
Student! Hero! Villain! Package!

Cailco was a student at Cajin academy. Despite the world being full of people with the skill to wield Cajin, he was known as the 0.1% that couldn’t. People would laugh behind his back, but he didn’t care. He had grown used to insults at this point. However he truly did not know he was more special than anyone in the universe. He had three different persona’s. One couldn’t wield Cajin to his knowledge, The other was a hero of the hero of the world, and the last one was a Villain. They each had completetly different powers. If you were never told, you might have believed they were all different people with different stories to tell.

Though_that_then · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 1: Hero, Villain, Student

"He-Hero Ace!" The man said as he fell onto the floor and landing on his rear end

"So you know me?" The Young man called Ace said proudly

"I don't really care if you know me, but it does feel good to be noticed" Ace rubbed his nose with the back of his thumb

"Wa-it hero Ace!"

"Hmm, do you have something to say. It doesn't really matter what you say through. I will never agree, it doesn't matter how much you stall, a army wouldn't be enough to stop me from delivering my own set of justice to your injustice." Ace said as his all white jacket, that stood on his shoulders fluttered in the wind like hanging clothing left out to dry.

"…" What could the man say after that?

"Ahahaha! Did it leave you speechless? Believe it or not, I came up with it on the spot….Well whatever I'm wasting two much time on a Villain's right hand man.

The young man named Ace, with a white jacket that hung on his shoulders like glue pulled back his fist. Wind gathered in his fist and the air changed. His sky blue eyes turned golden for a moment. His grey hair turned to pure white before turning back grey. He smiled fainty and slammed his fist down.

"Fist Of The First One!" Ace yelled out as she punched the face of the sitting man downwards. They were on the top floor out of one hundred.

The punch distorted the air and sent the man straight down all hundred floors, and in front of the police officers waiting for him.

The man didn't die

Ace made sure to heal him every two floors he crashed. He was in a consant cycle of pain before he was healed.

Ace jumped up on top of the edge of the building

His shoulder jacket and white shirt with a dragon on hit fluttered in the wind

"Oooo man! The wind sure it strong today. Maybe I should you my power of imagination to create a super sonic hyper powered fan to change the wind on the entire earth!…No, that would be to selfish. Maybe I could just teleport me and the villain to a different universe so I can do it.

The Hero named Ace by the people was thinking of different scenes he could create with his power of Imagination.

He jumped off the building and flew away.

"Being a hero is more fun than being a Villain!"


"Hahahahaha! You trash think your entire army is entire army is enough to beat me? I'm the Ashen one" A young man with grey hair and red eyes said as he coutinued to laugh at the hundreds of people in front of him."

The most of the army of people shook in fear, who here hasn't heard the tales of the Ashen One?

"All of you waste heads should offer all of your assets to my hands, maybe they will hurt you less. Hahahahahaha!" The grey haired man laughed

"Aren't we both villains? Why are you doing this to yourself…Ashen One?

"Me? Aren't you the one's with the army of Cajin trash? Besides I work better alone. You all are three rate flings that don't understand the true meaning of Villain…Do you know why? Hahahahaha! Because there is no true meaning! Based on different people's point of views. Anyone could be a villain, it only matters how people see it blockheads." Ashen one said before he flexed his body and shot at the speed that back serveral sound barriers.

He swung down his arm and laughed, his hair turned black and his eyes turned pure white like a angels wings.


In a single swing of his arm more than eighty people flew hundreds of meters away in different directions. They skid on the ground and were sent into the surrounding building and made them collapse.

He stopped his dashed and used his momentum to jump in the air. He landed on the center of the shaken group. They all fell but one, the one who spoke out, the one the Ashen one purposely left from being half dead.

The other hundred where either in coma's or had death's sword near there throat.

Ashen one grabbed the large man by the throat and raised him in the air. The Ashen one's frail looking body could not be compared to his inhuman strength.

The Ashen one's hair and eyes had reverted back to his color he had before, Grey hair and red eyes.

"So…Did you enjoy seeing the power of a special grade villain?"

"Please-St-" His throat lose air

"Trash! Don't ignore the person who could crush you ant like life in a moment's notice. So smile and say you liked it."

The man forced a smile that distorted his face and he cried.

"I loved i-" His entire body was slammed into the ground.

Ashen one took his belongings and spit on his body.

"I said say you liked it"

The ashen one laughed as he walked off into the distance

"Being A Villain is more fun than being a hero!!"


"Cailco can you answer this question?" The beautiful teacher asked while looking at the grey haired young man with purple eyes. He was known as one of the only people in the world who couldn't use Cajin.

Classmates muttered as Cailco got up from his seat.

"Didn't he just come back? I heard he got into a fight with a bunch of Cajin users and somehow won."

"No way! Smarts, Looks, and fighting strength…he would look even better if he could use Cajin.

"I might try, but I don't want to get talked behind my back like him"

Cailco had took the chalk from the board and solved the easy formula. Even though Cajin existed people couldn't just forget about school. Cailco often first or sometimes second place in school rankings. Not because he was the smartest but because off his free time. While others trained Cajin, he cooped himself in his room while in doing self study by himself.

The teacher smiled and whispered in his ears

"Don't mind them. Good job, Cailco" The teacher smiled as she talked in a way that would make you think the two were student and teacher lovers.

"Thanks" Cailco said as he walked back to his seat