
Students Human Nature.(Dropped Check out new novel,better then this)


Supreme_Slaughter · Action
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12 Chs

Chapter 5: 1/3

' Give me the sword, and how the fuck is training when its just really getting beat up again and again. '

[Sword granted. Special martial arts for the swrod will now be inputted into host brain]

'Fucking hell, It not that worse but it still hurts. How am I supposed to fight like this, pause the fight somehow.'

[Fight will not be paused.Host must fight in dire circumstances]

'Flaming Sword First arc: Hell Ring V1'

As the energy was forming on the sword, it suddenly exploded and killed Aaron again.


[Troubleshooting Problem]






[No solution is found. Restarting fight]

'Holy shit, who the fuck is in my head.'

Aaron's body had reversed states from the pool of blood and came back into to top condition.

20 Deaths Later…..


The fire energy which gathered on the sword had finally cut apart the being.

How did this fucking weakling do this you may ask.

Well Aaron had figured out that while he dies, the damage he causes to the being stays.

Hence, he repeated the same action on the same postion and it broke apart.

[Detected that the host has killed the being who was limited to not use any martial arts and only jabs while staying in a small circle.]


[You will now receive rewards for comepleting the first phase.]

As Aaron stood victorious over the broken remains of the being, he couldn't help but feel a surge of satisfaction. He had discovered a loophole in its limitations and exploited it to his advantage. The rewards for completing the first phase were now within his grasp, and he eagerly awaited what awaited him next. 


[You may choose 1 out of the follow 3.

Choice 1 : Gain the 2nd tier of Flame sword Martial arts

Choice 2 : Increase Energy and gain Energy control technique

Choice 3: Gain the Fighting experience of the Being]

'I choose Option number 3' 

'Fuck at least give me a warning before this pain begins again , it's the least you could do.'

[Suggestion received, you will receive the option to absorb and when you want to absorb the next time]

'Good thing that the pain decreased now.Lets test out this experience I gai-'

[Phase 1 has ended ]

[Bringing host back to original world]

[Good luck in your future endeavors.]

'Huff Huff'

Aaron's mind was tramutized with the amount of blood he had to witness. Another weird thing was the inside of the being.It was blank, includings its head.Aaron wondered how it fought without anything controlling it.

He was scared with the thought of someone above controlling everything them.

'Lets get back to track, AI do you have a way to guide like a gps with you?'

[Starting Deep scan]

[Error Deep scan cannot be started due to the lack of authority]

[Starting Surface level scan]

*****At an Unknown place******

"Sir, the system suddenly felt a weird power going at the surface of the planet. It covered the entire planet, im sure we are not the only ones who had noticed that.

The Unknown man told the Superior.

'Roy just in case, ask the military to be on high aleart and ask our special agents to monitor the opposing country's military as well.I also need you to …'

Roy's Superior continued and gave him a mission.

****Back to Aaron***

[Surface level scan has completed]

[Map System has been updated, navigational system will be activated now]

'Nice I can see arrows guiding me towards the Royal palace'

***In the Royal Palace***

"Sir, we have received a report through the emergency channel, It says that there might be a war due to interference in and around the entire nation."

The official hurriedly told the King.

" Minister, tell the commander to increase surveilance in the nation, especially those opposing agents. Send in more of ours into other countries for information. Also, make sure to strengthen our defenses and be prepared for any potential attacks."

"Yes sir."

"Father, are you here?"

Aaron had entered the throne room the moment the Minister left.

"Aaron Marshal, why have you disobeyed my orders of attending the academy"

The king was furious with Aaron and emitted a dangerous aura.

"Father forget about that, I have news about our worst enemy, the corleto family.

As soon as the King heard the word Corleto, Aaron was on his knees.


Aaron was started emitting his own aura after gaining the experience from the being.

YOO This is a nice chapter

I personally enjoyed it aswell and the next part too.

Please leave comments because it cheers me on

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