
Submissive Affair

The last thing Troy expected to find on the lonely road to his special sanctuary, is an unconscious, beaten and bloody woman. Trying to keep her safe and help her regain her memory, takes him on a different life course than expected. Submissive affair is an erotic suspense novel, an intense non-traditional love story that will take you on a roller coaster ride of emotions.

Penegrine_Paul · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Delaying The Light

The smell drifting up from the kitchen has Amber hurrying down the stairs. She stares in wonder at the incredible man standing at the cooktop. He is shirtless, and his pants hung low to show off that perfect V that leads like an arrow to heaven.

"My fiancé, I can't believe my luck".

You would have thought that during four years of college and the few clubs and bars she's been to, she would have found someone in her twenty-three years; but no, she found mister right on a mountain 20 miles from civilization.

Stepping quietly into the kitchen, she sat down at the breakfast bar to watch him work. The stool creaks a little under pressure, and he lifts his head and smiles at her. Holy crap! That is the first full-blown smile she'd seen.

"Why the hell is this man still single? That smile is what women write sonnets about, that body, too. Who wouldn't want to come to breakfast with that view every day? "

He scoops scrambled eggs onto a plate with toast and sets it in front of her, along with salt and pepper, butter, coffee, cream, and sugar.

"I need to make some calls. Eat what you can and come to my office."

He kisses her softly and walks toward the living room. Office? She turned to see where he is going just as a panel at the end of the bookcase opens up like a doorway and he walks inside.

"Wow! A hidden room, like a panic room, that's so cool."

Sophie is going to kick my ass for staying out of touch, but they didn't have any cases, so he took a little more time off. She still opens the office to answer phones and help walk-ins, but since she hasn't called him, either, he assumes business is slow. On the third ring, she answers in her southern drawl.

"Mason XI, how may I help you?"

"Sophie, honey, it's Troy. How are things on the home front?"

"Troy, you sweet thang, it's so nice of you to let me know you didn't fall off the face of the earth. It's not like I worry about you considering' my daddy and all, but it's whatever"

"Oh, she is pissed! She only uses sarcasm and guilt when pissed. When she hears that she will be $5000 richer for winning our bet, maybe she'll ease up somewhat. She is only 5'2" with milk chocolate skin and kinky black hair plaited into a million tiny braids all over her head. She wraps it around a ponytail on the top of her head, but there is so much of it that it looks like a messy honeycomb. She is 55 years old but has very few wrinkles, except for the two lines between her eyes when she looks down at him. He's 6'3", and that woman can look down on anyone. She is fierce!

"Ahh Honey, don't be mad. I have good news for you. But first, did you run an ad to find me a partner? I'm gonna need one because I will be tied up with another case for a while".

"Case, what case? We have nothin' on the books." Sophie relied.

"I know, but it's of a more personal nature, which brings me to the second thing; I met a woman."

"Huh?" He chuckled at her gasp.

"Ahh, Sweetie, you meet lots of women, just none you want to keep."

"That's the thing, Sophie, this one I'm not going to let get away. She's in a little trouble, and I need to be with her right now−for how long I don't know. I will transfer the $5000 I owe into your account, and maybe you could take a little vacation."

Sophie and Troy had a ridiculous bet. She said, "Someday a woman will come along that you won't be able to walk away from." So he said, "Wanna bet?" hence the $5000."

"Now, Troy, you know that was just a play bet. I would never expect to hold you to that deal."

"Nope, a deal's a deal, plus you have more than earned it. Just lock up shop and put a phone number on the door for emergencies. Visit those grand babies in Georgia. They need their Grandma. Oh, and Sophie, plan for another vacation to the Bahamas. When things settle down, I'm getting married."

Before she could lecture him on "this is too soon," He hung up and dialed Jake.

He looked up to see Amber shyly standing in the doorway. Scooting his chair back, he patted his lap and motions her over. This experience is so new to her, and he's sure he'd been sure an overwhelming, possessive bastard, but he just wanted her with him all the time. Even before he knew her, he'd came close to losing her. He just need to touch her to assure himself that she is real and safe.

Amber walks to him slowly, glancing around as if to take it all in. His dad's old mahogany desk sits in the center with a wall of family photos to his right. To the left, a large screen TV is mounted on the wall. Behind him is another desk that holds a police scanner and a second computer monitor. Just beyond that are six monitors mounted to the wall that shows sections of his property. The images scroll through about 20 different viewpoints. The cameras in the house are off while he's there, but whenever he's not, they run 24/7 with remote access. She looks around for another chair. No one but him has ever been here, so there has never been a need for more seating

Smirking at the look of confusion on her sweet face, he patted his lap again. Slowly she moves to stand before him, a little hesitant, so he pulled her down onto his lap. She sighs a deep breath and settles in close to his chest. It will take time for her to adjust to being his, but they have all the time in the world.

Just realizing that he was in the process of calling Jake but didn't hear him answer or even pay attention to voicemail, he hung up and dialed again. Damn this woman is distracting. We're sorry this number is no longer in service, is the message he gets. Jake has had that number since he met him years ago, so this is disturbing. He knows he is going undercover, but he has never shut down his phone before. Shit! How will he reach him to tell him about Tori and Amber? Hanging up, he called his office line.

"Savage speaking."

"Hey Richard, this is Troy Griffiths. I'm trying to reach Jake, do you know where I can find him?"

"No, sorry Troy, he is on three months leave, no forwarding info."

"Yeah, I knew he would be out of touch, but I thought he was leaving tomorrow."

"Yeah, that was the plan, but last night we were having drinks at Cutters when he got a text, chugged his beer and said, see ya when I see ya then walked out. I was told this morning by Director Matthews that he is gone and don't ask questions. Sorry man, I don't have any information to give ya."

"No problem, I don't know much, either. Only that he was leaving Friday, but if he checks in with you, have him call me A.S.A.P. Okay?" We agree to keep in touch and hang up."