
53 Morning Make-out

On the first day of staying in the castle, I had thought it would be hard for me to fall asleep.

To my surprise, I fell asleep quickly and slept soundly.

The last time I fell asleep so quickly was because I was exhausted after leaving the banquet, but this time, I guessed it might be because I had Louis by my side.

The morning sunlight filtered through the gaps in the curtains, casting patches of light onto the bedsheets. I lay on the bed, lazily stretching my hand out into the sunlight. The golden spots danced on my fingertips, and I couldn't help but curve my lips into a smile as I snuggled closer to Louis.

Unusually, he didn't wake up earlier than me today.

Quietly, I turned my head and gazed at his sharply handsome face, feeling a serene sense of contentment.