
Studying under Orochimaru, the Evil Scientist of Hidden Leaf Village

thanks for the invite, I'm currently in Konoha, having just become a disciple of Orochimaru. 'So, the evolution of the Sharingan from one tomoe to two and then three, is it a genetic mutation or something else?' Looking at the test subject in front of him, Kenichi Yumigami revealed a look full of curiosity. '...I always feel that this disciple's gaze towards me is somewhat off,' Orochimaru thought, holding the research report submitted by Kenichi Yumigami on 'The Impact of Soul Transference on the Body,' with a displeased expression on his face.

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Chapter 18: Reanimation Jutsu

Chapter 18: Reanimation Jutsu

"The physical condition of this ninja is indeed impressive, and he seems to have a certain resistance to Yang attribute chakra," Kenichi observed with interest as he looked at the fluctuating chest cavity in front of him.

To get a closer look, he even disassembled the ribs, although doing so meant the subject wouldn't live much longer, but Kenichi didn't care anymore.

He had just successfully stimulated lung cancer in this ninja. Abnormalities had already begun to appear in the subject's body, indicative of the early stages of cancer.

"Cough, cough, cough," the subject began to cough. Kenichi silently increased the dosage, attempting to precisely inject Yang attribute chakra into the already sizable cancer cells.

What are cancer cells? They are malignant cells that rob other cells of nutrients to accelerate their own division and growth. At this moment, these cancer cells had even more abundant life energy.

Almost visibly, the spread of these cancer cells accelerated, and the subject began to show symptoms of coughing up blood and difficulty breathing.

"My theory is correct; Yang attribute chakra can stimulate the growth of cancer cells, thereby artificially creating cancer within the target body," Kenichi was somewhat pleased, having achieved preliminary results.

All that was needed now was to summarize this technique and test its success rate. Then, Kenichi could claim to have successfully created a unique ninjutsu.

"However, I remember there's a medical ninjutsu called something like 'Toxin Extraction Technique,' which can extract toxins and such, but that should be useless against my ninjutsu," Kenichi stroked his chin.

At this moment, Kenichi could precisely inject Yang attribute chakra into these cancer cells, and he noticed that the subject's cancer cells had begun to show signs of metastasis.

If there was widespread metastasis, in the past life, it was essentially time to book a crematorium and wait for death.

Kenichi stitched up the subject's body and then handed him over to the medical team at the base, letting them try to save this unfortunate guy.

Kenichi wanted to see if the ninja world could deal with cancer. If so, the practicality of this ninjutsu would be greatly reduced. If not, then Kenichi would have mastered a ninjutsu that could be classified as a forbidden technique.

"Is your experiment over?" When Kenichi found his teacher, he saw two dead ninjas lying on Orochimaru's experimental table.

However, the laboratory was still filled with some strange smells, and there was some dust on the experimental table.

Reanimation Jutsu?

Kenichi immediately thought of this unique forbidden technique.

"Yes, teacher, the experiment has some results. Now, I've handed the subject over to the medical team to see if they can cure him," Kenichi said very respectfully, pretending to be completely ignorant.

"Hmm, don't forget to practice ninjutsu, that's the means by which we ninjas make our living," Orochimaru nodded, he has always been very empowering.

Or to say, he doesn't suspect those he uses and doesn't use those he suspects. Overall, he is a very outstanding leader, though being cold and ruthless is also one of his characteristics.

"Okay, teacher," Kenichi nodded. He had set up a plan for himself during this time.

First was the training of ninjutsu and physical fitness, which could not be neglected, followed by the tasks assigned by the teacher, and finally, the research and perfection of the cancer-creating ninjutsu.

After obtaining the Sage Body of Hashirama Senju, Kenichi's body had an additional surge of powerful Yang attribute chakra. The only regret was that Kenichi did not master Wood Release.

This made him somewhat disappointed, after all, Wood Release is very powerful in the ninja world, and with it, one could go and capture the Tailed Beasts for research.

Thinking of those Tailed Beasts with various abilities but very strong powers, Kenichi was somewhat drooling, although in the later stages, the Tailed Beasts seemed to lose some face, but essentially their strength was also very good.

Otherwise, they wouldn't be considered a significant force valued by various ninja villages, their status comparable to nuclear weapons.

"I have a ninjutsu I plan to teach you," Orochimaru still sat calmly in his chair, but when he spoke, Kenichi felt his heartbeat pause for a moment.

After all, this scene made it impossible for Kenichi not to think too much. Reanimation Jutsu is a very powerful forbidden technique, although it requires the body tissue of the summoner, the ninja world does not have the custom of cremation.

There are countless cells of the First Hokage here, and Kenichi also knows where the tomb of the Second Hokage is.

"Is it the Lightning Release ninjutsu from Kumogakure, teacher?" Kenichi 'excitedly' inquired, he couldn't appear too special, according to his strength, theoretically, he shouldn't have access to Konoha's forbidden techniques.

"No, it's another powerful but also very dangerous forbidden technique," Orochimaru casually threw a scroll to Kenichi.

Kenichi opened it and saw the words "Reanimation Jutsu" printed on it.

Although he suspected it might be such a ninjutsu, seeing it for real, Kenichi had to admit his heartbeat quickened, after all, this forbidden technique was indeed very powerful.

"What are your thoughts after reading it?" Orochimaru took a sip of tea and then glanced at Kenichi, wanting to see what his chosen disciple thought of this forbidden technique.

"It's very powerful, but also a dangerous ninjutsu with high practicality. However, once used, it also brings a lot of trouble," Kenichi had already finished reading, after all, it wasn't very long.

"Why do you say that?" Orochimaru was noncommittal.

"Because it can revive the dead, it's a ninjutsu that desecrates the dead. Once used, it's bound to cause many people's disgust," Kenichi was somewhat helpless, his teacher liked to ask knowingly.

He didn't believe that his teacher, who was Orochimaru, couldn't see the reasons that were obvious to clear-eyed people.

"But it's also very powerful. If it can allow those dead to possess a certain level of their original strength, that's a very good combat force, and you don't need to worry about other issues," Kenichi shrugged.

The Reanimation Jutsu is indeed very powerful, not to mention, on the night of the Nine-Tails' disturbance, if the Reanimation Jutsu had brought back the First and Second Hokages, how would the Nine-Tails have coped?

"Then I'll teach you, do you dare to learn?" Orochimaru smiled and then asked.

"Of course, I dare!" Kenichi immediately nodded. This was a forbidden technique, not learning it would be foolish.

(End of Chapter)