
Student! Hero! Villain! Package!

Cailco was a student at Cajin academy. Despite the world being full of people with the skill to wield Cajin, he was known as the 0.1% that couldn’t. People would laugh behind his back, but he didn’t care. He had grown used to insults at this point. However he truly did not know he was more special than anyone in the universe. He had three different persona’s. One couldn’t wield Cajin to his knowledge, The other was a hero of the hero of the world, and the last one was a Villain. They each had completetly different powers. If you were never told, you might have believed they were all different people with different stories to tell.

Though_that_then · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 3: Justice

"It seems you arrived exactly on time, I don't recall you being such a puctual person, Cailco."

Cailco took a seat in front of the teacher before he opened his mouth and responded

"I'm not. I was almost beaten by a student named Layla Stark. It's spelled L-A-Y-L-A- S-T-A-R-K, you should inform everyone in this school about her hot headed actions" Cailco said while pointing his finger at the teacher, named Bella Gates.

Ms. Gates sighed

"You want me to file a report"

Cailco nodded his head

One of the reason's he was never suspended or faced any punishment after fighting, was because he always filed a report before he fought. He could always bring it up when he was taken to the office, they couldn't do anything about it.

Ms. Gates sighed, it was nearly the lunch period, yet here she was filing a report about a student. You could say it was her own fault, she wanted to see Cailco. He reminded her of Hero Ace. The more she watched him the more she saw they were completely different, Ace was better. Despite this obvious fact she still prefered Cailco over Ace, for reasons unknown to her.

"Cailco, I was wondering if you could partake in the academic test tommorow? You don't have to if you don't want to!" Ms. Gates said quickly. She didn't want to apply any teacher's pressure onto him.


"I see, it's no use in forc-…wait you will? That's great!" She leaned closer to Cailco and grabbed his hands. She realized she was close, she blushed and cleared her throat before sitting back down.

Cailco nodded his head

" Well I have no more reason to hold you during your break, you may be dissmissed"

Cailco waved his favorite teacher good bye and went up towards the roof.


"A barrel of justice always wheels itself towards victory!" Ace yelled out as he stood on a roof, looking down on such injustice.

There were four teenage girls

'He really does look like Cailco, but Cailco can't use Cajin. Maybe long lost brothers or something similar.' A female with a bloody nose thought as she laid on the ground.

She was slighty similar to Cailco, her talent was below average. She could be considered the 0.1 percent but she could still use it.

Ace's jacket cape fluttered, there was no wind. He was using his powers to swift some of the world's wind in his direction. He teleported in front the laid down women and carried her under the arm and near his side.

"Are you really going to hit a be-" A punch broke her nose and disfigurged his face before it was healed. She was sent into metal gates, she feel in a deep sleep.

"Justice…knows no gender!"

His fist curled and he sent a bullet like punch into the tummy of both the women.

Blood came out their mouth before he flew back in. There pain and positions had returned to exactly how they were before they were hit.

"It seems I hit you to hard, you coughed blood." Ace rewinded time in the area

"Don't worry. I will close your mouth's this time"

"Wai-" The womens mouth was shut of and cut doen like a tv

"Ace Series- Double Punch of justice!" He hit them both with extremely fast punchs, their face shattered before it was repaired

Ace put the female down

"Justice has been served! Hahahahahaha!" Ace flew away and vanished

The girl named Glory stood in silence before saying

"You have a rather evil way of fighting while talking about justice."