
Stupid ML! Don't Destroy the World Just Because Your Lover Died!

ML #48967: "I don't want to live in a world without you. Everything should just disappear." Footsteps were heard, leisurely strolling towards him. "Ah? Really?" A smooth male voice sounded behind ML #48967. ML #48967 answered the question automatically, still too lost in his pain to really register the man's presence. ML #49... : "Yes." "Even if that means your family, friends and innocent people will die?" ML #49... : "Whatever it takes to be with him again." "Hhm. I see. Then die. Preferably by yourself." A gun's safety switch clicked off, and then fired a bullet straight through the ML's head.

YannaLoch · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Arc 0 - Link Start!

In a dark space, a small ball of light suddenly appeared. This small light was system Xiao Bao, and she'd just arrived where a planet was supposed to be.

This was the latest planet to be destroyed by a male lead due to their lover dying and leaving to another world. A common occurrence in Quick Transmigration webnovels no matter the BG, BL or GL pairing, where in the GL stories the female lead would do said destroying.

"Eh. Another one destroyed. Mou! If this keeps up then I'll never be able to find a host!"

Xiao Bao was not happy. She was created recently by the accumulated resentment of planets destroyed just like this one by a male lead. Her job was to stop these male leads from destroying planets when their lovers died, and she was eager to do so after seeing the vast emptiness in each galaxy that was the result of a planets' destruction.

As she was about to leave, a glint of light flashed a bit away from her. Surprised the little ball directed her attention to the source of that glint. Moving closer, Xiao Bao realized that it was a human soul, though it was close to disappearing completely. The little ball was ecstatic, she'd finally found a host, as to whether they were suitable, Xiao Bao didn't care, she'd searched for long enough. Even if she was just created recently, that recently was the equivalent of a millenium and a bit more in human years as time mattered differently in this realm.

Quickly, Xiao Bao reached out to bind herself to the soul, and appeared in their shared mind space.


Jean didn't know what was happening, one moment she was detached, feeling as if she were being pulled away to some faraway place and the next she appeared in a futuristic looking room with a small ball of light floating in front of her.

The whiplash of having her feelings numbed and then suddenly returned full force made her woozy and nauseous, it was all in her mind though as she had no body to feel woozy or nauseous with, a force of habit one could say. It took her a while to recover.

"Host? Can you understand me?" She heard a voice coming from the small ball of light, helping her regain her senses.

"Hhmm. Maybe fading away took her memories of being human and now she's closer to an animal? Haaah. How disappointing."

Jean felt a metaphorical tick appear and immediately retorted, offended at the rudeness targeted at her. As Stephanie Tanner once said: 'How rude!'.

"Who are you calling an animal? At least I'm not full of hot air which I'm sure as a ball of light you have a lot of."

Xiao Bao jerked, surprised at the response and insult from the soul she was sure wasn't human anymore.

"Host! So, you can understand me, that's a relief. I don't have to start searching again." Then Xiao Bao recalled what being full of hot air meant and became disgruntled.

"Hmph! It's a big possibilty that it'd happen. I've seen it happen before." Through the planets' memories that is. Which was automatically uploaded into her during her creation so she'd be able to better assist her host in missions. Going against a male lead wasn't an easy thing after all, considering the fact that they were the worlds' precious golden son.

Which is why the very act of their sons destroying them for their lovers was an act of the greatest betrayal to the planets. It was akin to a parent lamenting their having such an ungrateful and unfilial son who'd cut ties for his lover when they'd given him everything. It was much worse when the lover was the planets' archnemesis: transmigrators and their systems, who'd come uninvited, ruin the world's balance resulting in various disasters, environmental or plagues, and leave behind their messes for the planets to clean up.

The planets' could do nothing, for they were but gnats in the eyes of the systems' creators. The resentment of the aforementioned destroyed planets acumulated and gained sentience, leading them to create Xiao Bao to counterattack and to where we are now.

"Huh. So, what are you supposed to be? A system?" Jean wouldn't be surprised if it was. This situation had all the hallmarks of being a transmigration webnovel. She would've been more excited if she and all she knew, her family, friends and whole world hadn't spontaneously combusted into nothing. Dying and losing everything certainly put things into perspective.

Xiao Bao gasped in delighted surprise. "Host already understands what's happening? I don't have to start from the beginning then, I have such a good eye at choosing hosts." The little ball spun cheerfully at this self-praise =.:.゚٩(๑>◊<๑)۶:.。+゚.

Jean felt cheated, others get a reliable system and yet she gets one like this. Well, at least this one isn't one of those human-hating sadistic ones she'd spent time raging at before. Just thinking of it raised her metaphorical blood pressure up to dangerous levels ((╬●∀●). Ahh, calm down, don't think about it, it'll only upset her.

"And? What's in it for me?" Xiao Bao was smacked out of her happiness by this question.

"Eh? What do you mean? Aren't people usually happy when they get the chance to transmigrate?" This was what the planets' memories showed her, the transmigrators always appeared arrogant and smug, looking at the planets as if they were just a playground they could trash and leave behind when done.

Admittedly, the planets' memories were biased against their archnemesis, but they also weren't wrong. While there were some transmigrators that didn't do this, a vast majority did with a few loose cannons inciting wars between countries, releasing deadly illnesses and murdering people left and right.

How are they allowed to do this you may ask? Well, the systems and their creators don't care what the transmigrators do as long as they complete their missions.

Eh? But that's not what the stories say, you say. Well dear reader, reality is different from fiction even in this realm.

"So you expect me to work for free? If that's the case, then no thanks, just leave me back where you found me." Jean had already experienced working with close to no pay before. She'd wanted to gain work experience, and accepted any job offered. The moment she found another much more well paying job, she dropped the previous backbreaking one like an open dirty diaper that'd smeared poo over her hand. Never again she'd vowed.

Xiao Bao was shocked. "But you'll disappear if you return."

"I'd rather disappear, then work for free or close to it ever again. Besides, the missions will be dangerous won't they?" Jean asked pointing out what the little ball didn't mention.

Xiao Bao glowed brighter in response, as if to indicate how flustered she was at being called out. She'd indeed left out the type of missions she'd have her host do, intending to tell her host after they'd agree to it.

"But, but don't you want to live?" Xiao Bao used another tactic to cajole Jean, but Jean wasn't having it.

"No. Living is hard enough without adding no family or friends on to it. Death is way more peaceful, and I might be able to see them again there." Jean didn't want to transmigrate to endless worlds or do neverending missions if there was nothing to gain from it, after all, she wasn't a saint. (*AN: I am not in any way or form encouraging suicide, please talk to someone if you feel this way.)

Then Xiao Bao decided to use her last trump card. "What about the person who destroyed your world?"

Jean stopped all movements and stood as still as a statue. Turning cold yet furious eyes to Xiao Bao, she uttered a quiet and flat; "What."

Xiao Bao flinched back in fear, she'd never personally experienced such cold anger before. "T-this w-w-w-world was destroye-ed by it's male l-lead, their golden son of h-h-heaven b-because their lover left him to go-o c-c-continue fulfilling ot-ther m-missions in anothe-er world." The little ball explained the circumstances behind the destruction of Jean's world, stuttering and quivering.

"You mean to say, that my family, friends, the rest of the world and myself died because one little boy couldn't handle not seeing their lover." Jean stated more than questioned. "And let me guess, he was able to see his little lover again."

The little ball could only answer yes to the statements made.

"I see." Jean was silent once more, struggling to calm herself so she could think clearly. Xiao Bao stayed silent so as not to become a target for the cold rage emanating from her host. 'Host is too scary.' (⊃д⊂)

Finally Jean broke the silence with a single question. "Was the destruction a requirement to be able to follow his lover?"

"No." Xiao Bao replied.

"I see. Hey, little ball, if I do agree to do this, what will be my mission?" Jean asked again.

"Your main mission will be to prevent the male leads from destroying the worlds, other missions will be related to the main one and can range from stopping a transmigrator from becoming the male leads lover or from trashing the worlds. Please rest assured that I will help you all the way." Now that her host seemed to be on the verge of agreeing to go on missions with Xiao Bao, she put out all the stops to prevent her host from backing out again.

Jean knew she could be vindictive, but always tried to save it for deserving people, and this just called for her to let loose the helpless cold fury she'd felt at learning the reason behind her death and world's destruction.

"Ok. I'll do it." At hearing this, Xia Bao was so excited she started bouncing around Jean, materializing sparkles all around her (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *.

"Yay! You won't regret this host! I'll be the best system ever to help you succeed!"

Jean couldn't help but smile slightly, pushing her anger to the back burner for now. "What's your name anyway? I can't keep calling you liitle ball."

Xiao Bao stopped bouncing around and introduced herself. "My name is Xiao Bao. I look forward to working with you host." The little ball of light burned brighter than before, showing how happy she was.

"Names Jean, and me too, I guess." Jean reciprocated, affected by Xiao Bao's enthusiasm.

It was the start of a lovely friendship between system and host. At least until Jean woke up as a man.

"XIAO BAO!" (☄ฺ◣д◢☄ฺ)