
Stupid Cultivator with her One-Shot Magic

==Dropped. Apologize for the hype.==

hartpeler · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
123 Chs

Defense of the Bridge (2)

"Shadow magic is indeed battle magic. But, you have to know. If your affinity remained as the defender. Then you will always be so. He may be gifted with two affinities. But, he was only having an affinity as a healer and a defender. Unlike you who had an affinity with the attacker's capability with Dragon, Mortal magic becomes your innate magic. So... That's why he giving it to Hu Jia Hao to regain his self-confidence. And I heard that you were his girlfriend. With the title given to you. I believe that he could be able to regain his confidence and then, we have more healers and defenders becoming the top fifty cultivators as you know, we need them more than an attacker now. Hope you understand and a badge of number two will be carved in your chest as it will be shown later after you are "

She looked at the surrounding of herself as she tried to see if she could find a clue... Then she was not sure at all.