomach stretches out too far I don't want her going up and down the steps. (He looks to Raven) You are going to gain at least 5 pounds per pup and pregnancy weight of 10 to 15 pounds. We will have to try to keep the weight down because your body can't carry so much weight. 50 pounds on such a small frame is a lot. Plus the walking around could hurt them. This will be a team effort. (He looks at both of us) A whole team effort or we could lose more than just pups. Luna your life is in danger.", the doc is sweating as he informs us.

I pale, I will do everything I can not to let anyone die. I call for my watcher Oranssi to bring watchers who can help. Plus Raven's watcher, she hasn't been assigned one yet. With 7 pups she is gonna need all the help we can get for her.