
Subject Faraday

a scientist is tasked with finding a way to contain a special subject, a simple task until feelings start to get involved

Luciohr · LGBT+
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51 Chs

13- Visits

after last night I went to the office about 25 minutes after faraday calmed down, I wrote the materials I needed in a list, all while still keeping an eye from time to time in faraday, nothing else happened after her first nightmare I guess the problem was me messing with her in the first place... I mean she irradiates magic heat, at this point I don't see why wouldn't she have a magic sense of her surroundings. (* she doesn't btw)

the whole night gave me time to actually write the stuff that I needed in full detail as well as the reasons I need them for written right next to all of them. the list consists on minerals and alloys, as well as instruments to read stuff like wavelength and radiation, I did... "tests" last night, but I still need to be sure about those kind of things.

I need to send this to the higher ups, unfortunately for me I don't have the phone number of all the members of the council so I hope Alan can help me with making this letter reach the council... I hope at least, now, talking about it being approved.... yeah I doubt it, but at least I need to try it you know?

it's still early in the morning faraday hasn't even wake up yet, and as far as I know she probably doesn't even know I stayed here last night. at least I don't hope so.

I'll go and talk to Alan to see if he can help me contact the council, I don't know if he is awake either actually...


does he live here?

we haven't talked about that at all, I don't know anything about him in the first place.... before he said that I could call him at any time and he would answer... does he even sleep?

I mean anything could be possible, I don't think logic applies to anyone in this installation to be honest.

so, my phone.




-hello?- I hear a tired voice say, more than tired I would say a -sour throat - one... I just woke him up didn't I?

-oh hi, sorry I must have waken you up.

-oh... no I was just *a big yawn* resting my eyes... hol' up I need some water.



-*clears throat* right, you were saying?

- oh right, I need you to send some archives to the council.

-first of all, good morning. second, WHAT?!

-what?, I know you can reach them.... right?

-eh... no, they reach me, I don't have their phone number you know? they come from time to time to check on faraday and I occasionally have the chance to speak with whoever comes from the council, because that is the thing, SOMEONE comes, either one of the council or a representative and it's not like they really want to talk to me. specially Gustave.

-oh... damm, when is the next check up then?

-i got absolutely no idea, last one was like... a week and a half ago? you arrived last week so... I don't think we'll get one soon, sorry dear.

of course.

of fucking course

-right... so I'll just have to wait for... I don't know how much.

-mostly, yes. but there is another option.

-and your saying this after breaking my heart because...?

-because it's funny really, also it's not something that will benefit us. you see, there's 2 occasions where someone comes checking on faraday, regular time to time checks, or "what the fuck just happened?" checks, we COULD force one of the later ones, but it's quite complicated to reach that level of weirdness.

-hmm... perhaps I could-

-hold it right there partner, why do you want to reach them so bad that you even consider picking their attention like that?

-i need instruments and materials, come on I CAN'T CRAFT ANYTHING WITH PAPER.

-you can actually


-what? even I can do i-

-im talking about something for faraday, to study her and learn how to deal with her powers.

-oh I know how to deal with them?

-for real? then why don't you tell me?!

-answer is simple, just let her be.

-i get it she is not dangerous but I still need to complete this work or-

-or what? as far as I know nobody is threatening you, and even better your work isn't in danger either. Cecile, this is not a race, and you don't need to prove anything, take your time with her, even better, don't progress anything.

-but.. they contracted me to do this and I really don't like leaving things unfinished, I despise the idea of just not doing anything you know.

-then go out and do something with your life outside of here.

-I CAN'T... I swear I can't, I have a purpose now, I'm no longer just running in automatic mode dealing with people I don't want to see. I'm enjoying the thrill and the weirdness of this as a whole...

-i...kinda get what you're talking about, but again, I'm not telling you to leave this, just get something else to do while we get some new things for your... lab, they want you to finish that someday so I guess they'll eventually give you some supplies.

-they should

-SHOULD, but still can't happen. in the mean time, give me a minute and I'll come with you at the office, I'll see you in a minute.

-right... bye Alan


when he hangs the phone I'm left alone with the silence of the room, the blue light feels like I'm in a window next to a really weird sun in a sunset, a re- wait, blue light.

oh right, faraday.

I look in the window, just to see the star of the show turned around and stretching her arm behind her neck, the sweater that she usually wears on her hips is actually correctly putted on right now, I guess she uses it as a pajama of some sorts.

she turns around to see the mirror

the mark appears on her head like a wake up call.

-oh, hi miss Cecile, you came earlier today!.

-i uh... yeah, turns out I woke up earlier today ha ha.

I rub my head embarrassed as I forgot that I haven't slept a bit, even weirder is the fact that I don't even feel tired at all. guess my body is expending the saved up battery from that time I slept 2 days.

-so what are we doing today miss Cecile?

- I... uh ...

-miss Cecile?

- I don't know.

the embarrassment is killing me

-you don't....know?

-yeah I... really can check on anything at the moment. I kinda don't have the resources to do so.

-oh... you could just ask me stuff

she says with a smile.

-i don't think you can answer most of my questions, not the ones regarding the material at least.

-oh but you have some other than those?

-yeah, kinda, I was wandering about some things, more a curiosity stuff than anything.

- I like expending time with you miss Cecile, so I don't really mind answering your questions.

- okay then, first, how does your regeneration work on a celular level?

faraday stands still for a moment, starring at the floor with a worried smile, a question mark pops out of nowhere.

-i uh... dunno

-great, out to a good start

- nonono wait I really don't know how it happens but i can at least try to describe it.

- well that could help too, go ahead.

-when I get hit it stings for a little, after, I just think that I don't want to feel that pain anymore and then it starts hurting a little more around that area but after a moment it no longer hurts, and I don't have a scar or anything like that, so I guess I just... heal when I think about it (?)

-that is.... not really explicative, but I can get where you're going, I have an idea, I'm coming in.


I enter the room, the lights kinda burn my eyes for a moment.

-could you please lend me your hand?

- oh.. right

she is blushing again.

- could you... show it to me?

-you mean me healing?

-yes, you can do it on demand right?

- I... yeah, let me see.

-hold on, try and make it so you don't heal instantly.

- I think I can do that.



nothing happens, faraday just stares at her hand.

-faraday? is something wrong?

- I'm kinda nervous, this hurts, and I'm not used to having it for a long time.

-its okay, I'm right here, and it's just for a couple of seconds, I'll even get you something for the trouble.

-alright... here I go.

a lightning comes out of the zone between the elbow and the hand, tearing apart the flesh on its way out, it then hits the palm of her hand, with my hand right below it, I feel the heavy impact on my whole arm, as if someone just hit our hands with a hammer, it doesn't hurt a bit because faraday received most if not all the damage from that, her palm now has a hole the size of a ping pong ball, alongside it, the area surrounding it it's burned with second degree burns.


faraday is tearing up and she clearly is in a lot of pain.

-just hold on for a moment, try and see if you can heal a little slower than usual, just enough to be seen. it will be over soon.

-i-ill try awawaw-

the area surrounding the hole starts glowing blue, little Sparks fly from side to side inside the whole, as the sparks come and go I can see the hole closing second after second, I observe how, slowly, the meat starts growing from inside the inner walls of the hand, followed by her veins and nerves.

i see a wound so bad it would take months to any other person and the best medical attention, heal in less than 8 seconds, 8 seconds that are being held back by her body, this is the "worst" version of her healing.

-aaaawie... I think I'm done, my hand feels weird (⁠๑⁠•⁠﹏⁠•⁠)

-that... was amazing, faraday you're truly one of a kind!

-i-i am?


-oh, I'm glad I guess (⁠*⁠﹏⁠*⁠;⁠)

- the amount of knowledge you need to have to recreate a hand cell by cell is just... WOW!, I myself had to study for years just to even comprehend how to barely make one from nothing myself, and even I'm pretty sure I get some nerves wrong.

-you can... make one miss Cecile?

- oh yeah I can... kinda, with my powers.

-you never told me about your powers miss Cecile (⁠´⁠⊙⁠ω⁠⊙⁠`⁠)

-oh yeah, I guess I've never mentioned them. I can... manipulate stuff kinda like... ergh hold on is there something I can use?.

I look around the room trying to find a material to give one demonstration, after looking around for a moment my eyes cross with faraday's again, I'm stuck for a moment there and I turn my view downwards where I can still see her hand on top of mine, barely blurred by my vision I see dried stains of blood in the floor beneath us.

-i.... I'm sorry, I didn't notice what I put you through, it must have hurt right...

-o-oh please don't worry about that, it was all for the investigation so I don't mind fee-

I put my arms in her back and I pull her close to my chest, I put her in extreme pain just for a curiosity, for the sake of knowing stuff.

-im sorry, I'll never put you in a situation like that again, I promise.

faraday doesn't say a thing the whole time, she doesn't hug me back, she just stays still and I can feel her shaking the whole time. my eyes were closed but even so I could still see a flash of light even through my closed eyelids.

I let her go and open my eyes, I see faraday red as a tomato looking at the floor still shaking, I clearly see the signs of what she is feeling right now, and I really want her to just remember this instead of what I put her through.

-anyway, here, look.

I slowly approach the floor and scrap some of the blood in the floor with my finger, I point at faraday with the stained fingertip.

-watch this.

the blood from my finger starts fading away.


-what is happening is that I am absorbing the blood, look at this too.

I point my finger upwards and I start forming complex figurines of blood on the top.

-wooooo how can you that?!e it backwards

- my power is to absorb materials so I can manipulate them later, you see this arm? I made in myself with my powers.

- I thought you build it in a workshop or something (⁠・⁠o⁠・⁠)

- nah, I had to do it myself just to know I did it right... I still feel like it's not really perfect.

-it looks cool to me.

-well, it is cool, I still kinda miss... feeling with this arm.

- you can't grow it back?

-i... can, but I'm afraid i'm not really good at it, I told you even I have trouble arranging veins and nerves, I'm not that experienced.

-ooooh I see, but I'm sure one day you'll get to make it work.

-i hope so too, but I'm good with my arm right now.

I use the prosthesis to store hazardous materials, mostly radioactive stuff and some metals.

-wait you can't do it with your regular arm?

- well, I "can", but it's not pretty.

- oh, right... miss Cecile, if you don't mind me asking... how did you lose your arm?



heavy knocking is heard from the window, I turn around scared and find Alan worried, signaling me to come out of the room.

I rush inside leaving faraday hanging on that question.

-what wrong?.

-turns out you'll get your visit sooner than expected.


-they're coming, madame Gustave is coming.

another late update, who could have guessed.

turns out procrastination is one hell of a drug, anyway, I'm back at university once again, so I'm mostly obligated to burn time between classes writing this.

I COULD deliver a little bit sooner after this one. I appreciate the people that come back from time to time to check on the new chapters, be sure to leave a comment and enjoy the chapter!

Luciohrcreators' thoughts