
Subrina's Unexpected Mate

Subrina wants to teach. She isn't your typical werewolf in that she doesn't want a mate. She likes her freedom and has things she wants to do. That is until her 18th birthday party when the handsome Michael Brown walks into her life. Michael is half Werewolf and half Mamba snake. He is a tall black man who knows what he wants. Michael is trying to find out who he is. How he can communicate with snakes and why he feels this pull to know more. They are mated, living a good life when things start to change. Michael wants to send their son to Africa to become a warrior. Their daughter is born more snake than is typical. The pack goes to war and Subrina has to make a choice her packs best interest or her family. Come join Subrina and her family as they learn how to become the best Weresnakes of North America.

Bri_Evans · Fantasy
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77 Chs

Making It Back To The Artemis Pack (60)

When I got back home Clem had already gotten a wonderful place for Farah and Amani. Clementine had missed me but damn I had missed her too. I slept for 2 days before I could tell her about my trip. She sat beside me reading while I slept. She woke me to eat, then I would sleep more. At night she would hold me and she never left my side for long.

On the 3rd day I finally woke up to the smell of coffee. It was so black, so rich. Death Wish coffee is the best and well worth the money. I sat up against the headboard and ate a breakfast of eggs in a basket, beef bacon, berries, and half of a bagel with cream cheese. Clem was eating the other half.

After breakfast I took a long hot shower and got dressed. I pulled Clem into my arms, "I have missed you so much. I inhale deeply catching her scent mingled with my pup. The last few weeks have been torture. I needed to be here. I can't be any kind of hunter without you. Let's go to Ken's office and I can tell everyone at once how my trip was.", I kiss her before we head downstairs to the office.

"Hi everyone, long time no see.", I flopped down on the nearest comfy chair and pulled my Clem into my lap. I rubbed her belly in circles. "are you comfy baby? This may take a while.", I wanted to be sure she is comfortable first of all. Clem nodded at me in the affirmative.

"Well dad has all the paperwork to file but he wants all of us at the castle after Piper is born. We are having a ceremony to declare the titles and pass the crown to Wilson. He will also give use our bounty. Ok so let's just get into the story with numbers...

1) He was a Sasquatch (Lerory) or in some cultures a Big Foot. I think we tracked him the longest, 3 days. He was eating the eyeballs of his latest victim. Yeah, he was eating deer eyeballs. It was so gross. Kuro took him down, we flew to the castle and we were on to the next monster.

2) A Dark Fae (Brutus) that had killed his Light Fae wife. She was pregnant with twins. His family actually helped us find him. He was hiding in the Fae world but they coaxed him out.

3) She was a Siren (Maeve) who killed a Navel ship's crew. We caught her sunbathing on the deck of that very ship.

4) He was a Troll (Tim). Tim was a classic Narcissistic personality that had 3 families. He was controlling and killed anyone who got near his women. He was the easiest because Kuro just took his wife.

5) A Warlock (David) who was wanted for capturing children for Giants to eat. Caught him by posing as a child trafficking officer on the take.

6 and 7) Trisha and Tristan, vampire twins and very dead. They refused to go in. Kuro and I had to kill them. I really don't care if I ever see another vampire again. This duo was responsible for killing over a hundred humans in little less than a year.

8) We might all know Roy, he was that rouge that killed the boy on the road to the flower nursery. We turned him over to Pa.

9) The last of the most wanted, She was a wisp named Tanya. Catching her was a job because she was so fast. We talked her into giving up. Told her Pa was a good man and he would help her.

Most didn't want to fight. They just wanted to stop running. I explained everything to Pa and he printed up letters for the 50 fugitives left. The letters brought in 29 so we only had 21 left. We set up a poker game for the gamblers and captured another 6.

We went from house to house for 11 more criminals. And the last 5 we called to come collect their winnings on a scam vacation drawing. So we captured all of the monsters on the list. Now we just wait on my beautiful pup to arrive so we can go to the castle and receive the titles for Ken, Clem, Wilson and the title of Monster Hunters for the Royal family.", I spill the whole story.

"Russ I'm just glad you are home. Where is Kuro?", Clem asks. "Wow, I am super excited about having my best warrior trainer back.", Ken said. "Kuro is out for a run. We haven't had any time to just relax.", I answer.

Anastasia had been quiet the whole time I was telling about my last 3 weeks. I knew she knew that I was holding back how hard the fights had been. Kuro wasn't on a run but actually he was still healing from the many battles. He had protected me from so many death blows.

I carried Clem up to bed for a nap. I knew she was tired and our pup had zapped her energy. I came back down to find Anastasia sitting outside on the veranda. She was waiting to talk to me and I knew this was coming. "Where have you been for 3 weeks? Don't give me any bullshit either. I know 2 things dad said that he had his watcher pick up several thugs on that list, and he said you were injured.", Ana makes me nervous.

"Shit! Anastasia you can't tell Clem, I don't want her upset in her condition. She is about 21 weeks into her pregnancy, I don't want her having this pup too early. I couldn't tell her that Kuro and I were injured in a battle with the Sasquatch. I couldn't tell her we got re-injured later the same day because neither of us were healed Properly.", I angrily spit out of my mouth.

"I just want to make the next few weeks happy for Clem. Please let her have this Ana. Just let me tell her later before we go to the ceremony. ", I beg. "Sure but don't blame me if your shit blows up.", she retorts.

Anastasia stomped off and I was left thinking about everything. I need to tell Clementine the truth. I walk back upstairs to talk to my sleeping princess. I open the door to see her stretching. She looked up at me before wiggling out from under the covers.

"Babe I need to come clean. I was injured in the first fight with the Sasquatch and so was Kuro. Then I was re-injured later and was out for a long time. I didn't want to tell you because I was afraid it might cause problems with our pup. I'm so sorry baby girl. ", I confess.

"Hehehe, Russell how did you not know? Pa told me everything. He made me a promise to send you back asap. He did as he said. I don't know why you tried to spare me heartache and pain. I just know that you love me and didn't want me to be in pain. I was worried but I'm fine. I (She pulls me down to kiss me.) love you so much honey. ", She rubs her tummy while talking.

We go downstairs to dinner. Anastasia looks very content. I know that she heard my conversation with Clementine. She is happy that I have no secrets from my wife.

Kuro joins us at dinner. He doesn't eat but wants everyone to know that he is ok. Kuro sits back in the seat to watch us more comfortably. I make sure he is included in the conversation as much as I can. We have a wonderful dinner of lamb. We mostly talk about the Royal ceremony. The girls want new dresses. They decide to wear a monochromatic color scheme. Royal blue, then a lighter shade and so on. I just listen to the chatter.

Clem is worried about the baby bump and request that she wear the darkest shade. Then Anastasia and all of her daughters. The smallest and newest pup will be Piper. She will wear white. It makes me excited to think about the future with my pup. Most males want a male first. I really want a female. Piper is going to be a very beautiful princess.

The lights suddenly go out. Everyone grabs their phone to turn on a flashlight before they light the candles. Then we all retire to the living room where the fireplace can warm us if needed. It has been a hot summer but nights are cool.

Everything is dark and Clementine is a little bit more reserved. I think that she doesn't like the dark too much. She never has spoken of it. She cuddles close on the nights the moon isn't bright. The new or full moon she sprawls out. I think it is very cute how she does it because she doesn't know that she is doing it. I offer to make her some popcorn or some brownies in the fire.

"Russ just sit with me, I don't want to be alone.", I can feel her trembling as she talks. "I'm right here baby girl. I won't leave you alone.", I promise. I want her to be comfortable and safe. The power is out due to a Warlock named Oscar. He was casting a new spell. It knocked out the power over the whole pack.

I pick Clem up and carry her to our room. I tuck her in bed before climbing into bed with her. We kiss and make out for a while. I can tell she is scared so I go slow. I love and kiss on her until I feel her relax. Then I make love to her until we both are very satisfied.

The next 19 weeks are uneventful. I wake the 19th Monday to the sound of panting. I see Clementine panting on all fours. She looks so hawt. I know it's crazy but I would so tap that. "Goddess what is wrong with me?" I mind link the pack right after my crazy perverted thoughts, "We need the pack doula, doctor, midwife and anyone else who knows about pup delivery." I panic, wake up Ana and Ken. I can't remember what Clementine has told me.

I run downstairs and out the door. "Where are you off to young man?", Dr Gordon asks me. I try to think of where I was going but I can't remember that either. I look at the Dr and suddenly realize I should get the bags. I take off running to fetch them. When I enter the bedroom Ana gives me the evil eye. "Where did you go? Get over here this instant!", she yells. "I need to get the bags, I think.", I respond. "You forgot your wife you dumb clod. How could you go to the pack hospital to have a pup without the pup?", she shakes her head.

Clem is panting while the doctor is examining her. I just wait to see what instructions will follow. "Well young lady you will have a baby post haste. I don't think we have time to move this party down to the hospital. I feel the head crowning. You my dear are ready to push.", he tells Clementine.

She shakes her head yes. She gets into a good pushing stance and her grip is incredibly tight on the sheets. I have never witnessed a birth and am confused by her being on all fours. I thought you lay in bed on your back. I can only stand by her side and watch. Our pup comes out head first, then her body pops out with the Dr catching her like a football.

It reminds me of the Seahawks game. They won Sunday and I was happy. This today was like the whole football season in one. I was over the moon with joy. My sweet little girl is finally here. Clem lays back on the headboard to give her suckle. I watch in awe of it all. Piper is here at last. My little girl Piper Kate Brown.