
Molly's new friend

"No" Molly replied smiling as she adjusted her position to suit her comfort

"Why?" she asked surprisingly as the question and answer section continued

"Because I had a beautiful encounter this morning" Molly replied and paused for a while "As we drove to this place in the police vehicle, I saw a badly disabled blind girl smiling and playing music with her untidied guitar on the pedestrian lane along Mamieu-Green. I drew my inspiration from her. Despite her life challenges, she still played music with so much hope neglecting all her difficulties" Molly narrated as she looked up the ceiling to remember vividly how it happened

"I decided to blame nobody for any situation I find myself in rather accommodate my pains and create my joy and happiness in it. No matter how bad it is" Molly added looking back at Olivia

"Wow, I will love to see her someday" Olivia replied feeling encouraged

"You will, I will show you to her" Molly assured as Olivia became gloomy

"Only if I will leave here, I miss my dad" she lamented bitterly

"Don't feel that way, you will definitely get out of here in due time" Molly consoled her convincingly

"Why are you here instead of the juvenile rehabilitation institute?" Molly asked curiously

"They said I need a lawyer" she replied frowning

"Ok, does your dad come to see you regularly?" Molly still inquired

"No, he is not allowed. Just Beatrice my dad's aunt" she replied

"Okay, cheer up. This isn't your fault. All will be well soon" Molly assured smiling

"Ok, thank you" she replied feeling better "Please be my friend?" Olivia asked childishly

"Sure, I'm your friend" Molly replied as they smiled at each other

"Your name?" she asked happily with bold smiles

"Oh, forgive me. I am Molly" Molly answered smiling

"Nice" Olivia said still smiling

Their friendship began flourishing rapidly. Although, they are separated from each other but it isn't a barrier to them. They connected with each other as if they knew themselves long time before meeting again in jail.

Olivia told her everything she knows about herself, school, and family. She could also tell her the size and length of her intestines if it was possible. Molly flowed with her level of understanding and mode of discussion with ease. She feels relaxed even though in jail, the loneliness that gripped her on her initial entrance into the cell disappeared as soon as she caught sight of Olivia.

Most of their discussion were based on question and answer setting to enable Olivia understand most things Molly said. As their discussion got intense so did happiness and freedom they are presently untitled to filled the air.

In as much as they reduced their vocal volume not to attract the attention of the police officers on duty. They still laugh out involuntarily and quickly cover their mouths in panic.

For the moments their cheerful discussion lasted, they forgot their captivity, all that mattered was just the sweet stories they told each other. Molly shared ugly experiences she had while growing up, not neglecting the intervention of her savior in all of them.

"Pox pushed my head into the ice-cream I was having for lunch" Molly shared sadly, smiling at the same time.

"Wow, that's unfair" she commented 

"Yeah, he was indeed a pox" Molly confirmed

"If I were you I would have beaten the hell out of the God forsaken bully" Olivia challenged proudly

"It's not that easy girl, he is tall, fat which made him look older and bigger than his age. Even though we were in the same class, I still feared his deep voiced orders. All thanks to Margie who surfaced from nowhere and beat him up mercilessly" Molly defended herself

"Yeah, Margie surely deserves an award" she venerated still not smiling

"More than an award. I believe she will soon be here" Molly concluded happily "That's only if they will allow her" she stated and paused for a while, moping at Molly sheepishly 

"What?" Molly asked captivatedly

"I'm imaging your face with patches of ice-cream. So weird" she replied as she bursts into laughter "Stop, you are beginning to be insolent" Molly warned reluctantly

"I'm sorry I can't help it" she said amidst laughter and suddenly stops to say something. "In my school, I do not bully and I don't tolerate bullies too" she praised herself

"Really, that's great" Molly congratulated smiling

"Yeah, kudos to my friends, Didi and Mark. They coached me in all street fighting techniques" she added confidently

"Didi and Mark deserves to be awarded too" Molly chipped in as she bursts into laughter, feeling she has gotten back to Olivia

"Yeah" Olivia replied frowning and feeling degraded

"I have other friends too" Molly spoke up as she noticed Olivia became icy

"What kind of friends? guardian angels?" She asked mockingly and laughed

"No, animal friends" Molly replied 

"Animal friends? how? Olivia asked amidst confusion. "Do speak with animals? do you understand them?" she added immediately as she knelt down holding two rods again

She innocently forwarded her questions because from her experience so far, she has seen humans communicate with animals only in cartoons. For Molly to have mentioned she has animal friends definitely means she is extraordinary. She quickly knelt down to look Molly in the eyes and discover her answer. Her inquisitiveness stiffed her posture and gaze as she awaited Molly's response

"Relax, they are just animal statues" Molly replied smiling

"Mteeew" she hissed heavily and sat down forcefully in disappointment

"What? Molly asked in surprise of the strange attitude "They keep me company, I talk to them when am depressed, though they don't talk back but I feel…" Molly explained

"Whatever you feel is abnormal" Olivia shouted as she interrupted Molly to her surprise "How do you talk to animals?" she asked strangely expecting no answer "I understand you are obsessed with animals but talking to them is totally ridiculous and unimaginable" she added as Molly laughed hardly

"What?" she questioned meanly

"Come on it is my life and has absolutely nothing to do with whatever you think. To increase your pain, I also named them; Chokey, Giant tiger and Cat" Molly bragged as Olivia covered her ears with her hands to show loss of interest.