
Subordination system

Jason was just your average joe, until one day he received a job offer that came with a system and a world crossing mission. Now armed with a system and a very helpful soul, Jason left the world on a journey to the top, an adventure full of laughs, pain, and joy. A story of family, leaders, and armies. His first destination, a VRMMO. [release rate: 1 chap every day] note: I do not own the cover, if it belongs to you, please contact me and I will take it down

a_regular_student · Games
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344 Chs

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Arjuna walked through the forest peering into the white fog. Low undead growls and the sound of bones rattling came from it.

The full moon shone above Arjuna. As he continued to walk towards the white fog that covered the forest.

Alanis jogged up to Arjuna and whispered to him concerned

"are you sure about this? If it were me and you that would be a another thing, but Rei is with us and I'm not sure if we can protect her"

Alanis turned her head to look at Rei who nervously looked at the white fog while clutching her staff. Her knuckles started to turn white and her body trembled. Alanis couldn't help but think that Rei was going to be a burden in the fight ahead. After all, she was born a noble, what good could she do?

Arjuna also looked at Rei but quickly turned his head back. Responding to Alanis gently

"I warned her about the dangers already, this is her choice"

Alanis protested as they got closer and closer to the menacing white fog.

"but she could die here! It's too dangerous, plus were entrusted with taking care of her, why are we bringing her out to fight?"

Arjuna shook his head

"she just wants to prove herself, besides, I'm sure we can take care of her"

Saying that Arjuna quickened his pace his eyes piercing deep into the white fog looking for something.

Alanis watched as Arjuna walked forward, a small sigh escaping from her lips.

"but can you take care of yourself" she muttered quietly following Arjuna

Arjuna stopped in front of the white mist. He raised his hand and passed it through the fog. It blew away as Arjuna's hand waved it away, but a few seconds later it reformed back to its original position.

He narrowed his eyes as he looked at the fog. A low female voice whispered to him quietly.

"it looks like this fog is sustained by mana, be careful"

Arjuna nodded his head and thanked Rina. He didn't know where she was. But he was sure that she was watching over them.

Soon Alanis and Rei ran over. Alanis looked at the entrance to the fog in front of them with a worried expression while Rei clutched onto Alanis's hand.

Arjuna turned to look at them.

"This fog isn't a natural one, so be sure to stay within a few feet of each other. Don't lose sight of us alright?"

Alanis and Rei nodded. Each of them grasping their weapons.

Arjuna too turned back around gripping his black bow and running his hand over the hilt of his daggers.

[you have entered the fog of death]

[visablity has been halved]

[all senses have decreased temporarily]

[all undead skills will increase in level and power]

[all undead +20% attack +40 defense]

The first word Arjuna could think of the moment he stepped into the mist was cold. Just cold, it felt like he was walking through a freezer while touching two huge blocks of ice. The second he stepped into the fog his body uncontrollably shivered. He looked back to see how Alanis and Rei were doing.

The mist engulfed him completely. So much that he could barely tell which way was behind him or in front. He was barely able to catch a glimpse of Alanis's hand and a bit of her golden hair.

Arjuna quickly reached out with his hand while yelling out "Alanis!"

But as he reached out towards the hand, it disappeared into the fog. Leaving Arjuna alone in the mist. The wind started to pick up again, howling out as it passed through the forest.

Arjuna reacted quickly he reached for his quiver pulling out a jet black arrow and fitting it neatly onto his string. He looked around carefully activating his eagle eyes skill hoping to catch a glimpse of his companions.

"not even a minute and we're already separated huh"

He muttered to himself as he watched his surroundings with heightened caution.

He looked around, only able to barely make out the outlines of a few trees. Even with his eagle eyes skill activated he couldn't even see where the entrance to the white mist was. He was truly lost. Arjuna was about to walk towards the faint outline of trees but suddenly paused hearing the tell-tale sound of the crunch of leaves.

He heard it, but he couldn't tell where it came from. Arjuna could only freeze and heighten his senses trying to figure out where it came from.

A clacking sound on his right shoulder made him sprint forward, lunging his body forward. A skeleton's sword slashed down at where Arjuna's head was a few seconds ago.

Arjuna tucked his head in letting the forward momentum of his lunge carry his feet over his head. His head was dangerously close to the ground, but he trusted his momentum and drew back his bow upside down.

Only when he was upside down could he really see the skeleton. This skeleton was different from the ones that he had taken down before with Alanis. This one was completely decked out in amour. It reminded Arjuna of the amour the city guards wore. The weapon the skeleton held also resembled the swords that the guards carried around.

With a small twang Arjuna let his arrow fly, he didn't even have time to see if it flew straight, instead he slammed his left hand into the ground slowing down his momentum and tipping his body back so that his feet tipped back to gently fall into the ground.

Arjuna safely landed on the ground with his back facing where the skeleton had attacked him.

[you have defeated a level 45 skeleton]

Arjuna had no time to celebrate his one-hit kill. The moment his balance was regained he quickly dashed off towards the outline of the forest.

He now knew what type of circumstances he was in. The patterns that were happening and the events told him everything. After he had been on the opposite side countless times. He was now being hunted, like a wild animal. He was basically blind and now the hunter taking his time to cut him down tiring him and eventually cornering him until there was no escape.

It was the first time Arjuna had experienced this and as he sprinted in long strides and leaps towards the, he felt the pounding in his heart and the almost type of throbbing in his head.

The outline of the tree got nearer and nearer soon Arjuna could see just what type of tree it was. It had no leaves and its branches and trunks made it seem like a buncher of long fingers stretching out towards him.

With no choice, Arjuna reached out with his hand and swung onto the tree. He paused raising his hand to his chest feeling the intense beating and his heavy breathing.

A whizzing sound caught Arjuna by surprise, he only had time to tilt his head slightly as he watched an arrow embed itself into the trunk a few inches away from his neck.

Arjuna swore to himself as he looked at the arrow that was just a few inches away from fatally injuring him.

"fricking archers too?"

Arjuna pulled out the arrow. Or at least he tried to, the moment he put a bit of strength into it, the wooden shaft broke, the rusty arrowhead falling to the ground.

Arjuna looked at where the arrowhead fell and noticed rusty gear at the foot of the tree. From helmets and chest plates to swords and spears some seemed to be relatively new, others were completely rusted over. As he peered closer he saw that each of the gear seemed to be stained with blood.

A small laugh escaped from Arjuna's lips.

"ahh, I just fell into a trap huh"

Almost as if it was on cue. Hundreds of skeletons emerged out of the white fog. Their red eyes gleaming as they viewed their tasty prey trapped in his tree.

The skeletons looked just like the one that Arjuna had just dealt with a few minutes earlier. They were armored, some held bows that were on the verge of breaking, others long spears with dull and rusty spearheads, but all of them had some sort of amour on whether it be the falling apart tanned leather amour on the chest of some. Or heavy metal amour.

Arjuna let out a nervous laugh and climbed higher on the tree. He gripped his bow and a few arrows. Looking at the mass of skeletons with a worried expression. The hundreds of skeletons got closer and closer to him.

Arjuna closed his eyes, and let out a heavy sigh. Snapping them back open, a second later with a determined expression on his face.

"Alright," he said decisively "this one is going to hurt"

He pulled back his bow channeling his mana into it shooting it into the air.

(arrow rain)

As he activated his best aoe skill. He reached into his bag and pulled out two bombs.

"COME AT ME" he yelled out at the mass of skeletons.